276 research outputs found

    Evangelical Friend, Sept./Oct., Nov./Dec. 1993 (Vol. 27, No. 1 & 2)

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    A Nature Nudge. By Gary K. Fawver, page 2Finding new ways to be present to God\u27s presence Using Sports as an Evangelistic Tool. By Greg Linville, page 6 If you build it - they will come. Listening for the Trumpet. By Walt Everly, page 10When Christmas comes to life Humanizing the Holy. By Darlene R. Graves, page 12Imagination and stories - ways to get inside the Bible How in the World Do We Tithe? By Betty M. Hockett, page 14Even chickens and rice become gifts to God. Regular FeaturesSpeaking the Truth, 4To the Point, 7Friends Read, 8Friends Write, 9Ponderings and Bustlings, 11A Certain Shaft of Light, 16What About Our Friends? 18https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1258/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, November 1975 (Vol. 9, No. 3)

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    Only a vapor? Editor Jack Willcuts believes exceptional age does not automatically invite has-been-ism, or consign one to a limbo of uselessness. Page 5 He is come! In much of the Christmas season ... I frequently find myself asking, \u27Where is Jesus in all of this?\u27 Page 6 They witness by getting their hands dirty The devastating tornado that hit Xenia, Ohio, in 1974 was the driving force for organizing the Friends Disaster Service. Page 8 Early Quaker women defy persecution In our Bicentennial series, writer Nancy Hardesty outlines the role of Quaker women in 17th Century England and America. Page 9 Focus Queries A five-month study results in this revealing evaluation of the position and needs of local Friends meetings across America. Page 11 No Church in Russia? A member of a professional group invited to tour Russia relates his observations on the status of Russian Christians. Page 12 Quaker concerns: leadership for the church Two young Friends - without prior knowledge - express similar concerns on Quaker heritage andfuture leadership. Page 14 Missionary Voice Concern for service 16 God speaks Aymara, too! 16 Evangelical Fellowship of India plans Silver Jubilee celebration 17 Mexican Youth Camp - 1975 17 What\u27s New! Energetic juniors at Battle Creek Friends in Michigan enjoy a varied program tailor-made to meet their needs. Page 28 Regular Features The Face of the World 4Over the Teacup 4The Children\u27s Page 18Friends Concerns 19Friends Gather 22Friends Record 25News of Friends 26Books 27https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1092/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, June 1988 (Vol. 21, No. 10)

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    Living Stones in the Holy Land. By Ralph Beebe, page 2A Christian\u27s place and mission in the Jewish nation Spring Workouts in Sarasota. By John P. Williams, page 6More than baseball is building in the sunny South. The Exciting History of Friends Missions. By Gene Pickard, page 8Missionary activity is not static but ever-changing. Are we ready for the new wave of missions? Ben\u27s Bridge to Home. By Madeline Pecora Nugent, page 13 The little rivet you provide may be holding someone\u27s bridge together. Taking Care of the Temple. By John Palmer Miller, page 28 Are you being a good custodian? Regular FeaturesSpeaking the Truth, 4Friends Read, 12Friends Write, 15What About Our Friends? 18https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1222/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, December 1975 / January 1976 (Vol. 9, No. 4/5)

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    EditorialsOptimistic pessimism,How to use body English. Page 5 Whatever is happening to abstinence? Abstinence is being neglected and undersold as a great and viable part of Christian living and commitment. Page 6 When is the church fulfilling its mission?Mutual support rather than suppressed distrust should be the keynote in bringing together the church growth and social action people. Page 7 The pastor In our age of careless faultfinding, this homemaker\u27s open appreciation for her pastor is both refreshing and needed. Page 9 Build a bridge of friendship She did not use arguments. She built a bridge from her heart to mine, and Christ walked over it. Page 10 Meeting Life\u27s Crises With the death of tiny Jeni Rebecca they cried, Why, God, why us? But they haven\u27t doubted God\u27s perfect plan. Page 12 Missionary Voice Project Strawberry starts in Florida 13 Friends couple serves in Hong Kong 14I went home a free man 15 Regular Features Friends Write 4The Children\u27s Page 11Pastor\u27s Corner 17The Face of the World 18Over the Teacup 19Books 19Friends Concerns 20 Friends Gather 23 Friends Record 25https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1093/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, October 1968 (Vol. 2, No. 2)

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    Friends in session A summary of the 1968 sessions of Kansas, Ohio, Rocky Mountain and Oregon Yearly Meetings of Friends. Page 4 Pray and hustle It is the serious responsibility of Christian people to influence their environment and all areas of life about them. Page 5 \u27Write ... and send it\u27 As the percentage of illiterates lowers, the church must step up its worldwide literature program. Page 7 Where the action is! The World Relief Commission continues its program of relief, self help, and food-for-work-all with spiritual emphasis. Page 9 Give them this rock! An active Christian education worker in Ohio urges teachers to give teen-agers a foundation to stand on. Page 10 Missionary Voice \u27I know what I am doing\u27 12lt\u27s all in the way you look at it 14 New pastor recorded 14Life in Peru 15 Accent on Friends Youth Positive dont\u27s 20 Inferiority complex, you say? 21 John and Dorothy Sinton A long-time acquaintance of these Irish Friends evangelists tells of their ministry and availability. Page 22 Regular Features The Face of the World 4Reach and Teach 8Over the Teacup 16 Books 16The Children\u27s Page 18Pastoral Perspective 19Friends Write 19 ---------- Rocky Mountain SupplementNorthwest Supplement Southwest Supplement Ohio Supplementhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, September 1968 (Vol. 2, No. 1)

