7 research outputs found

    Comparing the efficacy and safety of faecal microbiota transplantation with bezlotoxumab in reducing the risk of recurrent Clostridium difficile infections:a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

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    The risk of recurrent Clostridium difficile infections (RCDIs) is high when treated with standard antibiotics therapy (SAT) alone. It is suggested that the addition of faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) or bezlotoxumab after SAT reduces the risk of RCDI. In the absence of head-to-head randomised controlled trials (RCTs), this review attempts to compare the efficacy and safety of bezlotoxumab with FMT in reducing the risk of RCDI in hospitalised patients.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Managing infectious diarrhea among young children in community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia and the implications for AMR

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    Introduction: Diarrhea remains a major global health issue for children under five, contributing substantially to morbidity and mortality. Community pharmacists play a pivotal role in the management of these children; however, their competence in managing childhood diarrhea in Saudi Arabia is under-researched. This is important to ensure optimal patient care. Method: Simulated patients (SPs) presenting with three pediatric diarrhea scenarios were used to evaluate pharmacists’ practice in terms of their counselling, history taking, over-the-counter (OTC) prescribing, medication instructions, diet/fluid advice, and/or information provision. Pharmacists’ practice was categorized into adequate, less adequate, and poor. Results: 182 community pharmacists, primarily male and non-Saudi, participated in the study, of which 60% were in chain pharmacies. Only 5% showed adequate practice in currently managing pediatric diarrhea. Of the 182 simulated patient visits, 62% received medication in all three scenarios and 20% were referred to physicians, with 16% of pharmacists failing to provide any form of intervention. The main medications recommended were kaolin (34%), pectin (34%) and metronidazole (11%). While most pharmacists (86%) asked about the patient's identity and age, 15% provided incorrect management information, 16% failed to provide guidance on the prescribed medicines, and 18% dispensed antimicrobials without a valid prescription. Conclusion: A high level of inadequate management of pediatric diarrhea in Saudi Arabia was observed. This highlights the need for extensive training to improve community pharmacists’ practice in service delivery including providing counselling and advice on the appropriate management of childhood diarrhea. The latter is particularly important to reduce antimicrobial resistance

    Managing infectious diarrhea among young children in community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia and the implications for AMR

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    IntroductionDiarrhea remains a major global health issue for children under five, contributing substantially to morbidity and mortality. Community pharmacists play a pivotal role in the management of these children; however, their competence in managing childhood diarrhea in Saudi Arabia is under-researched. This is important to ensure optimal patient care.MethodSimulated patients (SPs) presenting with three pediatric diarrhea scenarios were used to evaluate pharmacists’ practice in terms of their counselling, history taking, over-the-counter (OTC) prescribing, medication instructions, diet/fluid advice, and/or information provision. Pharmacists’ practice was categorized into adequate, less adequate, and poor.Results182 community pharmacists, primarily male and non-Saudi, participated in the study, of which 60% were in chain pharmacies. Only 5% showed adequate practice in currently managing pediatric diarrhea. Of the 182 simulated patient visits, 62% received medication in all three scenarios and 20% were referred to physicians, with 16% of pharmacists failing to provide any form of intervention. The main medications recommended were kaolin (34%), pectin (34%) and metronidazole (11%). While most pharmacists (86%) asked about the patient's identity and age, 15% provided incorrect management information, 16% failed to provide guidance on the prescribed medicines, and 18% dispensed antimicrobials without a valid prescription.ConclusionA high level of inadequate management of pediatric diarrhea in Saudi Arabia was observed. This highlights the need for extensive training to improve community pharmacists’ practice in service delivery including providing counselling and advice on the appropriate management of childhood diarrhea. The latter is particularly important to reduce antimicrobial resistance

    CaracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas, microbiologĂ­a y resultados de una cohorte de pacientes tratados con ceftolozane/tazobactam en centros de hospitalizaciĂłn de cuidados agudos, Houston, Texas, EE.UU

