12 research outputs found

    Rare case of solid pseudopapillary pancreatic tumour (Gruber-Frantz tumour)

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    U radu smo prikazali pacijenta s vrlo rijetkom formom tumora pankreasa. Bolest se manifestirala nespecifičnim abdominalnim bolom, gubitkom apetita, te povraćanjem sluzavoga sadržaja. Uradili smo proksimalnu endoskopiju kojom su dijagnosticirani hijatalna hernija i duodenalni ulkus. Kompjuterizirana tomografija je pokazala tumorsku formaciju u predjelu repa pankreasa. Tumor je kirurÅ”ki uklonjen. PatohistoloÅ”ka analiza je pokazala da se radi o solidnom pseudopapilarnom tumoru pankreasa. Pacijent je pod redovitom kontrolom onkologa.In this paper we presented a patient with a very rare form of pancreatic tumour. The disease began with very non-specific abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and vomiting, mostly mucus. Proximal endoscopy was performed which revealed hiatal hernia and ulcer in the duodenum. Computed tomography of the abdomen showed a tumour formation in the tail of the pancreas, which was surgically removed. Histopathological verification confirmed that it was a solid pseudopapillary tumour of the pancreas. The patient is on regular oncological control

    Efficacy and safety of local lysozyme treatment in patients with oral mucositis after chemotherapy and radiotherapy

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    This observational clinical study was composed of two substudies: a non-comparative one (n = 166), testing only lysozyme-based compounds (LBCs), and a comparative substudy (n = 275), testing both LBCs and bicarbonate-based local compounds (BBCs) on the healing of oral mucositis during radio- or chemotherapy. The density of ulcerations has decreased significantly after the treatment with lysozyme in both substudies. The density of ulcerations in the radiotherapy group was lower in patients treated with LBCs compared to patients treated with BBCs (p < 0.001). In the chemotherapy group, reduction of ulceration density was similar with both LBCs and BBCs. The LBCs reduced pain intensity during the intake of solid food and speech more than BBCs in both patient cohorts (p < 0.05). In the radiotherapy cohort, pain intensity when consuming liquid foods was reduced more with LBCs than with BBCs (p < 0.05). No adverse events were recorded. This study demonstrates the advantages of treating oral mucositis during radiotherapy or chemotherapy with LBCs

    Korelacija peritumoralnog edema mozga s morfoloŔkim karakteristikama i Ki67 proliferacijskim indeksom kod reseciranih intrakranijskih meningeoma

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    The aim of the study was to analyze correlation between morphological characteristics of intracranial meningiomas and Ki67 labeling index (Ki67 LI), and their influence on peritumoral brain edema (PTBE). There were 41 consecutive patients with intracranial meningiomas surgically treated at the Department of Neurosurgery, Zenica Cantonal Hospital, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the period from January 2010 to December 2015. We reviewed clinical data including patient age, gender, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of the tumor and peritumoral edema, tumor margins, intraoperative characteristics, histopathologic grade and Ki67 LI. In all cases, follow up MRI was obtained at about three months after resection and PTBE was analyzed. Our research showed the tumor volume, tumor margins, and intraoperative signs of arachnoidal and pial invasion to be associated with PTBE in intracranial meningiomas. Ki67 LI expression correlated with PTBE. This study showed the resolution of PTBE to depend on invasive behavior of meningioma and KI67 LI. PTBE, pial/cortical and arachnoidal invasion significantly influence the extent of surgical resection.Cilj studije je bio analizirati korelaciju između morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika intrakranijskih meningeoma i Ki67 proliferacijskog indeksa, kao i njihovog odnosa s peritumoralnim edemom mozga. U studiju je bio uključen 41 konsekutivni bolesnik s intrakranijskim meningeomom koji su operativno liječeni u Službi za neurokirurgiju Kantonalne bolnice Zenica u razdoblju od siječnja 2010. do prosinca 2015. godine. U svrhu istraživanja analizirali smo kliničke podatke uključujući dob, spol, MRI karakteristike tumora i peritumoralnog edema, margine tumora, intraoperacijske karakteristike tumora, histopatoloÅ”ki gradus i Ki67. Kod svih bolesnika napravljen je kontrolni MRI mozga oko tri mjeseca nakon resekcije tumora. Na tim snimkama se analizirala moguća prisutnost peritumoralnog edema. NaÅ”e istraživanje je pokazalo da su volumen tumora, izgled njegovih margina, znaci arahnoidalne i pijalne invazije u korelaciji s veličinom peritumoralnog edema. Također, rezultati su pokazali da je rezolucija peritumoralnog edema ovisna o invazivnom ponaÅ”anju meningeoma i veličini Ki67. Peritumoralni edem, invazija pije/korteksa i arahnoideje značajno utječu na obim resekcije tumora

