29 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Rhizopus untuk Menurunkan Kandungan Sianida dan Meningkatkan Kandungan Protein Singkong (Manihot Esculenta Crantz)

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    Rhizopus oligosporus has been proven in reducing cyanogenic glucoside and increasing protein content of cassava which boiling and frying process can not do. However other Rizhopus strains are still unknown. The aim of the study was to determine the ability of three Rhizopus strains R. oligosporus MS5, R.oryzae F1, and R. oryzae EN in reducing cyanide and increasing protein content in bitter and sweet cassava fermentation added with nitrogen source. Cassavas was process to be flour. The flour was used as fermentation substrate by adding nitrogen or distilled water, then it was fermented with R. oligosporus MS5, R.oryzae F1, and R. oryzae EN in petri dish at 280C for 30 hours. After fermentation, contentof water, cyanide and protein in the fermented substrate were performed. Three strains of mold have the same ability to decrease cyanide, but the ability to increase protein content were varied. Without adding nitrogen, protein content increased 5.4 and 2.5 foldby R.oryzae F1 fermentation and by R. oryzae EN respectively. The addition of nitrogen protein content in the substarte increased 6.0 fold by R. oryzae F1 , 8.6 by R. oryzae EN and 2 by MS5 R.oligosporus. Three Rhizopus strains showed in reducing cyanide and improve protein content of cassav

    Kandungan Vitamin B6, B9, B12 dan E Beberapa Jenis Daging, Telur, Ikan dan Udang Laut di Bogor dan Sekitarnya (Vitamin B6, B9, B12 And E Content Of Several Types Of Meats, Eggs, Fishes And Marine Shrimps In Bogor And Surrounding Areas)

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    Food Composition Table (DKBM) in Indonesia has not mentioned all types of nutrients available in the food, particularly vitamin B6, B9 (folic acid), B12, and vitamin E. Therefore this study aimed to analyze the content of vitamin B6, B9 (folic acid), B12, and vitamin E in several types of meat, eggs, fish and marine shrimps consumed in Bogor and surrounding areas. Vitamin B6, B9, B12, and vitamin E from three kinds of meat (chicken, beef, lamb), two types of eggs (chicken, duck), and four species of fish (snapper, bloating, carp and tuna) and crayfish are analyzed using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The samples used are raw and taken from three locations in Bogor and surrounding areas. Fishes, meats and eggs contain high levels of folic acid, however the amount of folic acid content in meat varies depending on which part of meat the samples are taken, types of organ, and the fat content of the meat. The folic acid content in chicken wings is different with those in thigh. In fatty mutton the folic acid is higher than in those lean meat, and in yolk is higher than those in egg white. Vitamin E content of snapper is the highest amongs other types of fishes (6.54 µg/100 g).Chicken eggs contain a higher amount of vitamin E than duck eggs, while the yolk contains ahigher amount of vitamin E than those egg white

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Media dan Waktu Pengasinan pada Pembuatan Telur Asin terhadap Kandungan Iodium Telur

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    Background: An adequate intake of iodine cause one of public health problem in Indonesia community. One way to overcome this problem is through the use of iodized salt. The uses of salt in community beside in the cooking of food also use in food preservation such as the salted eggs. Objective: The objective of this study was to observe the iodine content of the salted eggs which proceed by using the iodized salt in different of salting media. Method: In making of salted eggs was performance by using 3 kinds of media. Those were the ash usually used by household for cleaning the cooking utensil, the powder of brick, and just iodized salt. The iodine content of the egg were analyzed every 5 days. Result: The result of observation indicated that the iodine content of the eggs in 5 days incubation was 1.4 ppm for the eggs incubated in the ash of household, whereas for the eggs incubated in the brick powder media only 0.65 ppm. Incubation time affected the penetration of iodine into the duck eggs, and has a significant correlation (p = 0.001). Keywords: salted egg, iodine, salting media, incubation time. Abstrak Gangguan kesehatan akibat kekurangan konsumsi iodium merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasinya adalah melalui penggunaan garam beriodium. Penggunaan garam selain digunakan pada pemasakan, juga digunakan untuk pengawetan makanan seperti pembuatan telur asin. Tujuan. Mempelajari pengaruh penggunaan garam beriodium terhadap kandungan iodium telur asin dengan menggunakan media yang berbeda. Metode. Pembuatan telur asin dilakukan dengan menggunakan 3 media garam beriodium. Media abu gosok, media serbuk batu bata, dan media air, dengan lama pengasinan selama 20 hari, dan setiap selang 5 hari dilakukan analisis iodium telur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan iodium telur dari media abu gosok pada hari ke lima pengasinan sebesar 1.4 ppm, sementara dalam telur asin dari media serbuk bata hanya 0.65 ppm. Lama pengasinan mempengaruhi penetrasi iodium ke dalam telur itik, dan memiliki korelasi yang signifikan (p= 0.001). Kata kunci : telur asin, iodium, media pengasinan, waktu pengasinan