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    Antecedentes Ceftolozane/tazobactam es una combinación de β-lactámico/β-inhibidor de lactamasa con actividad contra una variedad de bacterias Gram-negativas, incluyendo Pseudomonas aeruginosa MDR. Este agente está aprobado para la neumonía bacteriana adquirida en el hospital y asociada a la ventilación mecánica. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los datos de resultados en el mundo real proceden de pequeñas cohortes observacionales. Por lo tanto, se trató de evaluar la utilización de ceftolozane/tazobactam en múltiples hospitales terciarios en Houston, TX, EE.UU.. Métodos Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo multicéntrico de pacientes que recibieron al menos 48 h de terapia con ceftolozano/tazobactam desde enero de 2016 hasta septiembre de 2019 en dos sistemas hospitalarios en Houston. Se recopilaron datos demográficos, clínicos y microbiológicos, incluido el aislado bacteriano infectante, cuando estaba disponible. El resultado primario fue el éxito clínico compuesto al alta hospitalaria. Los resultados secundarios incluyeron la mortalidad intrahospitalaria y la disposición clínica a los 14 y 30 días después del inicio de ceftolozane/tazobactam. Se utilizó un análisis de regresión logística multivariable para identificar los factores predictivos del resultado primario y la mortalidad. Los aislados recuperados se sometieron a pruebas de sensibilidad a ceftolozano/tazobactam y a WGS. Resultados Se incluyó a un total de 263 pacientes, y se alcanzó el éxito clínico compuesto en 185 pacientes (70,3%). La gravedad de la enfermedad fue el factor predictivo más consistente del éxito clínico. El tratamiento combinado con ceftolozane/tazobactam y otro agente Gram negativo activo se asoció a una reducción de las probabilidades de éxito clínico (OR 0,32; IC del 95%: 0,16-0,63). Se observó resistencia a ceftolozano/tazobactam en el 15,4% de los aislados disponibles para WGS; las mutaciones en ampC y ftsI fueron frecuentes pero no se agruparon con una ST concreta. Conclusiones La tasa de éxito clínico entre esta cohorte de pacientes tratados con ceftolozane/tazobactam fue similar en comparación con experiencias anteriores. Ceftolozane/tazobactam sigue siendo un agente alternativo para el tratamiento de aislados susceptibles de P. aeruginosaBackground Ceftolozane/tazobactam is a β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combination with activity against a variety of Gram-negative bacteria, including MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This agent is approved for hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia. However, most real-world outcome data come from small observational cohorts. Thus, we sought to evaluate the utilization of ceftolozane/tazobactam at multiple tertiary hospitals in Houston, TX, USA. Methods We conducted a multicentre retrospective study of patients receiving at least 48 h of ceftolozane/tazobactam therapy from January 2016 through to September 2019 at two hospital systems in Houston. Demographic, clinical and microbiological data were collected, including the infecting bacterial isolate, when available. The primary outcome was composite clinical success at hospital discharge. Secondary outcomes included in-hospital mortality and clinical disposition at 14 and 30 days post ceftolozane/tazobactam initiation. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of the primary outcome and mortality. Recovered isolates were tested for susceptibility to ceftolozane/tazobactam and underwent WGS. Results A total of 263 patients were enrolled, and composite clinical success was achieved in 185 patients (70.3%). Severity of illness was the most consistent predictor of clinical success. Combination therapy with ceftolozane/tazobactam and another Gram-negative-active agent was associated with reduced odds of clinical success (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.16–0.63). Resistance to ceftolozane/tazobactam was noted in 15.4% of isolates available for WGS; mutations in ampC and ftsI were common but did not cluster with a particular ST. Conclusions Clinical success rate among this patient cohort treated with ceftolozane/tazobactam was similar compared with previous experiences. Ceftolozane/tazobactam remains an alternative agent for treatment of susceptible isolates of P. aeruginosa