    Guidelines for breast cancer management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, accurate data on the status of breast cancer are lacking due to the absence of a central registry. Multiple international guidelines imply that institutions that monitor breast cancer patients should have optimal therapeutic options for treatment. In addition, there have been several international consensus guidelines written on the management of breast cancer. Application of consensus guidelines has previously been demonstrated to have a positive influence on breast cancer care. The importance of specialty breast centers has previously been reported. As part of the 2021 Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) conference in Mostar, a round table of multidisciplinary specialists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the diaspora was held. All were either members of BHAAAS or regularly participate in collaborative projects. The focus of the consortium was to write the first multidisciplinary guidelines for the general management of breast cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Guidelines were developed for each area of breast cancer treatment and management. These guidelines will serve as a resource for practitioners managing breast cancer in the Bosnia and Herzegovina region. This might also be of benefit to the ministry of health and any future investors interested in developing breast cancer care policies in this region of the world

    The Oncology Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina's recommendations for fertility preservation in oncologic patients

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    Malignancy is one of the major public health problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Along with breakthroughs in specific oncological therapy, improving the quality of life of cancer patients and management of therapy-induced side effects need to be recognized as a priority in the comprehensive cancer patient care. Fertility loss after cancer treatment is a field requiring special attention due to its various consequences on patients themselves. Ā Although oncofertility is well-recognized area of oncology, low- to middle-income countries are facing issues with its implementation in everyday practice. Increased awareness about fertility preservation is of high priority for all specialists who participate in the medical care of cancer patients. The absence of a systemic solution and lack of expertise led to the founding of Fertility Preservation Working Group of the Oncology Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have made recommendationsas an expert consensus with the ultimate goal of making the first step towards enhancement of oncofertility implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    2020 consensus guideline for optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The HERe2Cure project, which involved a group of breast cancer experts, members of multidisciplinary tumor boards from healthcare institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was initiated with the aim of defining an optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. After individual multidisciplinary consensus meetings were held in all oncology centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a final consensus meeting was held in order to reconcile the final conclusions discussed in individual meetings. Guidelines were adopted by consensus, based on the presentations and suggestions of experts, which were first discussed in a panel discussion and then agreed electronically between all the authors mentioned. The conclusions of the panel discussion represent the consensus of experts in the field of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objectives of the guidelines include the standardization, harmonization and optimization of the procedures for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, all of which should lead to an improvement in the quality of health care of mentioned patients. The initial treatment plan for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer must be made by a multidisciplinary tumor board comprised of at least: a medical oncologist, a pathologist, a radiologist, a surgeon, and a radiation oncologist/radiotherapist

    2020 consensus guideline for optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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    The HERe2cure project, which involved a group of breast cancer experts, members of multidisciplinary tumor boards from healthcare institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was initiated with the aim of defining an optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. After individual multidisciplinary consensus meetings were held in all oncology centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a final consensus meeting was held in order to reconcile the final conclusions discussed in individual meetings. Guidelines were adopted by consensus, based on the presentations and suggestions of experts, which were first discussed in a panel discussion and then agreed electronically between all the authors mentioned. The conclusions of the panel discussion represent the consensus of experts in the field of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objectives of the guidelines include the standardization, harmonization and optimization of the procedures for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, all of which should lead to an improvement in the quality of health care of mentioned patients. The initial treatment plan for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer must be made by a multidisciplinary tumor board comprised of at least: a medical oncologist, a pathologist, a radiologist, a surgeon, and a radiation oncologist/radiotherapist

