1,902 research outputs found

    Query Load Balancing by Caching Search Results in Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval Networks

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    For peer-to-peer web search engines it is important to keep the delay between receiving a query and providing search results within an acceptable range for the end user. How to achieve this remains an open challenge. One way to reduce delays is by caching search results for queries and allowing peers to access each others cache. In this paper we explore the limitations of search result caching in large-scale peer-to-peer information retrieval networks by simulating such networks with increasing levels of realism. We find that cache hit ratios of at least thirty-three percent are attainable

    Query-Based Sampling using Snippets

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    Query-based sampling is a commonly used approach to model the content of servers. Conventionally, queries are sent to a server and the documents in the search results returned are downloaded in full as representation of the server’s content. We present an approach that uses the document snippets in the search results as samples instead of downloading the entire documents. We show this yields equal or better modeling performance for the same bandwidth consumption depending on collection characteristics, like document length distribution and homogeneity. Query-based sampling using snippets is a useful approach for real-world systems, since it requires no extra operations beyond exchanging queries and search results

    Query-Based Sampling using Only Snippets

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    Query-based sampling is a popular approach to model the content of an uncooperative server. It works by sending queries to the server and downloading the returned documents in the search results in full. This sample of documents then represents the server’s content. We present an approach that uses the document snippets as samples instead of downloading entire documents. This yields more stable results at the same amount of bandwidth usage as the full document approach. Additionally, we show that using snippets does not necessarily incur more latency, but can actually save time

    The Effect of Kyoto Emission Targets on Domestic CO2 Emissions: A Synthetic Control Approach

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    We use recent developments in the empirics of comparative case studies to analyze the effect of binding emission targets under the Kyoto Protocol on the development of CO2 emissions of seven major Annex B countries. In particular, we investigate whether committing to a specific greenhouse gas emissions target had an effect on actual CO2 emissions of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Japan by using a synthetic control approach. With the exception of Great Britain, we are not able to reject the hypothesis that there has been no effect of binding emission targets on actual emissions.Climate Policy; International Environmental Agreements; Kyoto Protocol; Synthetic Control Method

    Peer to Peer Information Retrieval: An Overview

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    Peer-to-peer technology is widely used for file sharing. In the past decade a number of prototype peer-to-peer information retrieval systems have been developed. Unfortunately, none of these have seen widespread real- world adoption and thus, in contrast with file sharing, information retrieval is still dominated by centralised solutions. In this paper we provide an overview of the key challenges for peer-to-peer information retrieval and the work done so far. We want to stimulate and inspire further research to overcome these challenges. This will open the door to the development and large-scale deployment of real-world peer-to-peer information retrieval systems that rival existing centralised client-server solutions in terms of scalability, performance, user satisfaction and freedom

    The dynamics of short- and long-term CDS-spreads of banks

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    This paper studies 'Stylised Facts' and 'Determinants' of short-and long-term CDS-spreads of banks. As short-term spreads we choose 6M-, as long-term spreads we choose 5Y-spreads. In the section 'Stylised Facts' we found that the correlation between short-and long-term spreads for the total period is high (97%). However, the correlation in sub-periods varies across all possible correlations. Particularly, spreads can have negative correlation. In contrast to [Covitz and Downing, 2007], we find high positive (Covitz/Downing: high negative) correlation for turbulent market circumstances. In the section 'Deteminants' we confirm the Merton-factors (stock price, stock price volatility, interest rate level) for the 5Y-segment, but not for the 6M-segment. Furthermore, we do not find any empirical support that short-term spreads are particularly sensitive to illiquidity factors. In that sense, we also contrast [Covitz and Downing, 2007]. --Liquidity,insolvency,banks

    Income shocks and social unrest: theory and evidence

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    Combining theoretical and empirical work, this paper explores the impact of economic shocks on the incidence of social unrest (i.e., mass demonstrations and violent riots) in autocracies. Our theory predicts negative economic shocks to boost unrest since-in bad times-fighting the regime to reduce the level of resource diversion becomes cheaper. Using a new dataset on political instability in Africa, our empirical analysis confirms this prediction. The instrumental variables estimates-which take into account the potential endogeneity of economic shocks-suggest a significant increase in the level of social unrest as a response to a decline in real per capita GDP.Conflict, social unrest, economic shocks

    Cross Cultural Study on Creativity: How do Croatian working professionals and Emirati working professionals conceptualize creativity?

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    Living in very dynamic and uncertain times, we can witness the power and the necessity of utilizing creativity and innovation as they can provide solutions to complex problems. However, how we see and define creativity is influenced by many factors, and culture is one of them. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of culture on creativity conceptualization. Specifically, the objective was to find out whether the working professionals of Croatia and the working professionals of the United Arab Emirates view creativity differently. In order to investigate this, a cross-sectional study involving 109 participants from Croatia and 98 participants from the UAE was designed. The results confirmed that there are differences in how they view creativity, and this could also be influenced by their culture. This is in line with the findings of other research studies: there are no universal recipes as to how people view what is creative, and therefore no generalization can be made about what constitutes creativity for an individual. Using tailored approach to particular cultures’ view of creativity is important when developing creative solutions and fostering creativity skills in employees of that culture

    Matching Queries to Frequently Asked Questions: Search Functionality for the MRSA Web-Portal

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    As part of the long-term EUREGIO MRSA-net project a system was developed which enables health care workers and the general public to quickly find answers to their questions regarding the MRSA pathogen. This paper focuses on how these questions can be answered using Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques on a Frequently-Asked-Questions-style (FAQ) database
