28 research outputs found

    Impact of Hemoglobin Concentration on Plasma B-type Natriuretic Peptid Level and Left Ventricle Echocardiographics Characteristics in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

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    Anemia is common in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and contributes to cardiovascular alterations. Recent findings suggest that B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a sensitive biomarker for left ventricular dysfunction, but relationship between hemoglobin and BNP in CKD patients is unclear. Hemoglobin, plasma BNP and serum creatinine levels were measured in 49 patients with CKD (without heart failure), divided in two groups according to the hemoglobin status (cut-off point 110 g/L). All patients underwent echocardiography in order to assess left ventricular (LV) morphology and function. The results showed that in the group of patients with hemoglobin levels under 110 g/L BNP levels were significantly elevated (p<0.001), as well as left ventricular mass index (p<0.001). Systolic and diastolic LV function were significantly better in patients with hemoglobin levels above 110 g/L (p<0.001). Hemoglobin levels were inversely related to BNP values (r=–0.451, p<0.001). Significantly negative correlation between BNP level and creatinine clearance (p=0.009), and significantly positive correlation between BNP level and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) were established. A similar but positive relationship was observed between hemoglobin levels and creatinine clearance (p<0.01). We established statistically significant negative correlation between hemoglobin levels and LVMI (r=–0.564, p<0.001). In conclusion, BNP and hemoglobin levels depend on the renal function. Anemia may contribute to elevated BNP levels in CKD patients, and may represent an important confounder of the relationship between BNP and cardiac alteration in these patients

    The Value of Serum Thyreoglobulin Levels and Whole Body (I-131) Scintigraphy in the Follow-Up of the Thyroid Cancer Patients after Thyroidectomy

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    Serum thyreoglobulin (Tg) and whole body scintigraphy (I-131 WBS) have been used to detect recurrent and metastatic thyroid cancers postoperatively. However, discordant results of Tg measurement and 131I WBS have been reported. Negative 131IWBS and a positive Tg test are usually found, but less common occurrence of positive 131IWBS and a negative Tg test has also been demonstrated in a small but significant number of cases. Therefore, the aim of the study was to retrospectively analyse patients with positive 131I WBS after total thyreoidectomy and again 1 year after the radioactive iodine. There were 52 patients included in the study. Four weeks after surgery, during which thyroid hormone treatment was not introduced, each patient received an ablative dose of 131I. The evaluation of the WBS was qualitative and considered positive if thyroid remnant, lymphatic node or metastasis were detected. WBS and serum Tg was measured 12 months after 131I ablation with thyroid hormone suppression. We considered positive any Tg level above the sensitivity values and negative if lower than this level. Tg levels were related to the existence of a positive scan or a negative one. In our 52 WBS positive patients concordant positive Tg levels were observed in 42 patients while in 10 patients we found a negative Tg levels after the surgery. After 1-year follow-up, out of initially 42 concordant patients 8 patients showed remaining concordant positive Tg and WBS values. Discordant results were observed in 13 patients (4 patients were Tgand WBS+ while 9 patients were Tg+ and WBS-). In the majority of patients (50%) remained with concordant results but changed from Tg+ and WBS+ to Tg- and WBS-. Diagnostic WBS is an additional valuable tool, besides Tg levels, in the follow up of patients after total thyreoidectomy

    Spirulina Platensis Protects Against Renal Injury in Rats with Gentamicin-Induced Acute Tubular Necrosis