    Evaluating preceptorship during advanced pharmacy practice experiences in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Introduction: Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) programs offer students’ academic coursework and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs). APPEs are crucial for students, providing hands-on training in practice settings and enhancing clinical skills and decision-making abilities. Nevertheless, successful APPEs relies mainly on preceptorship. Hence, this study aims to evaluate preceptorship during APPEs in one of the non-major cities in Saudi Arabia. Method: A Cross-Sectional survey study was conducted among 40 PharmD students at Taibah University's College of Pharmacy which involved two telephone interviews conducted seven months apart. The survey instrument consisted of 46 questions divided into eight sections which covered various aspects such as demographics, clarity of rotation objectives, clinical and communication skills, assessment of the training and learning opportunities, preceptors' feedback and evaluation, interaction with patients, healthcare providers, and preceptors. Descriptive statistics and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were utilized to analyze the collected data and to assess the internal consistency of the multi-item Likert questions. Results: Preceptors were predominantly male, aged 26–35, with extensive experience in pharmacy practice and mentorship, yet they lacked specialized post-graduate training or education certification. Almost 50% of the preceptors exhibited competence in pharmacotherapy-related science, demonstrated a willingness to teach students and acknowledged the students’ knowledge and skills. Furthermore, most of the students reported understanding of the APPEs objectives as the internship progressed. However, only 15% of late rotation participants strongly agreed on the safety of the learning environment, adequate time and regular contact with their preceptors. Starkly, only 3.0% of early rotation students and 6.1% of late rotation students strongly agreed with the improvement of their written and verbal communications. Conclusion: This study reported a noted decline in perceived learning support and environment safety as the APPEs’ year progressed. Feedback and communication skills development were areas of concern, with limited satisfaction reported. The study highlights regional disparities in training quality, emphasizing the need for structured learning experiences and re-evaluation of preceptorship. Future research should aim to better understand the challenges associated with APPEs in non-major cities and rural areas, thereby making significant contributions to the enhancement of the pharmacy profession

    The Significance of Bayesian Pharmacokinetics in Dosing for Critically Ill Patients: A Primer for Clinicians Using Vancomycin as an Example

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    Antibiotic use is becoming increasingly challenging with the emergence of multidrug-resistant organisms. Pharmacokinetic (PK) alterations result from complex pathophysiologic changes in some patient populations, particularly those with critical illness. Therefore, antibiotic dose individualization in such populations is warranted. Recently, there have been advances in dose optimization strategies to improve the utilization of existing antibiotics. Bayesian-based dosing is one of the novel approaches that could help clinicians achieve target concentrations in a greater percentage of their patients earlier during therapy. This review summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of current approaches to antibiotic dosing, with a focus on critically ill patients, and discusses the use of Bayesian methods to optimize vancomycin dosing. The Bayesian method of antibiotic dosing was developed to provide more precise predictions of drug concentrations and target achievement early in therapy. It has benefits such as the incorporation of personalized PK/PD parameters, improved predictive abilities, and improved patient outcomes. Recent vancomycin dosing guidelines emphasize the importance of using the Bayesian method. The Bayesian method is able to achieve appropriate antibiotic dosing prior to the patient reaching the steady state, allowing the patient to receive the right drug at the right dose earlier in therapy

    Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at a maternity and children hospital in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) pathogens are considered a serious global health threat, leading to increased mortality and antimicrobial resistance. Rates in Saudi Arabia remain high, necessitating continuous surveillance. This study investigates MRSA prevalence and susceptibility at a Saudi maternity and children's hospital. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on pediatric (<18 years) and maternal patients with S. aureus infection from Jan. 2020 to March. 2022. Bacterial strains were obtained from patient’s clinical specimens and was identified by standard method. The BD Phoenix™ M50 was used for antibiotic susceptibility tests and MRSA detection. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi-square test) with SPSS software. Results: Out of 152 S. aureus cases, 114/152 (75 %) were pediatric and 38/152 (25 %) were maternal patients. The overall MRSA infection was 69/152 (45.4 %). Among pediatrics, 31/54 (57.4 %) MRSA cases were female; over 30/54 (56 %) were under 1 year old; and most MRSA infections were obtained from skin 29/54 (53.7 %) compared to other sites of infections (p = 0.024). Among maternal cases, 15/38 (39.5 %) were MRSA, primarily from wound infections 14/15 (93.3 %) compared to other sites of infections (p = 0.39). All MRSA isolates were sensitive to vancomycin and linezolid. While 51/60(85 %) were sensitive to Trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole. Conclusion: This investigation found a high prevalence of MRSA among pediatrics and maternal inpatients, indicating a significant burden. All MRSA isolates were susceptible to vancomycin but demonstrated variable sensitivity to other antibiotics. These findings highlight the need for ongoing surveillance, infection control strategies, and research into alternative treatment options to combat this major public health threat