8 research outputs found

    FACE READERS: The Frontier of Computer Vision and Math Learning

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    The future of AI-assisted individualized learning includes computer vision to inform intelligent tutors and teachers about student affect, motivation and performance. Facial expression recognition is essential in recognizing subtle differences when students ask for hints or fail to solve problems. Facial features and classification labels enable intelligent tutors to predict students’ performance and recommend activities. Videos can capture students’ faces and model their effort and progress; machine learning classifiers can support intelligent tutors to provide interventions. One goal of this research is to support deep dives by teachers to identify students’ individual needs through facial expression and to provide immediate feedback. Another goal is to develop data-directed education to gauge students’ pre-existing knowledge and analyze real-time data that will engage both teachers and students in more individualized and precision teaching and learning. This paper identifies three phases in the process of recognizing and predicting student progress based on analyzing facial features: Phase I: Collecting datasets and identifying salient labels for facial features and student attention/engagement; Phase II: Building and training deep learning models of facial features; and Phase III: Predicting student problem-solving outcome. © 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors

    Leveraging Affect Transfer Learning for Behavior Prediction in an Intelligent Tutoring System

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    In the context of building an intelligent tutoring system (ITS), which improves student learning outcomes by intervention, we set out to improve prediction of student problem outcome. In essence, we want to predict the outcome of a student answering a problem in an ITS from a video feed by analyzing their face and gestures. For this, we present a novel transfer learning facial affect representation and a user-personalized training scheme that unlocks the potential of this representation. We model the temporal structure of video sequences of students solving math problems using a recurrent neural network architecture. Additionally, we extend the largest dataset of student interactions with an intelligent online math tutor by a factor of two. Our final model, coined ATL-BP (Affect Transfer Learning for Behavior Prediction) achieves an increase in mean F-score over state-of-the-art of 45% on this new dataset in the general case and 50% in a more challenging leave-users-out experimental setting when we use a user-personalized training scheme

    Parsing Pointer Movements in a Target Unaware Environment

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    Analysis of the movements of the Mouse pointer could lead to valuable insights into a user’s mental status in digital environments. Previous research has yielded data showing a significant link between user mental status and pointer movements[1]. However, there is currently no standardized system to detect and parse out individual targeted movements of a mouse pointer by a user in an active environment. Active analysis of mouse movements could be useful in situations where the emotional state of the user is being measured. Data was collected through the Mathspring Project including results of problems solved, the facial expressions and self-reported emotions of students, and the movements of the mouse pointer, which is the focus of this work [3]. Although a connection has been shown in previous research [1], the ability to track this in a live system is held back by the manual process for splitting the motions of the pointer. The focus of this project is the development of a generalizable system to parse these movements automatically without needing much processing power or an immense amount of training data for each time. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Affect-driven learning outcomes prediction in intelligent tutoring systems

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    Equipping an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) with the ability to interpret affective signals from students could potentially improve the learning experience of students by enabling the tutor to monitor the students\u27 progress and provide timely interventions as well as present appropriate affective reactions via a virtual tutor. Most ITSs equipped with affect modeling capabilities attempt to predict the emotional state of users. However, the focus in this work is instead on trying to directly predict the learning outcomes of students from a stream of video capturing the students faces as they work on a set of math problems. Using facial features extracted from a video stream, we train classifiers to directly predict the success or failure of a student\u27s attempt to answer a question while the student has just begun to work on the problem. In this work, we first introduce a novel dataset of student interactions with MathSpring, a popular ITS. We provide an exploratory analysis of the different problem outcome classes using typical facial action unit activations. We develop baseline models to predict the problem outcome labels of students solving math problems and discuss how early problem outcome labels can be forecasted and utilized to provide possible interventions

    Prediction of student engagement

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    A major challenge for online learning is the inability of systems to support student emotion and to maintain student engagement. In response to this challenge, computer vision has become an embedded feature in some instructional applications. In this paper, we propose a video dataset of college students solving math problems on the educational platform MathSpring.org with a front facing camera collecting visual feedback of student gestures. The video dataset is annotated to indicate whether students’ attention at specific frames is engaged or wandering. In addition, we train baselines for a computer vision module that determines the extent of student engagement during remote learning. Baselines include state-of-the-art deep learning image classifiers and traditional conditional and logistic regression for head pose estimation. We then incorporate a gaze baseline into the MathSpring learning platform, and we are evaluating its performance with the currently implemented approach.Published versio

    Blinded by science?: Exploring affective meaning in students’ own words

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    This work addresses students’ open responses on causal attributions of their self-reported affective states. We use qualitative thematic data analysis techniques to develop a coding scheme by identifying common themes in students’ self-reported attributions. We then applied this scheme to a larger set of student reports. Analysis shows that students’ reasons for reporting a certain affect do not always align with researchers’ expectations. In particular, we discovered that a sizable group of students externalize their affect, attributing perceived difficulty of the problem and their own negativity as lying outside of themselves