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the renoprotective antioxidant effect of Spirulina platensis on gentamicin-induced acute tubular necrosis in rats. Albino-Wistar rats, (9male and 9 female), weighing approximately 250 g, were used for this study. Rats were randomly assigned to three equal groups. Control group received 0,9 % sodium chloride intraperitoneally for 7 days at the same volume as gentamicin group. Gentamicin group was treated intraperitoneally with gentamicin, 80mg/kg daily for 7 days. Gentamicin+spirulina group received Spirulina platensis 1000 mg/kg orally 2 days before and 7 days concurrently with gentamicin (80mg/kg i.p.). Nephrotoxicity was assessed by measuring plasma nitrite concentration, stabile metabolic product of nitric oxide with oxygen. Plasma nitrite concentration was determined by colorimetric method using Griess reaction. For histological analysis kidney specimens were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain. Plasma nitrite concentration and the level of kidney damage were significantly higher in gentamicin group in comparison both to the control and gentamicin+spirulina group. Spirulina platensis significantly lowered the plasma nitrite level and attenuated histomorphological changes related to renal injury caused by gentamicin. Thus, the results from present study suggest that Spirulina platensis has renoprotective potential in gentamicin-induced acute tubular necrosis possibly due to its antioxidant properties


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    The aim of this study was to investigate possible differences in blood glucose levels between male and female rats immediately after acute bout of forced swimming exercise. Adult male Wistar rats (weight 300- 350 g) were divided into two groups by gender: males (n =8) and females (n =8). All the rats were given standard rat chow and tap water ad libitum and were housed at 25±3o C on a 12-hour dark/light cycle. Both groups of rats were exposed to forced swimming stress daily, for 6 days. Duration of each swimming session progressively increased from 5 minutes on the first day to 30 minutes on sixth day, allowing adaptation to swimming conditions. The rats were forced to swim in plastic tanks (90 cm wide, 120 cm deep) containing tap water (temperature ca. 25 degrees C). The depth of water was 40 cm. Seventh day we performed acute bout of 40 minutes swimming exercise. Animals were fasted 12 hours before start of last swimming sessions to obtain fasting blood glucose levels. Preexercise blood samples were taken immediately before last swimming session (7th day) and postexercise samples immediately after the last swimming session from rat\u27s tail vein. Glucose levels in blood were determined using Optium Xceed™ Diabetes Monitoring System (Abbot). Before last swimming session male rats had slightly lower glucose levels in comparation with female rats, but this difference was not statistically significant (3.77vs4.64 mmol/l). Acute bout of forced swimming exercise raised blood glucose level and established values in postexercise period were significantly higher in both study group in comparation to values before exercise. Male rats had greater postexercise glucose blood levels (11.85 mmol/l) in comparation with female rats (6.26 mmol/l). Our findings document the existence of gender impact on the glucose postexercise concentrations confirming the differences in the energy substrates utilization and glucose metabolism regulation during and after exercise.Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti moguće razlike razine glukoze u krvi izmeðu muških i ženskih štakora odmah nakon akutnog opterećenja vježbom forsiranog plivanja.: Odraslih muški štakori soja Wistar (prosječne mase 300-350 g) su bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine po spolu: muški (n= 8) i ženski (n = 8). Svi štakori su dobili standardnu, komercijalnu hranu za štakore i vodu iz slavine ad libitum, a bili su smješteni na 25 ± 3 ° C na 12- satnom tamno / svijetlo ciklusu. Obje skupine štakora bila su izložene vježbama forsiranog plivanja,dnevno u trajanju od 6 dana. Trajanje svake sesije plivanja postupno se povećavalo sa 5 minuta prvog dana do 30 minuta šestog dana , čime se postigla prilagodba životinja na uslove plivanja. Sedmi dan smo izveli akutno opterećenje 40 minutnog forsiranog plivanja. Štakori su plivali u plastičnim spremnicima (90 cm širine, 120 cm dubine) koji su sadržavali vodu iz slavine (temperature približno 25 stupnjeva C). Dubina vode iznosila je 40 cm. Životinjama nismo davali hranu 12 sati prije početka posljednje sesije plivanja kako bi dobili razine glukoze u krvi natašte. Uzorci krvi za odreðivaje glukoze uzeti su neposredno prije posljednje sesije plivanja (7.dan) i neposredno nakon posljednje sesije plivanja iz repne vene štakora. Razine glukoze u krvi utvrðene su pomoću Optium ™ Xceed Dijabetes sustava praćenja (Abbot) . U uzetim uzorcima krvi neposredno prije posljedenje sesije plivanja utvrðene su nešto niže razine glukoze kod muških u usporedbi s ženskim štakorima, ali ta razlika nije bila statistički značajna (3.77vs4.64 mmol /l). Akutno opterećenje vježbom forsiranog plivanja podiglo je razinu glukoze u krvi i srednje vrijednosti u uzorku uzetom neposredno nakon posljednje sesije plivanja bile su značajno više u obje skupine u usporedbi s vrijednostima prije vježbanja. Muški štakori imali su značajno veću razinu glukoze u krvi (11,85mmol / L) u usporedbi sa ženskim štakorima (6,26 mmol / L). Naši rezultati ukazuju na uticaj spola na razinu glukoze nakon fizičkog opterećenja potvrðujući spolne razlike u iskorištavanju energetskog supstrata i i regulaciji metabolizma glukoze u toku i nakon vježbanja

