9 research outputs found

    The effect of breed and feed-type on the sensory profile of breast meat in male broilers reared in an organic free-range system

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    1. Studies on the sensory profiling of male broiler breast meat were carried out to evaluate the effect of two very different broiler breeds (JA757 and New Hampshire), two different feed types (broiler and grower feed) and age at slaughter (82 and 110 d). 2. The sensory profiling consisted of a pilot study, 4 training sessions, and finally the assessment. During the training session a panel of 9 assessors defined 17 attributes, which were used to describe the smell, texture and flavour of the breast fillets. Each attribute was evaluated on a 15-cm unstructured line scale. 3. The breast meat became significantly less hard, and more juicy and tender in the New Hampshire at 110 d of age, whereas the opposite was found in JA757, which also acquired a more ‘‘sourish’’ flavour with age. The smell of ‘‘sweet/maize’’ and ‘‘bouillon’’ became weaker with age in JA757, but not in New Hampshire. 4. Several significant differences in relation to the main factors of breed and age were found. The traditional broiler hybrid JA757 did best for most smell and flavour attributes, whereas New Hampshire did best for the texture attributes. Age had a negative effect on the flavours and smell attributes ‘‘fresh chicken’’, ‘‘neck of pork’’ and ‘‘sweet maize’’, but a positive effect on the texture attribute ‘‘crumbly’’. In addition meat was more ‘‘stringy’’ at 110 d of age. 5. The flavours ‘‘neck of pork’’ and ‘‘umami’’ were significantly improved when JA757 was fed on the broiler feed and when New Hampshire was given the grower feed. The meat smelt more ‘‘sourish’’ at 82 d of age and less ‘‘sourish’’ at 110 d of age when the grower feed was consumed. Meat was significantly harder and stringier when JA757 was fed on the grower feed. This was not the case for New Hampshire. In general, the meat was significantly less crumbly and stringier with the grower feed. 6. Overall a very distinct difference in sensory profile was found between the two breeds. In addition different slaughter ages and feeding strategies should be taken into consideration in a niche production based on alternative genotypes

    Effect of grass–clover forage and whole-wheat feeding on the sensory quality of eggs

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    BACKGROUND: A sensory panel evaluated the sensory profile of eggs from hens from three experimental systems: (1) an indoor system × normal layer diet (InL), (2) a grass–clover forage system × normal layer diet (GrL), and (3) a grass–clover forage system × whole wheat and oyster shells (GrW). RESULTS: The taste of the albumen was significantly more ‘watery’ and the yolks a darker yellow/orange in the eggs from the GrL and GrW groups. The yolk was darkest from the GrW group. The yolks from the InL and GrW groups had a significantly more ‘fresh’, less ‘animal’, ‘cardboard’, and ‘intense’ aroma than the GrL group. The taste of the yolks from the InL and GrW groups was significantlymore ‘fresh’ and less ‘cardboard’-like compared to the GrL group. The yolks tasted significantly less ‘sulfurous’ in the GrW group than in the GrL group. CONCLUSION: The combination of a high feed intake from a grass–clover pasture and the type of feed allocated is an important factor in relation to the sensory quality of eggs. Thus, a less favourable sensory profile of eggs was found from hens on a grass–clover pasture and fed a normal layer diet

    Sensorisk profilering af kylling (QEMP) – Sensorisk Videnskab 2007

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    Denne rapport beskriver resultaterne af en sensorisk profilering af økologiske kyllinger – første del af to. Profileringen er udført ved afdelingen for Sensorisk Videnskab, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab, Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet i 2007. Rapporten er udarbejdet i forbindelse med QEMP-projektet og er således rekvireret af John Hermansen (Institut for Jordbrugsproduktion og Miljø, Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Århus Universitet). Rapporten giver først en indføring i metoden anvendt til den sensoriske profilering. Herefter følger en gennemgang af resultaterne af profileringen med angivelse af relevante figurer. Resultaterne er analyseret ved brug af relevante statistiske analyser. Yderligere information om detaljer i rapporten kan fås ved henvendelse til forfatterne

    QEMP forsøg 2- Sensorisk Videnskab 2009

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    Denne rapport beskriver resultaterne af en sensorisk profilering af økologiske kyllinger – anden del af to, første del udført i 2007. Profileringen er udført ved afdelingen for Sensorisk Videnskab, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab, Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet i januar 2009. Rapporten er udarbejdet i forbindelse med QEMP-projektet og er således rekvireret af Klaus Horsted (Institut for Jordbrugsproduktion og Miljø, Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Århus Universitet). Rapporten giver først en indføring i metoden anvendt til den sensoriske profilering, som er meget lig den anvendt ved forsøg 1. Herefter følger en gennemgang af resultaterne af profileringen med angivelse af relevante figurer. Resultaterne er analyseret ved brug af relevante statistiske analyser. Yderligere information om detaljer i rapporten kan fås ved henvendelse til forfatterne

