81 research outputs found

    Oral health survey of the child population in the Valencia Region of Spain (2004)

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    Introducción (fundamento y objetivo): La finalidad de establecer una periodicidad sexenal para estudiar la evolución de salud oral infantil unido a importantes cambios demográficos asociados con la inmigración en la Comunidad Valenciana han motivado este trabajo. Material y método: Con una muestra seleccionada al azar de 509 niños de 6 años, 478 de 12 años y 401 de 15-16 años se ha realizado un estudio de corte transversal. Los exploraciones clínicas fueron realizadas por odontólogos calibrados (Kappa > 0.85). Resultados: La prevalencia de caries en dentición temporal a los 6 años es del 32% (Icod=1.08) y en dentición permanente es de 42.5% a los 12 años (ICAOD=1.07) y del 55.9% a los 15-16 años (ICAOD=1.84). Los niveles de caries en los niños inmigrantes son significativamente altos. La media de sextantes con sangrado fue de 0.16, de 1.58 y de 1.10, mientras que con cálculo fue de 0.15, 0.76 y 0.88 respectivamente. Conclusión: Los niveles de caries tanto en dentición temporal como permanente a los 6 y 12 años se mantienen estables, mientras que a los 15-16 años siguen descendiendo. Los niños inmigrantes, con altos niveles de caries, constituyen un grupo poblacional con importantes necesidades de tratamiento y de aplicación de programas preventivos

    Comparison of the remineralizing effect of a sodium fluoride mouthrinse versus a sodium monofluorophosphate and calcium mouthrinse: an in vitro study

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    Objectives The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the remineralizing effect of three rinses: (A) 0.17% sodium monofluorphosphate and 0.05% calcium glycerophosphate (220 ppm fluoride), (B) 0.05% sodium fluoride (220 ppm fluoride) and (C) control mouthrinse (without fluoride or calcium). Method and Materials Demineralized areas were created in 90 pieces of bovine enamel by submerging them in an acid solution (pH 4.4) for 48 hours. Part of the surface was painted with nail varnish to preserve the demineralized area and the specimens were assigned at random to three groups. The specimens were stored in artificial saliva at pH 7 and 37ºC for 30 days. Twice daily they were immersed for 60 seconds in the respective mouthrinse. Following the experimental period, the specimens were bisected and examined by scanning electron microscopy. Results The mean percentage of remineralization produced by the mouthrinses was as follows: (A) 54.08 (95% CI 46.37- 61.78), (B) 38.43 (95% CI 30.89-45.98) and (C) 30.18 (95% CI 25.56-34.80). The differences between the three groups were statistically significant. Conclusion The results show that the fluoride and calcium mouthrinse has a significantly greater remineralizing capacity than the fluoride mouthrinse with the same fluoride ion concentration under the in vitro conditions of this study

    Relación entre caries y tabaquismo pasivo entre los escolares de 12 y 15 años de la Comunidad valenciana.

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    Se ha estudiado la prevalencia de caries tanto en dentición temporal (DT) como en permanente (DP) y los valores de los índices CAO.D y co.d de los escolares de la Comunidad Valenciana (CV) teniendo en consideración la variable tabaquismo pasivo dentro del hogar familiar. Se diseñó un estudio transversal descriptivo y analítico en el que se incluyeron escolares de 12 y 15 años en un muestreo representativo por conglomerados. En total fueron 456 escolares de 12 años y 433 escola- res de 15 años, a los que se les realizó un examen intraoral y posteriormente cumplimentaron un cuestionario de hábitos y atención bucodental. En los niños que conviven con un familiar fumador no se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas, tanto en la caries que afecta a la DP, a DT o a ambas denticiones, excepto para la edad de 15 años en la DT (p=0,018). La obtención de evidencia científica de calidad, sobre la relación de caries dental y tabaquismo pasivo en los niños, hace necesaria la realización de estudios longitudinales que incluyan más detalles en las preguntas de la encuesta y la comprobación de niveles de cotinina, en sangre u orina, así como un examen dental con procedimientos más sensibles en la detección de las lesiones de caries. Keywords: children, dental caries, household smoking, passive smoking

    Evaluation of caries risk in a young adult population

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    Introduction: Various caries risk prediction models have been developed in recent years. Cariogram®, a software program that evaluates an individual?s caries risk profile and illustrates it in graphic form, appears to classify patients more correctly than other risk prediction methods. Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the caries risk of a population by means of the Cariogram® software and examine the relationships between the different variables used by the Cariogram® and the risk of caries determined by this program. Materials and Methods: Data were collected from a sample of 48 young individuals by clinical and radiological examination, saliva sampling and a dietary questionnaire. The caries risk of each individual was then obtained by drawing up the Cariogram®. Results: Past caries experience, Streptococcus mutans counts, Fluoridation programme and Buffer capacity of the saliva are the factors included in the Cariogram that showed significant correlation with the caries risk determined by the program. Other factors that the Cariogram® does not include directly, such as DMFT, DMFS and the plaque index, also showed high correlation with risk. Conclusions: Linear regression analysis makes it possible to draw up more simplified models from the predictive variables with the highest correlation to caries risk. The predictive variable which makes the greatest contribution to the model is Streptococcus mutans count, followed by the DMFT index and the Buffer capacity of the saliva