    Chronic Kidney Disease and Endothelium

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    The endothelial cell layer is responsible for molecular traffic between the blood and surrounding tissue, and endothelial integrity plays a pivotal role in many aspects of vascular function. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main cause of death in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its incidence and severity increase in direct proportion with kidney function decline. Non-traditional risk factors for CVDs, including endothelial dysfunction (ED), are highly prevalent in this population and play an important role in cardiovascular (CV) events. ED is the first step in the development of atherosclerosis and its severity has prognostic value for CV events. Several risk markers have been associated with ED. Reduced bioavailability of nitric oxide plays a central role, linking kidney disease to ED, atherosclerosis, and CV events. Inflammation, loss of residual renal function, and insulin resistance are closely related to ED in CKD. ED may be followed by structural damage and remodelling that can precipitate both bleeding and thrombotic events. The endothelium plays a main role in vascular tone and metabolic pathways. ED is the first, yet potentially reversible step in the development of atherosclerosis and its severity has prognostic value for CV events

    The utility of procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide for the bone status assessment in postmenopausal women

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    The utility of procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide (P1NP) in the management of metabolic bone diseases remains a subject of debate since the reference ranges are not rigorously established and fail to account for many of the preanalytical variables. We aimed to establish reference intervals for P1NP level in healthy and osteoporotic postmenopausal females stratified by age, body mass index and menopausal duration. We also aimed to assess the relationship between P1NP and BMD. This cross-sectional study enrolled 183 postmenopausal females who were divided in osteoporosis group (N=93) and control group (N=90) with preserved bone mass based on BMD assessed by DXA. In the osteoporosis group median P1NP was significantly higher (51.7 ng / mL; 95%CI 43.2-53.7) compared to control group (38.9 ng/mL; 95%CI 34.2-43.9)(p<0.01). After controlling for age, BMI and years since menopause, there was significant inverse association between BMD and P1NP at the femoral neck (r=-0.18), total hip (r=-0.207) and lumbar spine (r=-0.236). There was no significant difference in P1NP concentration across quartiles of age in postmenopausal females. P1NP was significantly lower in obese postmenopausal females with preserved bone mass compared to normal weight and overweight females in control and in osteoporosis group. In conclusion, we showed that P1NP is inversely associated with BMD even after controlling for age, BMI and years since menopause. Although, P1NP is significantly higher in postmenopausal females with osteoporosis compared to postmenopausal females with preserved bone mass its low specificity does not warrant its utility is diagnosing osteoporosis

    B-type natriuretic peptide and adiponectin releases in rat model of myocardial damage induced by isoproterenol administration

