8 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kejadian Parasit Anisakis SP. pada Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) dan Ikan Tongkol (Auxis Thazard) yang Dijual di Tempat Penjualan Ikan Pasir Panjang Kota Kupang

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    Fish as a source of nutrients for the content of high value and high protein, omega 3, minerals and vitamins A and D for humans as well as human resources for the economy. Various species of tuna can be found in almost all waters of NTT, as a migration destination of the various species of tuna. Various species of marine fish known as intermediate host of different species of parasites, including nematodes Anisakis Anisakiasis which is the causative agent in humans. Anisakiasis can occur in humans after consumption of raw or undercooked fish infected by Anisakis sp, particularly in East Nusa Tenggara, the information about the fish Anisakis infection has not been reported and not well documented. Because it was in doing this research, conducted by collecting larvae of nematodes of the two species of tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna (Auxis thazard) from the sale of fish Pasir Panjang Kota Kupang. Organs are examined, namely the abdominal cavity, internal organs and muscle tissue. The larvae of nematodes be identified morphologically showed Anisakis sp, then separated for the calculation of Anisakis larvae. Parasites in fiksasi in 70% alcohol, followed by coloring Carmine, and the calculation of Anisakis larvae. The morphology, Anisakis sp. can be distinguished by other parasites by their ventriculus and mukron are clearly visible on Anisakis sp. under a stereo microscope. Anisakis sp . Found from the swordfish and fish skipjack all of them including Anisakis type i characterized by the presence of boring tooth on the tip of the anterior and mukron the percentage. Where as prevalence of the parasite Anisakis sp. on skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) that of 50 samples that were observed, as many as 8 samples were infected with Anisakis sp. with a prevalence of 16% value. While the tuna (Auxis thazard) of the 50 samples was observed, which infected 10 samples with grades prevalence of 20%

    Status Resistensi Vektor Filariasis terhadap Insektisida Bendiocarb Asal Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya

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    The aim of this study is to know resistance status of filariasis vectors from Southwest Sumba to bendiocarb 0,1% insecticide. Sampling was carried out in 4 sub-districts from 11 sub-districts. The larvae were collected randomly from water containers. The collected larvae was than taken to laboratory to be maintaned until became fully grown mosquitos. As many as 25 adult mosquitos that have been took were identified to ascertain the type of mosquito suspected to be a filariasis vectors. Test of resistance to bendiocarb 0,1% was done using impregnated paper refers to the WHO method. In this test the sample was divided into two groups, namely the test group and the control group with each sample group used was 25 mosquito. The test results were obtained by counting the number of mosquitoes that knock down mosquitoes and dead mosquitoes. The test observations were recorded every 15 minutes on the first 1 hour then the observation continued for 24 post holding. The result shows that filariasis vectors from Southwest Sumba is resisten to bendiocarb 0,1% insecticide with the average percentage of deaths mosquitos of 70,27%

    Aktivitas Ekstrak Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Sebagai Larvasida Terhadap Aedes Aegypti Di Kecamatan Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease that is found in some tropical and subtropical regions. This disease is caused by dengue virus and is transmitted to humans through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. the solution taken in controlling DHF is to break the life cycle of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Vector control is generally carried out using synthetic larvicides, namely abate / temefos, but the use of abate can cause residues, environmental pollution, poisoning and resistance of the eradicated vectors so that natural larvasides from plants are needed namely temulawak rhizome (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) for vector control. The purpose of this study was to determine whether temulawak rhizome extract was effective or not in killing Aedes aegypti larvae. This research method includes larva collection, identification and maintenance of mosquitoes, determining sample size, making extracts and testing effectiveness. This study used a control and experiment group with 3 repetitions in the minutes to 15, 30, 45, 60 and 1440 (24 Hours). The control group was positive control using abate and negative control using aquades while the eksperiment group used extract of temulawak rhizome (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) with concentrations of 0.6%, 0.8%, 1%, 1.2% and 1.5%. The results of this study indicate that the temulawak rhizome extract (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) effective as larvicides because at the lowest concentration 0.6% can kill 100% Aedes aegypti larvae

    Aktivitas Bioinsektisida Ekstrak Daun Maja (Crencentia Cujete Linn.) Terhadap Rhipicephalus Sanguineus Dari Anjing Lokal

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    Brown tick, Rhicephalus sanguineus generally known as a very adaptive tick, is widely spread on tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions, and infested dogs living on not only rural but urban areas. Synthetic acaricides are the most widely control measures. However, with the development of tick resistance, plant-derived components are highly investigated. The present study aims to investigate the activity of Crecentia cujete Linn. leaves extract on R. sanguineus. Fifty adult R. sanguineus were collected from local dogs and used in this study. Ticks are divided into the control and treatment groups. Aquadest and deltamethrin were sprayed to ticks in the negative and positive control groups, respectively. The three treatment groups were given maja leaves extract of 2.5%, 5%, and 10%. The tick mortality was observed for 12 hours of exposure to the extracts. All extracts exhibited similar lethal effects on R. sanguineus with total mortality (100%) after 4 hours exposure, compared to the standard therapy. The highest extract concentration (10%) reduces ticks Faster compare to other concentrations. Thus, this study suggests that strong acaricidal activity and mortality rate was dose-dependent. This finding needs further scientific investigation to prove