EditorialsOptimistic pessimism,How to use body English. Page 5
Whatever is happening to abstinence? Abstinence is being neglected and undersold as a great and viable part of Christian living and commitment. Page 6
When is the church fulfilling its mission?Mutual support rather than suppressed distrust should be the keynote in bringing together the church growth and social action people. Page 7
The pastor In our age of careless faultfinding, this homemaker\u27s open appreciation for her pastor is both refreshing and needed. Page 9
Build a bridge of friendship She did not use arguments. She built a bridge from her heart to mine, and Christ walked over it. Page 10
Meeting Life\u27s Crises With the death of tiny Jeni Rebecca they cried, Why, God, why us? But they haven\u27t doubted God\u27s perfect plan. Page 12
Missionary Voice Project Strawberry starts in Florida 13 Friends couple serves in Hong Kong 14I went home a free man 15
Regular Features Friends Write 4The Children\u27s Page 11Pastor\u27s Corner 17The Face of the World 18Over the Teacup 19Books 19Friends Concerns 20 Friends Gather 23 Friends Record 25https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/1093/thumbnail.jp