    Hronični epiduralni hematom dijagnosticiran kao meningeom

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    U radu je prezentiran rijedak slučaj organiziranog hroničnog epiduralnog hematoma koji je imitirao meningeom. Pacijent je primljen na Službu za neurologiju Kantonalne bolnice u Zenici zbog gubitka svijesti i desnostrane hemipareze. Nativna kompjuterizirana tomograija (CT) pokazala je ekspanzivni intrakranijalni proces lijevoparijetalno, koji je radioloŔki dijagnosticiran kao meningeom. Intraoperativno ustanovljena je linearna fraktura lobanje i organizirani hronični epiduralni hematom

    Endometrijalni karcinom povezan s porastom CA 15_3 i CA 125 u bolesnice s karcinomom dojke liječene tamoksifenom

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    U radu je prezentiran slučaj endometrijalnog karcinoma kod pacijentice s rakom dojke tretiranim tamoksifenom. Bolest se manifestovala poviÅ”enim vrijednostima tumorskih markera CA 125 i CA 15_3, bez drugih znakova. Urađene su dodatne dijagnostičke analize koje su pokazale da se radi o de novo nastalom endometrijalnomkarcinomu, a ne o metastatskoj promjeni karcinoma dojke. Pacijentica je podvrgnuta operativnom zahvatu i radioterapiji. Nakon toga, vrijednosti tumorskih markera bile su u referentnim vrijednostima

    EpidemioloŔke i patohistoloŔke karakteristike neoplazmi testisa u Zeničko-dobojskom kantonu, Bosna i Hercegovina: trogodiŔnja monocentrična studija

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    Aim: The primary aim of the study was to determine the incidence of testicular neoplasms in the Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC) region for the period from 2019 to 2021. Also, the study aimed to examine the age structure of the affected population, the frequency of testicular neoplasms in all the ZDC cities and municipalities, and the pathohistological characteristics of neoplasms. Material and methods: The study was conducted at the Oncology and Radiotherapy Department of the Zenica Cantonal Hospital. The study period refers to the time interval from January 2019 to December 2021. The study included 37 patients with a verified diagnosis of testicular neoplasm. Results: Arithmetic mean of patientsā€™ age was 33.49 years, while the standard deviation was 12.59. Most respondents, accounting for 40.5%, were aged 26-35 years. The incidence of testicular neoplasms in the ZDC region was 4.2/100,000 persons in 2019, 3.08/100,000 persons in 2020, and 3.10/100,000 persons in 2021. Most diagnosed neoplasms (48.6%) were the myxoid type germ cell originating tumors. Conclusion: The incidence of testicular neoplasms in the ZDC was 4.2/100,000 persons in 2019, 3.08/100,000 persons in 2020, and 3.10/100,000 persons in 2021.Cilj: Osnovni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi incidenciju neoplazmi testisa na području Zeničko-dobojskog kantona za razdoblje od 2019. do 2021. godine. Također, cilj je bio ispitati dobnu strukturu oboljele populacije, učestalost neoplazme testisa u svim gradovima Zeničko-dobojskog kantona, te patohistoloÅ”ke karakteristike neoplazmi. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na Odjelu za onkologiju i radioterapiju Kantonalne bolnice Zenica. Razdoblje pregleda odnosi se na vremenski interval od liječnja 2019. do prosinca 2021. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 37 ispitanika s verificiranom dijagnozom neoplazme testisa. Rezultati: Aritmetička sredina bolesničkih godina bila je 33,49, a standardna devijacija 12,59. Najveći broj ispitanika pripada dobnoj kategoriji od 26-35 godina, u postotku od 40,5%. Učestalost novotvorina testisa na području Zeničko-dobojskog kantona za 2019. godinu iznosila je 4,2/100.000 stanovnika, za 2020. godinu 3,08/100.000 stanovnika, a za 2021. godinu 3,10/100.000 stanovnika. Većina dijagnosticiranih novotvorina bila je miksoidnog tipa, podrijetlom iz spolnih stanica (48,6%). Zaključak: Učestalost novotvorina testisa na području Zeničko-dobojskog kantona u 2019. godini iznosila je 4,2/100.000 stanovnika, u 2020. godini 3,08/100.000 stanovnika, a u 2021. godini 3,10/100.000 stanovnika