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    Preach the Word God\u27s Word is always relevant and it needs to be applied to current issues. Page 5 Evangelical Friend: the first anniversary The curator of a Quaker collection tells the history of the magazines preceding the Evangelical Friend. Page 6 Mission and service A fresh viewpoint is needed if Friends are to resolve differences of opinion about the importance of mission and service. Page 8 Hand-me-down religion We must realize that the only way to keep our young people is to help each of them meet God face to face. Page 9 Missionary Voice Treasure in earthen vessels 10Witnessing at home 11 School memories at Rough Rock 12 No records-no history We lose contact with our past when we ... are careless about preserving the records upon which history depends. Page 13 Friends in session A report of the Association of Evangelical Friends conference held at Marion, Indiana, in August. Page 14 Accent on Friends Youth Friends Inn--an \u27in\u27 youth activity 16What religion means to me 17 Your Ladyship 17 Youth News 17 Regular Features The Face of the World 4Reach and Teach 4The Children\u27s Page 15Over the Teacup 18Books 18Friends Write 19 ---------- Southwest SupplementOhio Supplement Rocky Mountain Supplement Northwest Supplementhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, December 1986 (Vol. 20, No. 4)

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    Tough Issues in Facing Death. By Jeff O\u27Connor, page 2What are the differences between causing a person\u27s death and allowing death? Families and individuals will find it advantageous to consider the weighty moral questions regarding death prior to the critical illness of a loved one. Stopping the Tears. By Grant L. Martin, page 8Sexual abuse of children is a tragedy that cannot be ignored. Grant Martin presents specific ways you can lower the level of damage. Helping Persons Choose to Protect Life. By Rhonda Dragomir, page 12The woman with an unwanted pregnancy must choose between abortion or carrying the child to birth. What are the pressures that cause women to seek abortions? How can we assist in the search for alternatives? Abortion - Not Just a Woman\u27s Problem. By John W. Oliver, page 15What are the ways in which men are a part of the problem? How can they become a part of the solution? Healing Ministry - Our Forgotten Heritage. By Rick Sams, page 16 Why do some people feel uncomfortable when healing is mentioned? What are the three essentials found in Scripture and history of a healing ministry? Regular FeaturesSpeaking the Truth, 4Friends Read, 7A Certain Shaft of Light, 10Friends Write, 11Missionary Voice, 14What About Our Friends? 18Out of the Silence, 28https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1207/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, July/August 1986 (Vol. 19, No. 11/12)

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    Don GreenBetween the cornstalks and under the Pachysandra. Page 2 Marcile LeachMaking space for Friends and strangers. Page 6 Vernon GroundsMultidimentional peace: God\u27s will for the world. Page 8 Roger WoodMissionary voice: Impressions from India. Page 10 Betty M. HockettCatherine Cattell: A lifetime of trusting God. Page 12 G. Roger SchoenhalsToday! Page 14 Charles MylanderDeclaring our mission. Page 28 Regular Features The Sense of the Meeting 15The Face of the World 16First Day News 17 Friends Write 20A Certain Shaft of Light 21Books 22 Friends Concerns 24Friends Gather 26Friends Record 27https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1203/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, May 1977 (Vol. 10, No. 9)

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    Keith SarverOur Quaker heritage: Peace and righteousness. Page 2 Norman V. BridgesConsider and Christian college. Page 6 Willard Ferguson & James E. MorrisMissionary Voice:Burundi/P.A.C.L.A. Page 7 Ralph E. SmallwoodKeep life alive. Page 9 Jack L. WillcutsEditorials. Page 11 Don WordenA concern about wills. Page 28 Regular Features Friends Write 12Once Upon a Time 17Over the Teacup 18 The Face of the World 18Books 19Salt and Light 20 Friends Concerns 21Friends Gather 24Friends Record 26https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1106/thumbnail.jp

    Evangelical Friend, February 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 6)

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    God gives youth If youth have questions to ask the church, they should be given a hearing. Page 5 \u27Follow peace\u27 We must honor all our youth who want to be involved meaningfully in a sinful, suffering world. Page 6 Hold that teen-ager! The first prerequisite to hold a teen is to win him for Christ. Page 8 Youth speaks out A youthful Friends pastor from Kansas tells what he likes about his denomination. Page 10 Missionary Voice An interview on India 12Camp meeting and dorm life at Rough Rock 13 The Friendly Road 14 Regular Features The Face of the World 41 Friendly Debate 41 The Children\u27s Page 15 Over the Teacup 16These Things We Believe 17 Books 18Friends Write 18 ---------- Southwest SupplementRocky Mountain Supplement Ohio Supplement Northwest Supplementhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1005/thumbnail.jp
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