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    B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and adiponectin play important role in the cardiovascular homeostasis regulation. We investigated BNP and adiponectin serum levels followed by isoproterenol (ISO) administration to rats and explored the relationship between them. Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) blood level was used as biochemical evidence of myocardial damage development. Adult male Wistar rats (average body weight 273.33 ± 21.63 g) were distributed into groups: control group received saline (n=6) and ISO groups (n=12) treated with ISO (subcutaneous single dose 100 mg/kg of rat body weight). ISO group was divided into two groups according to the time of BNP, adiponectin and cTnI determination: ISO I (n=6; 2 hours after ISO administration); ISO II (n=6; 4 hours after ISO administration). Blood for determination of parameters was taken from rat abdominal aorta. BNP, adiponectin and cTnI were determined by ELISA method. Data were statistically analysed by using SPSS version 13 computer program. P value less 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Blood BNP and adiponectin were lower at 2 hours after ISO administration in comparison with control group (p=0.004 for BNP and p=0.174 for adiponectin). Four hours after ISO administration, we have noted significant elevation of both parameters compared to ISO I group (p=0.004 for BNP; p=0.02 for adiponectin). Test of correlation have showed significant relation between their blood levels during experimental period (rho=0.577; p=0.01). BNP and adiponectin are not simple indicators of myocardial damage development. They have possible associated and additive effects in cardiovascular homeostasis regulation

    The utility of procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide for the bone status assessment in postmenopausal women

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    The utility of procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide (P1NP) in the management of metabolic bone diseases remains a subject of debate since the reference ranges are not rigorously established and fail to account for many of the preanalytical variables. We aimed to establish reference intervals for P1NP level in healthy and osteoporotic postmenopausal females stratified by age, body mass index and menopausal duration. We also aimed to assess the relationship between P1NP and BMD. This cross-sectional study enrolled 183 postmenopausal females who were divided in osteoporosis group (N=93) and control group (N=90) with preserved bone mass based on BMD assessed by DXA. In the osteoporosis group median P1NP was significantly higher (51.7 ng / mL; 95%CI 43.2-53.7) compared to control group (38.9 ng/mL; 95%CI 34.2-43.9)(p<0.01). After controlling for age, BMI and years since menopause, there was significant inverse association between BMD and P1NP at the femoral neck (r=-0.18), total hip (r=-0.207) and lumbar spine (r=-0.236). There was no significant difference in P1NP concentration across quartiles of age in postmenopausal females. P1NP was significantly lower in obese postmenopausal females with preserved bone mass compared to normal weight and overweight females in control and in osteoporosis group. In conclusion, we showed that P1NP is inversely associated with BMD even after controlling for age, BMI and years since menopause. Although, P1NP is significantly higher in postmenopausal females with osteoporosis compared to postmenopausal females with preserved bone mass its low specificity does not warrant its utility is diagnosing osteoporosis

    Serum Growth Hormone and Glucose Levels in Acute Exercise and in the Recovery Period in Athletes

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    Growth hormone exerts several metabolic effects, including effects on proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Among the many metabolic activities of GH, two contradictory actions were described: acute and early insulin-like activity and chronic and late anti-insulin like activity also called diabetogenic activity. A dramatic increase in plasma concentration of GH was found during endurance exercise, but its role during exercise is not well known. According to its metabolic effects a possible role of growth hormone may be in maintenance of glucose level during exercise. The aim of this study was to analyze dynamics of changes in GH and glucose levels during acute workload and in the recovery period, in a group of well trained athletes. All the subjects exercised for 30 minutes on cycle ergometer in sitting position (work intensity 50% of VO2 max, RPM 60/min). Serum GH concentrations were measured by IRMA (immunoradiometric assays) method in blood samples obtained at rest and 6-min intervals during exercise, and 15-min intervals during recovery period. Serum glucose levels were determined by standard enzymatic method glucose oxidase (GOD PAP) at the same intervals. There were no correlations between serum GH and glucose levels either during exercise or in the recovery period. There were no differences between glucose levels during exercise, so we can not exclude possible role of GH in glucose concentration maintenance