823 research outputs found

    Renormalization of Fermion-Flavour Mixing

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    We report on an explicit on-shell framework to renormalize the fermion-flavour mixing matrices in the Standard Model and its extensions, at one-loop level. It is based on a novel procedure to separate the external-leg mixing corrections into gauge-independent self-mass and gauge-dependent wave-function renormalization contributions.Comment: to appear in Proceedings of Lepton-Photon 2009, Hamburg, German

    Leading large-x logarithms of the quark-gluon contributions to inclusive Higgs-boson and lepton-pair production

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    We present all-order expressions for the leading double-logarithmic threshold contributions to the quark-gluon coefficient functions for inclusive Higgs-boson production in the heavy top-quark limit and for Drell-Yan lepton-pair production. These results have been derived using the structure of the unfactorized cross sections in dimensional regularization and the large-x resummation of the gluon-quark and quark-gluon splitting functions. The resummed coefficient functions, which are identical up to colour factor replacements, are similar to their counterparts in deep-inelastic scattering but slightly more complicated.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure (.eps). DESY address until 31 August 201

    Quark mixing renormalization effects in the determination of |V_{tq}|

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    We study the numerical effects of several renormalization schemes of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing matrix on the top-quark decay widths. We then employ these results to infer the relative shifts in the CKM parameters |V_{tq}|^2 due to the quark mixing renormalization corrections, assuming that they are determined directly from the top-quark partial decay widths, without imposing unitarity constraints. We also discuss the implications of these effects on the ratio R = Gamma(t -> Wb) / Gamma_t and the determination of |V_{tb}|^2.Comment: 10 pages, 3 table

    Confidence set of putative quantitative trait loci in whole genome scans with application to the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 simulated data

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    As genetic maps become more highly dense, the ability to sufficiently localize putative disease loci becomes an achievable goal. This has prompted an increased interest in methods for constructing confidence intervals for the location of variants that contribute to a trait. Such intervals are important because, by reducing the number of candidate loci, they can help in the design of cost-effective and time-efficient follow-up studies. We introduce a new approach that can be used in whole-genome scans to obtain a confidence set of loci that contribute at least a predetermined percentage h to the overall genetic variation of a quantitative phenotype. The method is developed in the framework of generalized linear mixed models and can accommodate families of arbitrary size and structure. We apply our method to the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 simulated data where we scan chromosomes 6, 15, 20, 21, and 22 to uncover loci regulating the simulated phenotype Q2. For the analyses we had prior knowledge of the simulation model used to generate the phenotype

    TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibril/polyvalent cations hydrogels: a multifaceted view of network interactions and inner structure

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    In the last years, hydrogels from renewable biopolymers and low-cost row materials are a hot topic for biomedical applications. In this context, cellulose nanofibrils are considered suitable building blocks for the synthesis of many biocompatible products, with a variety of chemical-physical properties. Herein we report a multi-technique and multi-scale study, from the molecular to the nanometric length scale, of the sol-gel transition observed in aqueous solutions of TEMPO-oxidized nano-sized cellulose fibrils (TOCNFs), when in the presence of polyvalent cations (Mg2+ and Ca2+). We combine the data from Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), which provide information about the inner structure of the nanofibril, with those from UV Resonant Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy, which is a sensitive probe of the intra- and inter-molecular interactions in the gel and the liquid state. The transition between the gel and the liquid phases is investigated as a function of the concentration of both TOCNFs and cations, the nature of the latter, and the pH at which the phenomenon is observed. SANS analysis reveals that ion concentration induces an anisotropic swelling in the nanofibrils which, at the same time, become more and more flexible. The nanofibrils flexibility is also dependent on TOCNF concentration and pH value. UVRR allows us to elucidate the structural organization and hydrogen-bonding properties of water in aqueous TOCNF dispersions and gels, showing how water molecules partially lose their typical bulk-like tetrahedral organization when ions are added, and the gel phase is formed
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