13 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un programa de modificación de conductas en población infantil obesa deportista

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    Cada vez existen más niños clasificados como activos obesos. La adquisición de hábitos saludables implica un cambio de actitud y comportamiento del individuo y su entorno. Este cambio se debe basar en la modificación de hábitos de actividad física y de alimentación. Este estudio de campo experimental de investigación aplicada se ha realizado entre junio de 2009 a junio de 2010. La muestra la formaron cinco familias con niños con sobrepeso u obesidad entre 10 y 14 años que realizaban deporte de forma organizada. Entre los resultados destacamos que todos los sujetos consiguieron romper la tendencia ascendente del peso y disminuirlo, existiendo diferencias significativas, al igual que en el IMC, sumatorio de 6 pliegues y peso graso. Los sujetos pasaron de realizar entre 380-720 min/semana de actividad física a superar, todos menos uno, los 630 min/semana. Los fines de semana y vacaciones son periodos pasivos en cuanto a la actividad física. Hay que transformar el ocio pasivo en ocio activo. En cuanto a la alimentación pasaron de no realizar 5 comidas al día, no llevar una dieta variada ni equilibrada realizando una ingesta entre 3.500-4.000 kcal a realizar 5 comidas, llevar una dieta variada y equilibrada y realizar una ingesta entre 1.500-2.000 kcal. Son necesarios programas conductuales de larga duración. Los cambios deben de ser graduales. Las familias necesitan la comprensión y apoyo externo para poder modificar sus hábitos

    Desenvolupament d’un programa de modificació de conductes en població infantil obesa esportista

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    Cada vegada hi ha més nens classificats com a actius obesos. L’adquisició d’hàbits saludables implica un canvi d’actitud i comportament de l’individu i el seu entorn. Aquest canvi s’ha de basar en la modificació d’hàbits d’activitat física i d’alimentació. Aquest estudi de camp experimental d’investigació aplicada s’ha fet entre juny de 2009 i juny de 2010. La mostra la van formar cinc famílies amb nens amb sobrepès o obesitat entre 10 i 14 anys que feien esport de manera organitzada. Entre els resultats destaquem que tots els subjectes van aconseguir trencar la tendència ascendent del pes i disminuir-lo, amb diferències significatives, igual que en l’IMC, sumatori de 6 plecs i pes gras. Els subjectes van passar de fer 380-720 min/setmana d’activitat física a superar, tots menys un, 630 min/setmana. Els caps de setmana i vacances són períodes passius quant a l’activitat física. Cal transformar l’oci passiu en oci actiu. Quant a l’alimentació, van passar de no fer 5 àpats al dia, no fer una dieta variada ni equilibrada, amb una ingesta de 3.500-4.000 kcal, a fer 5 àpats, fer una dieta variada i equilibrada i fer una ingesta de 1.500-2.000 kcal. Són necessaris programes conductuals de llarga durada. Els canvis han de ser graduals. Les famílies necessiten la comprensió i el suport extern per poder modificar els seus hàbits

    Assessing fat mass of adolescent swimmers using anthropometric equations: a DXA validation study

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    Purpose: The aim of the present study was to determine which of the published anthropometric equations is the most appropriate to estimate body-fat percentage (BF%) in adolescent swimmers. Method: Eighty-eight swimmers (45 boys, 43 girls) participated in this study. Following the recommendations of the International Society of the Advancement of Kinanthropometry, biceps, triceps, subscapular, iliac-crest, supraspinale, front-thigh, and medial calf skinfold thicknesses were measured. Waist, hip, midthigh, calf, relaxed arm, and arm flexed and tensed girths were also registered. BF% was measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to obtain the reference value. Existing anthropometric equations were applied, and BF% results obtained from anthropometric equations were compared to DXA BF% results with the modified Bland-Altman. Results: The Flavel, Durnin-Rahaman-Siri, and Durnin-Rahaman-Brozek were the only equations that did not demonstrate statistically significant differences when compared with DXA. Conclusion: The present study showed that the best anthropometric equation from existing literature to estimate BF% in swimmers is that proposed by Durnin-Rahaman (independently of applying the Siri or Brozek equation)

    Correlates of dietary energy misreporting among European adolescents : the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study