    Produktion af kyllinger i frugtplantage kan give større spiseoplevelse

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    Produktion af slagtekyllinger i frugtplantage åbner en spændende mulighed for større spiseoplevelse for den kvalitetsbevidste forbruger. Sensorikbedømmelser af brystkødet fra to typer slagtekyllinger, JA757 og New Hampshire viste en markant forskellig sensorisk profil. Hvor JA757 fik bedre score i visse lugt og smagsegenskaber, opnåede New Hampshire bedre score i teksturegenskaber som f.eks. mørhed og saftighed. For begge afstamninger var smagen og lugten af frisk kylling lavere ved højere slagtealder

    Experienced and inexperienced observers achieved relatively high within-observer agreement on video mobility scoring of dairy cows

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    AbstractAssessment of lameness prevalence and severity requires visual evaluation of thelocomotion of a cow. Welfare schemes including locomotion assessments are increasingly being adopted, and more farmers and their veterinarians might implement a locomotion-scoring routine together. However, high within-observer agreement is a prerequisite for obtaining valid mobility scorings, and within-observer agreement cannot be estimated in a barn, because the gait of cows is dynamic and may change between 2 occasions. The objective of this study was to estimate the within-observer agreement according to the observers’ educational background and experience with cattle, based on video recordings with very diverse types of gait. Groups of farmers, bovine veterinarians, first- and fourth-year veterinary students, researchers, and cattle-inexperienced sensory assessors evaluated mobility using a 5-point mobility score system developed specifically for walking cows (n=102 observers). The evaluation sessions were similar for all groups, lasted 75 min, and were organized as follows: introduction, test A, short training session, break, and test B. In total, video recordings of 22 cows were displayed twice in a random order (11 cows in each test × 2 replicates). Data were analyzed applying kappa coefficient, logistic regression, and testing for random effects of observers. The crude estimates of 95% confidence interval for weighted kappa in test A and B ranged, respectively, from 0.76 to 0.80 and 0.70 to 0.75. When adjusting for the fixed effects of video sample and gait scoring preferences, the probability of assigning the same mobility score twice to the same cow varied from 55% (sensory assessors) to 72% (fourth-year veterinary students). The random effect of the individual observers was negligible. That is, in general observers could categorize the mobility characteristics of cows quite well. Observers who preferred to assess the attributes back arch or the overall mobility score (based on uneven gait) had the highest agreement, respectively, 69 or 68%. The training session seemed insufficient to improve agreement. Nonetheless, even novice observers were able to achieve perfect agreement up to 60% of the 22 scorings with merely the experience obtained during the study (introduction and training session). The relatively small differences between groups, together with a high agreement, demonstrate that the new system is easy to follow compared with previously described scoring systems. The mobility score achieves sufficiently high within-observer repeatability to allow between-observer agreement estimates, which are reliable compared with other more-complex scoring systems. Consequently, the new scoring scale seems feasible for on-farm applications as a tool to monitor mobility within and between cows, for communication between farmers and veterinarians with diverse educational background, and for lamenessbenchmarking of herds

    Kvalitet og integritet i økologiske æg, kyllinge- og svinekødsprodukter (QEMP)

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    Gode muligheder for at påvirke kvalitet og øge diversiteten ved at ’skrue på’ race, fodring og slagtealder Fortsat fokus på kvalitet nødvendig (især samspil mellem frilandsproduktion og kvalitet)

    Sensory profile of breast meat from broilers reared in an organic niche production system and conventional standard broilers

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    BACKGROUND: A sensory panel evaluated the sensory profile of breast meat from five broiler products: two conventional standard products (A and B) and three organic niche genotypes (I657, L40, K8) reared in an apple orchard. RESULTS: Twenty-two sensory attributes were evaluated, and 13 differed significantly between the products. The aromas ‘chicken’, ‘bouillon’ and ‘fat’ scored highest and the ‘iron/liver’ aroma lowest for the niche products. The meat was more ‘tender’, ‘short’ and ‘crumbly’, and less ‘hard’ and ‘stringy’ in the standard products than in one or more of the niche products. Product ‘I657’ was less ‘juicy’ than the rest. ‘I657’ and ‘L40’ were more ‘cohesive’ and tasted more ‘sourish’ and less of ‘sweet/maize’ than the standard products. The ‘overall liking’ score was significantly higher for the ‘K8’ product than for ‘Standard A’ and ‘L40’ products. ‘Overall liking’ was significantly correlated to aroma and taste of ‘chicken’, ‘umami/bouillon’, ‘iron/liver’, and the ‘fat’ aroma. CONCLUSION: The sensory profiles differed particularly between conventional standard broilers and organic niche broilers, although differences were also found between breeds. The present study indicates that aroma and taste attributes were more important for the assessors than meat ‘tenderness’ for the overall liking of broiler meat