    Kandungan Natrium (Na) Dan Garam (Nacl) Dalam Ikan Asin Kering Mentah Dan Goreng Di Pasar Anyar Bogor

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kandungan natrium (Na) dan garam (NaCl) dalam 10 jenis ikan asin kering yang beredar di Pasar Anyar Bogor. Analisis natrium dilakukan terhadap ikan asin mentah, setelah dicuci, dan setelah digoreng dengan menggunakan flamefometer. Analisis garam dilakukan dengan titrasi argentometri terhadap ikan asin mentah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, kandungan Na dan garam dalam ikan asin sangat beragam besarnya berturut-turut berkisar antara 0,3-8,1% dan 5,7-21,2%. Ikan asin yang mempunyai kadar Na dan garam tinggi adalah ikan sepat, peda putih dan gabus. Jumlah air dalam ikan asin juga bervariasi, berkisar antara 10,3-46,8%. pencucian dan penggorengan dapat menurunkan kadar garam ataupun natrium sebesar 37,4%

    Kandungan Besi, Klor Dan Lemak Dalam Air Susu Ibu Pada Tiga Bulan Pertama Setelah Kelahiran

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    Penetapan Kadar Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Beberapa Bahan Makanan

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    Dalam penelitian yang dilaporkan ini telah dianalis kandungan vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) beberapa bahan makanan (hati, telur, ikan dan bahan makanan hasil fermentasi). Penetapan kadar vitamin B12 dilakukan secara mikrobiologis dengan menggunakan bakteri Lactobacillus leichmanii ATCC 7830. Hasil pembacaan absorbans dengan beberapa panjang gelombang tidak mempunyai puncak absorban tertentu, sedangkan pembacaan absorban meningkat terus berdasarkan lama inkubasi. Disamping itu, ternyata kurva kaliberasi selalu berbeda setiap kali dilakukan analisis. Diantara bahan makanan yang dianalisis, hati sapi merupakan sumber vitamin B12 yang paling baik, disusul hati ayam. Udang mempunyai kadar B12 relatif tinggi dibanding jenis ikan lainnya. Telur ayam sedikit lebih tinggi kandungan vitamin B12-nya dibanding telur bebek. Sementara bahan makanan yang difermentasi mengandung B12 berkisar 1.8 mkg/kg-3.2 mkg/kg per 100 gram bahan. Tempe yang dibuat dengan pencucian menggunakan air sungai mengandung vitamin B12 lebih tinggi daripada tempe yang dibuat dengan pencucian menggunakan air ledeng

    Faktor-faktor Penyimpangan Positif (Positive Deviance) Status Gizi Balita pada Keluarga Miskin di Kabupaten Gizi-kurang Rendah dan Tinggi di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan (Factors Of Positive Deviance In Nutritional Status Of Under-fives Among Poor Family

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    Background: The amount of poor population in Jeneponto & Selayar districts, South Sulawesi, were relatively similar and higher than the national average. However, Janeponto had high prevalence in malnutrition among children under five (28%), whereas Selayar had low prevalence in malnutrition among children under five (11,31%). Objective: This research aims to measure positive deviance which affects nutrition status in two different districts with relative-similar poverty level as well as different nutrition deficiency prevalence. Method: This research is an advance analysis of Riskesdas 2007 data which targeted poor family with under-five-children as sample. As the first step, data verification is conducted to make sure data completeness. Analysis is done by using statistical description, whereas Chi square test is used to analyzing nutrition-status-factors difference between two districts. Result: Under-five-children nutrition status is highly affected by family socio-economy status which covers education level of parents, income, total of family member, access to clean water, environment hygiene and sanitation, and family morbidity. Conclusion: Positive deviation factor of less malnutrition nutritional status than high malnutrition in poor areas was the high parental education, the small number of household members, and ease of access to water

    Pengaruh Proses Pemasakan terhadap Komposisi Zat Gizi Bahan Pangan Sumber Protein

