29 research outputs found

    Overnutrition and Scholastic Achievement: Is There a Relationship? An 8-Year Follow-Up Study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the association between overnutrition and scholastic achievement (SA). Methods: A representative and proportional sample of 477 children of the 5th elementary school grade of both genders was randomly chosen during 2010, in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. SA was measured through the 2009 Education Quality Measurement System (SIMCE) tests of language (LSA), mathematics (MSA) and understanding of the natural environment (UNESA). Current nutritional status was assessed through the body mass index Z-score (Z-BMI). Nutritional quality of diet, schedule exercise, socioeconomic status, family, and educational variables were also recorded. Four and 8 years later, SA was assessed through the 2013 SIMCE and the University Selection Test (2017 PSU), respectively. Results: Socioeconomic status, the number of repeated school years, and maternal schooling were strong predictors of 2009 SIMCE and the independent variables with the greatest explanatory power for LSA (Model R2 = 0.178; p 2 = 0.205; p2 = 0.272; p Conclusions: These results confirm that overnourished children did not achieve significantly lower SA

    Quaternary glacial history of the Mediterranean mountains

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    Glacial and periglacial landforms are widespread in the mountains of the Mediterranean region. The evidence for glacial and periglacial activity has been studied for over 120 years and it is possible to identify three phases of development in this area of research. First, a pioneer phase characterized by initial descriptive observations of glacial landforms; second, a mapping phase whereby the detailed distribution of glacial landforms and sediments have been depicted on geomorphological maps; and, third, an advanced phase characterized by detailed understanding of the geochronology of glacial sequences using radiometric dating alongside detailed sedimentological and stratigraphical analyses. It is only relatively recently that studies of glaciated mountain terrains in the Mediterranean region have reached an advanced phase and it is now clear from radiometric dating programmes that the Mediterranean mountains have been glaciated during multiple glacial cycles. The most extensive phases of glaciation appear to have occurred during the Middle Pleistocene. This represents a major shift from earlier work whereby many glacial sequences were assumed to have formed during the last cold stage. Glacial and periglacial deposits from multiple Quaternary cold stages constitute a valuable palaeoclimatic record. This is especially so in the Mediterranean mountains, since mountain glaciers in this latitudinal zone would have been particularly sensitive to changes in the global climate system. © 2006 Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd

    Magini, Giovanni Antonio

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    Holste, Lukas

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    Birth weight and later nutritional status, cognitive development and job status: A critical revision Peso de nacimiento y posterior estado nutricional, desarrollo cognitivo y actividad ocupacional: Una revisión crítica

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    The impact of prenatal nutritional status, assessed through birth weight (BW) and their effects in the short, medium and long-term on nutritional status, cognitive development and job status in the adult life, has been a problem of interest for several researchers; as regards, some of these report a positive and significant association between these variables and others do not find any relation. Children with insufficient, low or very low BW despite the early more deteriorate nutritional status should present higher risk for brain maturation, failure cognitive development and lowered head circumference which implies both lowered brain volume and intellectual development. In the short and medium-term, this situation damages the learning process at schoolage, while in the long-term this might condition the quality of jobs. At present, the body of knowledge pinpoints that findings related to these associations is not conclusive verifying a great controversy in these matters. This review

    Peso de nacimiento y posterior estado nutricional, desarrollo cognitivo y actividad ocupacional: una revisión crítica

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    El impacto del estado nutricional prenatal, especialmente lo concerniente al peso de nacimiento (PN) y sus efectos tanto en el corto, mediano o largo plazo, sobre el estado nutricional y el desarrollo cognitivo del niño y, sobre la ocupación desempeñada en la vida adulta, ha sido una problemática de interés para diversos investigadores; al respecto, algunos autores encuentran una asociación positiva y significativa entre estas variables, mientras que otros no encuentran ninguna relación. Es así como se ha descrito que niños con PN insuficiente, bajo o, extremadamente bajo, además del deterioro temprano del estado nutricional, presentarían en el corto plazo, un mayor riesgo de daño en la maduración cerebral, retraso del desarrollo cognitivo y menores circunferencias craneanas, lo que implicaría menor volumen encefálico y bajo rendimiento intelectual. En el corto y mediano plazo, esta situación perjudicaría el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en la etapa escolar, mientras que en el largo plazo, esto condicionaría la ocupación a desempeñar en la vida adulta. Actualmente, el cuerpo de conocimientos pone de manifiesto que los hallazgos relativos a estas asociaciones no son concluyentes, existiendo gran controversia en estas materias. Este artículo de revisión tiene el propósito de analizar la evidencia existente hasta este momento, con el objeto de incentivar la investigación en estos aspectos que son de gran relevancia para el desarrollo del niño y su vida futura

    Mass adipose prediction percentage through biolectrical impedance and anthropometric method Predicción de Porcentaje de Masa Adiposa a través de Impedancia Bio-Eléctrica y Método Antropométrico

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    This case was developed with the objective of makes a prediction equation of adipose mass percent in values anthropometric, to star off the predetermined slant of instruments of impedance bioelectric TANITA. This is based in the premise that every day the importance of estimation about the fat mass in a clinic level, it is getting bigger and bigger, for this reason a population of twenty eight people with age range fluctuate among twenty to twenty eight was evaluated, they were part of "Escuela de Caballería Blindada" in the city of Quillota. The Pertinent measurements for the estimation of fatty mass were realized through of impedance bioelectric and anthropometry, the results made big differences between both methods, obtaining an index of correlation coefficient a 0.13 and a person correlation of 0.34. This suggests that possible creation does not accomplish with the criteria homescedasticity, in brief, this is unsafe