    Validation of the psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics questionnaire (Pidaq) in Spanish adolescents

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of PIDAQ for application in adolescents. Study Design: The questionnaire was translated, cross-culturally adapted and completed by 627 adolescents (366 12-year-olds and 261 15-year-olds). The adolescents were also examined by 4 examiners who had been calibrated against a gold standard and relative to each other (Kappa >0.85) in determining treatment need with the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) and the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) DHC and AC components. Results: Cronbach´s alpha of the translated PIDAQ was 0.90. The 23 items of the questionnaire were divided into four domains that explained 60% of the variance. The test-retest reliability of the questionnaire was 0.93. Discriminant validity revealed a significant association between the scores for the questionnaire and its subscales or domains and those for the DAI, IOTN-DHC and IOTN-AC treatment need indices. Adolescents with orthodontic treatment need scored higher in the questionnaires. Conclusions: The results show that the Spanish version of PIDAQ has a very similar internal structure and psychometric properties to those of the original questionnaire and demonstrate its validity for use with Spanish adolescents

    Case-control study of craniomandibular disorders in patients with fibromyalgia

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    Background: Fibromyalgia is a clinical syndrome characterized by chronic widespread pain, which is non-articular and is predominantly experienced in the muscles and vertebral column, and by extensive heightened sensitivity to local pressure at many specific points The purpose of this study was to measure differences in the level of painful symptoms and in the movements of the mandible in a group of patients who had been diagnosed as suffering from fibromyalgia, in comparison with a control group. The anxiety and subjective pain levels and their relation with mandibular mobility were also compared. Materials and Methods: A case-control study was designed. The temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles of the cases (n=20) and controls (n=18) were examined, anxiety was assessed by the STAI index and subjective pain was measured on a visual analogue scale. The data analysis was carried out with SPSS v.19.0 software. The descriptive data were expressed as means and proportions at a 95% confidence interval. The proportions were compared with the chi-square test and the means with the Mann-Whitney U test. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to measure the association between quantitative variables. Results: The fibromyalgia patients (the case group) presented a higher level of pain following the musculoskeletal examination and significantly greater symptoms at the examination points. Regarding joint mobility, significant differences in mandibular opening were found (cases 43.4 mm vs controls 47.2 mm, p = 0.042). The mean pain score of the cases was significantly higher than that of the controls (4.03 vs 1.8, p = 0.001) but no significant differences were found in the anxiety index (23.8 vs 23.4). Conclusions: patients with fibromyalgia are affected to a greater extent by craniomandibular disorders, with lower mouth opening and higher pain levels than healthy persons. However, the anxiety levels of the two groups are similar

    Need for Orthodontic Treatment in Pupils Aged between 12 and 15 in the Valencian Region (Spain)

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    The World Health Organization recommends carrying out periodic epidemiological studies in order to provide a basis for the evaluation of the state of health of the population at any given time; in doing so, action strategies can be established for the treatment of different pathologies. The objective of this study is to evaluate the need for orthodontic treatment in adolescents at school aged between 12 and 15 in the Spanish autonomous region known as Comunidad Valenciana (hereafter: Valencian Region). A cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 539 12-year-old schoolchildren and 460 15-year-olds, respectively, selected by cluster sampling and representative of the school-aged population of the Valencian Region, using the IOTN-DHC, IOTN-AC, and DAI indices. The need for specific orthodontic treatment according to the IOTN-DHC was 12.6% at 12 years and 7% at 15. For the IOTN-AC and DAI indices, the treatment needs were 4.3% and 0.9% at 12 years and 30.1% and 20.9% at the age of 15. These results were similar to those obtained in the previous study carried out on the same target population. There was no significant association between the need for treatment and gender or social class. We conclude that the need for orthodontic treatment presents values similar to those obtained in 2010

    Prevalence of fimA genotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis and other periodontal bacteria in a Spanish population with chronic periodontitis

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of the different fimA genotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis in adult Spanish patients with chronic periodontitis, patients with gingivitis and periodontally healthy subjects, and the relationship between these genotypes and other periodontopathogenic bacteria. Study design: Samples of subgingival plaque were taken from 86 patients (33 with chronic periodontitis, 16 with gingivitis, and 37 periodontally healthy) in the course of a full periodontal examination. PCR was employed to determine the presence of the 6 fimA genotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis (I-V and Ib) and of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola. Results: Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotypes II and Ib were present in significantly higher percentages in periodontal patients (39.4% and 12.1% respectively) than in healthy or gingivitis subjects. The prevalence of Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola , and Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotype IV was significantly higher in the group that presented bleeding greater than 30%. A positive correlation was found between Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotype IV and Treponema denticola . Conclusions: A strong association between Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotypes II and Ib and chronic periodontitis exists in the Spanish population. The most prevalent genotype in periodontal patients is I