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh proses pemasakan terhadap komposisi zat gizi beberapa bahan pangan sumber protein baik hewani maupun nabati. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat apakah proses pemasakan yaitu perebusan dan penggorengan mempengaruhi kandungan zat gizi bahan pangan tersebut. Bahan pangan yang akan dijadikan sampel adalah daging ayam segar, ikan kembung segar, tempe dan tahu.yang dibeli dari pasar tradisional di Kota Bogor. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein dan kadar lemak. Dari ke-4 macam bahan pangan yang dicoba, dibagi menjadi 3 bentuk perlakuan yaitu bentuk segar, direbus dan digoreng sehingga jumlah sampel yang dianalisis sebanyak 12 sampel. Metode yang digunakan adalah: analisis kadar air menggunakan metode oven (Thermogravimetri), kadar abu menggunakan metode tanur, kadar protein dengan metode Kjeldahl dan kadar lemak dengan metode Soxhlet. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa proses pemasakan bahan pangan dengan menggunakan panas menyebabkan penurunan kadar zat gizi bahan pangan tersebut dibandingkan bahan mentahnya. Tinggi atau rendahnya penurunan kandungan gizi suatu bahan pangan akibat pemasakan tergantung dari jenis bahan pangan, suhu yang digunakan dan lamanya proses pemasakan. Proses menggoreng menyebabkan penurunan kandungan gizi yang sangat signifikan karena penggorengan menggunakan suhu yang tinggi sehingga zat gizi seperti protein mengalami kerusakan. Sedangkan proses perebusan menyebabkan berkurangnya kandungan zat gizi karena banyak zat gizi terlarut dalam air rebusan. Walaupun demikian hal terpenting dalam pengolahan bahan pangan agar bahan pangan bernilai gizi tinggi dan aman dikonsumsi.Kata Kunci : bahan pangan, pengolahan, pemasakan, komposisi gizi AbstractHas conducted research on the effect of the cooking process nutrient composition few food sources of protein, both animal and vegetable. The aim of this study was to see whether the cooking process is boiling and frying influence the nutrient content of foodstuffs. Foodstuffs to be sampled are fresh chicken meat, fresh mackerel, Tempe and Tofu were purchased from traditional markets in Bogor. Analysis is conducted analysis of water content, ash content, protein content and fat content. Of the four kinds offoodstuffs were tested, divided into three forms of treatment that is the form of fresh, boiled and fried so that the number of samples analyzed a total of 12 samples. The method used is: analysis of water content using the oven method (Thermogravimetri), ash content using the furnace method, protein content by Kjeldahl method and the fat content by Soxhlet method. The analysis showed the cooking process of food causes a decrease in the levels of nutrients in food than the raw material. High or low nutrient levels decrease due to cooking depending on the type of food, the temperature and the longer the cooking process. Frying process causes a decrease in nutrient content were highly significant because the frying uses high temperatures so that nutrients such as protein damage. While the boiling process leads to reduced nutrient content because many nutrients dissolved in boiling water. However the most important thing in food processing so that food of high nutritional value and safe for consumption.Keywords : food, processing, cooking, nutritional compositio

    Ketersediaan Hayati Zat Besi, Kandungan Zat Pemicu dan Penghambat Penyerapan Zat Besi dalam Makanan Ibu Hamil

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    The iron content, iron bioavailability (in vitro method), enhancers and inhibitors of iron absorption were investigated in three different staple foods of diets in the district of Boyolali, Central Java. The results revealed that the average iron content of the diets based on rice, corn and cassava were 18.8 mg, 17.8 mg and 19.9 mg, respectively or equal to 34.3%, 32.0% and 35.0% of Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for Indonesia. The average vitamin C content of the diets based on rice, corn and cassava were 21.9 mg (31.3% RDA), 21.1 mg (30.1% RDA) and 17.3 mg (24.7% RDA), respectively. The average of protein content of the diets based on rice, corn and cassava were 47.1 g (78.5% RDA), 50.0 g (83.3% RDA) and 31.1 g (51.8% RDA), respectively. The average content of tannic acid and phytic acid as inhibitors of iron absorption in the diets based on rice, corn and cassava were (1154 mg and 261.5 mg); (980 mg and 342.7 mg) and (838 mg and 341.5 mg), respectively. An addition of 100 mg of vitamin C or papaya fruit (250 mg) into the diets, increased iron bioavailability up to 54.2%