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    This study examined the correlates of dietary energy under-reporting (UR) and over-reporting (OV) in European adolescents. Two selfadministered computerised 24-h dietary recalls and physical activity data using accelerometry were collected from 1512 adolescents aged 12.5-17.5 years from eight European countries. Objective measurements of height and weight were obtained. BMI was categorised according to Cole/International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) cut-off points. Diet-related attitudes were assessed via self-administered questionnaires.Reported energy intake (EI) was compared with predicted total energy expenditure to identify UR and OV using individual physical activity objective measures. Associations between misreporting and covariates were examined by multilevel logistic regression analyses. Among all, 33.3% of the adolescents were UR and 15.6% were OV when considering mean EI. Overweight (OR 3.25; 95% CI 2.01, 5.27) and obese (OR 4.31; 95% CI 1.92, 9.65) adolescents had higher odds for UR, whereas underweight individuals were more likely to over-report (OR 1.67; 95% CI 1.01, 2.76). Being content with their own figures (OR 0.61; 95% CI 0.41, 0.89) decreased the odds for UR, whereas frequently skipping breakfast (OR 2.14; 95% CI 1.53, 2.99) was linked with higher odds for UR. Those being worried about gaining weight (OR 0.55; 95% CI 0.33, 0.92) were less likely to OV. Weight status and psychosocial weight-related factors were found to be the major correlates of misreporting. Misreporting may reflect socially desirable answers and low ability to report own dietary intakes, but also may reflect real under-eating in an attempt to lose weight or real over-eating to reflect higher intakes due to growth spurts. Factors influencing misreporting should be identified in youths to clarify or better understand diet-disease associations

    Comparison of different approaches to calculate nutrient intakes based upon 24‑h recall data derived from a multicenter study in European adolescents

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    The European "Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence" (HELENA) project evaluated two different approaches to harmonize the matching procedures between 24-h recall data and food composition databases. In the first approach, the 24-h recall data were linked to the local/national food composition databases using standardized procedures, while in the second approach, the 24-h recall data were linked to the German BLS database which includes a larger food list. The aim of this paper was to compare the intakes of energy and eight nutrient components calculated via both approaches. Two non-consecutive 24-h recalls were performed in 1268 adolescents. Energy, carbohydrates, proteins, fat, fiber, water, alcohol, calcium and vitamin C were calculated via the two approaches at individual level. Paired samples t test and Pearson's correlations were used to compare the mean intakes of energy and the eight mentioned nutrients and to investigate the possible associations between the two approaches. Small but significant differences were found between the intakes of energy and the eight food components when comparing both approaches. Very strong and strong correlations (0.70-0.95) were found between both methods for all nutrients. The dietary intakes obtained via the two different linking procedures are highly correlated for energy and the eight nutrients under study

    Comparison of anthropometric measurements of adiposity in relation to cancer risk: a systematic review of prospective studies

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    Purpose: In epidemiology, the relationship between increased adiposity and cancer risk has long been recognized. However, whether the association is the same for measures of abdominal or whole body adiposity is unclear. The aim of this systematic review is to compare cancer risk, associated with body mass index (BMI), an indicator of whole body adiposity, with indicators of abdominal adiposity in studies in which these indicators have been directly measured. Methods: We conducted a systematic search from 1974 (EMBASE) and 1988 (PubMed) to September 2015 with keywords related to adiposity and cancer. Included studies were limited to cohort studies reporting directly measured anthropometry and performing mutually adjusted analyses. Results: Thirteen articles were identified, with two reporting on breast cancer, three on colorectal cancer, three on endometrial cancer, two on gastro-oesophageal cancer, two on renal cancer, one on ovarian cancer, one on bladder cancer, one on liver and biliary tract cancer and one on leukaemia. Evidence suggests that abdominal adiposity is a stronger predictor than whole body adiposity for gastro-oesophageal, leukaemia and liver and biliary tract cancer in men and women and for renal cancer in women. Abdominal adiposity was a stronger predictor for bladder and colorectal cancer in women, while only BMI was a predictor in men. In contrast, BMI appears to be a stronger predictor for ovarian cancer. For breast and endometrial cancer, both measures were predictors for cancer risk in postmenopausal women. Conclusions: Only few studies used mutually adjusted and measured anthropometric indicators when studying adiposity-cancer associations. Further research investigating cancer risk and adiposity should include more accurate non-invasive indicators of body fat deposition and focus on the understudied cancer types, namely leukaemia, ovarian, bladder and liver and biliary tract cancer