224 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Curricula of Doctor of Philosophy Programs in Educational Technology and Any Associated Specialty in the United States

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    The aim of this research study was to analysis on-campus and online Ph.D. programs in educational technology and any associated specialties in the United States. In particular, it sought to evaluate the most common titles; core, elective, and research courses; structured types of comprehensive examinations; and possible employment opportunities based on program mission statements. The research design for this study was quantitative content analysis. Data for this study were collected from six different sources. The current study found 43 institutions offered campus-based degree programs and four offered online degree programs in educational technology and any associated specialty. In addition, the study found 28 different degree titles; the most common titles were Curriculum and Instruction, Learning Design and Technology, Instructional Technology, Learning Technologies, and Instructional Design and Technology. The current study found 313 core courses were offered by the Ph.D. programs at various institutions; the most common core courses were Instructional Design, Advanced Instructional Design, Curriculum Theory, Needs Assessment, Internship in Instructional Technology, Instructional Systems Design, and Theories of Learning and Instruction. In addition, the current study found 157 elective courses were offered by the Ph.D. programs; the most common elective courses were Multicultural Education, Foundations of Distance Learning, Educational Foundations, and Message Design. Furthermore, the current study found 256 research courses were offered by the Ph.D. programs at various institutions; the most common research courses were Quantitative Methods, Qualitative Methods, Qualitative Research, Educational Research Methods, Multivariate Analysis, Introduction to Qualitative Research in Education, and Mixed Methods. Moreover, the current study found 26 universities mentioned various comprehensive examination methods. The most common structured types of comprehensive examinations were written examination, oral examination, qualifying exams, preliminary exam, portfolio assessment, and closed book. In addition, according to each institution’s mission statement, numerous employment opportunities are available for students in education agencies, position in university settings, corporate sector, research and development, and government. Furthermore, this study provided implications, recommendations, limitations, and recommendations for future research


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    Kebijakan penyelenggara Negara dalam menentukan arah, bentuk maupun kandungan isi dan kemanfaatan hukum yang akan dibentuk dan terkait apa saja yang menjadi kriteria dalam pemberlakuan hukum tersebut merupakan definisi dari politik hukum. Dalam hal pencapaian tujuan Negara dalam mencukupi aspek – aspek penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari – hari maka negara turut mengatur politik hukum dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air. Pengaturan akan Sumber Daya Air yang lama telah dibatalkan oleh Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 85/PUU-XI/2013 karena dianggap lebih berhaluan privatisasi dan mendukung komersialisasi air oleh pihak swasta. Hadirnya Undang – Undang Sumber Daya Air yang baru yakni UU No. 17 Tahun 2019 diharapkan mampu menghilangkan privatisasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat atas air sebagai pemenuhan tujuan Negara, namun ternyata terdapat catatan kritis atas perizinan pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air yang bertindak terlalu jauh dalam mengeliminasi porsi swasta. Dalam hal ketentuan pemberian ijin pada Pasal 46 Ayat (1) ketentuan huruf f, "Jika masih terdapat kesediaan air", maka hal ini berarti UU Sumber Daya Air menempatkan pihak swasta dalam prioritas terakhir dan hanya diijinkan mengelola air apabila masih terdapat sisa dari BUMN, BUMD atau BUMDES. Frasa sisa dalam pasal a quo mendorong pihak swasta untuk menuntut keadilan dalam tata kelola Sumber Daya Air berdasarkan pasal 28 D ayat (1) Undang - Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Kata Kunci: politk hukum, perizinan, swasta

    Space-Efficient Estimation of Statistics Over Sub-Sampled Streams

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    In many stream monitoring situations, the data arrival rate is so high that it is not even possible to observe each element of the stream. The most common solution is to subsample the data stream and use the sample to infer properties and estimate aggregates of the original stream. However, in many cases, the estimation of aggregates on the original stream cannot be accomplished through simply estimating them on the sampled stream, followed by a normalization. We present algorithms for estimating frequency moments, support size, entropy, and heavy hitters of the original stream, through a single pass over the sampled stream

    Assessment of the Implemented Kapatid Mentor ME Program (KMME) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in Region VII, Philippines

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    The Kapatid Mentor ME (KMME) Program is a 10-module mentorship and coaching program initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (PCE) - Go Negosyo to help the country's Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, the program was transitioned from face-to-face to an online learning platform. The study aimed to assess the implementation of the program from the period 2016 to 2021 to streamline the future direction and craft a more holistic initiative for MSEs. The study used a descriptive research design. An online questionnaire was administered to the 257 respondents clustered by Region VII provinces. There were advantages and disadvantages identified for both learning approaches used. The respondents considered the advantages of face-to-face learning as hands-on learning, easy networking, and a conducive learning environment. Also, the advantages of the online learning approach were accessibility of time and place, comfort, and abundant online resources. It was discovered that 74.75% of the mentee graduates had improved their business status after joining the program. To ensure sustainability and scaling up of MSEs, strengthening the monitoring phase and maximizing the enterprise development track tool are recommended to address the gap of the 25.25% non-improving mentee graduates through concrete and specific intervention schemes recommended

    The Social Cost of Upgrading Informal Settlements in Butuan City, Philippines

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    The informal settlements in Butuan City, Philippines, pose the intractable problem of housing and providing services for the urban poor. In particular, their displacement as a result of the implementation of a government infrastructure project presents tremendous challenges in coming up with just solutions. In this study, the solutions focus on upgrading the informal settlements. The different modalities are accounted for and the government costs they will incur are estimated. Overall, the results present a rich picture of the experience of upgrading informal settlements in the Philippines. The findings of the study have crucial policy implications

    The Cost of Misguided Urbanization: The Case of Informal Settlements in Butuan City, Philippines

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    The informal settlements in Butuan City, Philippines pose the intractable problem of housing and providing services for the urban poor. They exact tremendous costs to government infrastructure projects and the city as a whole. In this study, these costs are accounted for, particularly the costs the government will incur to compensate them for being displaced in the implementation of public infrastructure project. Primary data were collected through inventory of losses (IOL), socio-economic survey (SES) and the replacement cost surveys. Secondary data were obtained through key informant interviews with different stakeholders. The paper quantifies the costs of compensating them thru replacement of their affected resources and providing resettlement. It also establishes different types of compensation to secure just terms for all parties. It presents a rich picture of how the informal settlers affect urban environment and the monetary and operational challenges they pose to the government and the society at large. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n6p44
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