3 research outputs found

    Mitogenic Properties Of Lectin From Mucuna Sloanei Seed Extracts

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    Mitogenic properties of lectin from mucuna sloanei seed extracts were studied. The seeds of mucuna sloanie were shelled and ground using an electric grinder. The powder meal was then defatted with petroleum ether, and adjusted to 10 %( w/v) in potassium inorganic phosphates k-pi (A) buffer (pH 7.5). The suspension was then filtered and clarified by centrifugation. The supernatant (crude extract) was then acidified and centrifuged at 4000 Ð¥ g for 30 minutes. The supernatant generated was recovered. The materials were then extensively dialyzed, first against water and then against k-pi (A) buffer. Aliquots of the final dialysate were  serially diluted (2-fold steps) in k-pi (A) buffer and used for haemagglutination assay and immunological parameters (i.e. percentages lymphocytes eosinophils, monocytes, basophiles, and neutrophils). The results showed that the isolated lectin from mucona sloanei seedsextracts agglutinated human ABO, goat and chicken red blood cells, but did not agglutinate those of cow. It was also observed that the physicochemical properties of the lectin did not affect agglutination by variation of the pH of the medium or affected by temperature. The results of the immunological parameters showed that there were significant(p<0.05) increases in the values of the immunological parameters relative to those seen in the controls. This study, suggest that the isolated lectin from mucona sloanei seeds possesses mitogenic properties, and may be useful in the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases such as blood typing disorders and obesity

    Effect Of Aspartame And Sucrose On Some Biochemical And Haematological Parameters In Wistar Albino Rats

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    Effect of aspartame and sucrose on some biochemical and haematological parameters in wistar albino rats was studied. Sixteen rats were randomly assigned into four study groups. The rats in group 1, received a placebo of 5.0ml distilled water via gastric intubation. The animals in groups 2 through 4 were treated with 100mg aspartame/kg, 100mg sucrose/kg, or a combination of 100mg aspartame/kg + 100mg sucrose/kg, respectively, in a total volume of 5.0ml vehicle. The experiment lasted for 30days. One day after the final exposure, the animals were euthanized by inhalation of overdose of chloroform. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture into EDTA sterilized sample bottles. Protein free blood was prepared and used for the analysis of glucose while whole blood was used for hemoglobin andhematocrit analysis; serum was prepared by centrifugation and used for serum total protein levels. The brain of each rat was also harvested and processed into whole homogenate and used for the analysis of brain tryptophan and phenylalanine levels. The results showed that consumption of aspartame and sucrose inhibited protein and leukocytes synthesis, resulting in anemia, and bone marrow hypoplasia, and DNA dysfunction. The results also showed that aspartame and sucrose consumption inhibited hexokinase, resulting in inhibition of glucose uptake by hepatic tissues, leading to hypoglycemia, which has been linked with aggressive and violent behaviours, diverse personality, and psychiatric disorders such as neuroses, panic attacks, agoraphobia and schizophrenic episodes as well as neuronal disorders. The alterations had led to changes in behaviours including aggressive and violent behaviours .those foods seemed greatly to increase their restless and destructive behaviour of susceptible individuals

    Effect Of Ginger Extract On Gasoline Associated Immunitoxicities In Wistar Rats

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    Effect of ginger extracts on gasoline associated immunotoxicities in wistar rats was studied. Fifteen wistar rats were randomly assigned into three study groups. Group 1 was the control, while groups 2 and 3 received daily treatment by inhalation of gasoline vapour. The animals in group3 were also treated with 100mg ginger/kg body weight. The experiment lasted for 60 days. One day after the final exposure, the animals were euthanized by overdose of chloroform. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture into EDTA sterilized sample bottles and used for the analysis of hemoglobin(Hb),packed cell volume(PCV),red blood cells(RBC),white blood cells and erythrocyte indices-mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH),mean corpuscular hemoglobinconcentration(MCHC). The results showed that gasoline alone decreased the levels of Hb, RBC, WBC, PCV, MCV and MCHC, but it had no significant effect on the MCH of the rats. However, treatments with ginger extracts nearcompletely abrogated /mitigated any effects that have been induced by inhalation of gasoline alone. It appears that ginger extracts inhibited the chain reaction, caused by free radicals, and acted to remove the catabolic wastes from the lymphocytes and reticulocytes, thereby accelerating metabolism and lymph drainage. It also appears that gingerextracts promoted the sloughing-off of wasted tissues and corrected the imbalance of elevated inflammatory prostaglandins, leading to increased erythrocytes synthesis and improved immune system