21 research outputs found

    Development of a Single-Cell Migration and Extravasation Platform through Selective Surface Modification

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    Cell migration through three-dimensional (3D) tissue spaces is integral to many biological and pathological processes, including metastasis. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are phenotypically heterogeneous, and in vitro analysis of their extravasation behavior is often impeded by the inability to establish complex tissue-like extracellular matrix (ECM) environments and chemotactic gradients within microfluidic devices. We have developed a novel microfluidic strategy to manipulate surface properties of enclosed microchannels and create 3D ECM structures for real-time observation of individual migrating cells. The wettability of selective interconnected channels is controlled by a plasma pulse, enabling the incorporation of ECM exclusively within the transmigration regions. We applied this approach to collectively analyze CTC–endothelial adhesion, trans-endothelial migration, and subsequent motility of breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) through a 3D ECM under artificial gradients of SDF-1α. We observed migration velocities ranging from 5.12 to 12.8 μm/h, which closely correspond to single-cell migration in collagen blocks, but are significantly faster than the migration of cell aggregates. The compartmentalized microchannels separated by the porous ECM makes this in vitro assay versatile and suitable for a variety of applications such as inflammation studies, drug screening, and coculture interactions

    Postoperative hydrocephalus in patients undergoing decompressive hemicraniectomy for ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.

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    OBJECTIVE: We have frequently observed the development of postoperative communicating hydrocephalus in patients undergoing decompressive hemicraniectomy. This condition may persist in some patients after cranioplasty and require permanent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion. To confirm an independent correlation between hemicraniectomy and the development of communicating hydrocephalus, and to detail the frequency and potential clinical factors contributing to this complication, we evaluated our series of patients undergoing hemicraniectomy for life-threatening increases in intracranial pressure secondary to ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed with a cohort of consecutive patients who underwent emergent hemicraniectomy for medically refractory elevations in intracranial pressure. Patients with known independent risk factors for the development of communicating hydrocephalus were excluded. Clinical and imaging data were reviewed to determine the incidence and type of hydrocephalus after hemicraniectomy, the persistence of hydrocephalus after cranioplasty, and the need for permanent CSF diversion. RESULTS: Eighty-eight percent of the eligible patients undergoing hemicraniectomy in our cohort developed postoperative communicating hydrocephalus. Half of these patients harbored persistent hydrocephalus after cranioplasty and required placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. We noted a strong correlation between prolonged time to replacement of the bone flap and persistence of hydrocephalus. CONCLUSION: Communicating hydrocephalus is an almost universal finding in patients after hemicraniectomy. Delayed time to cranioplasty is linked with the development of persistent hydrocephalus, necessitating permanent CSF diversion in some patients. We propose that early cranioplasty, when possible, may restore normal intracranial pressure dynamics and prevent the need for permanent CSF diversion in patients after hemicraniectomy

    Dynamics of central and peripheral immunomodulation in a murine glioma model

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    Abstract Background Immunosuppression by gliomas contributes to tumor progression and treatment resistance. It is not known when immunosuppression occurs during tumor development but it likely involves cross-talk among tumor cells, tumor-associated macrophages and microglia (TAMs), and peripheral as well as tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). Results We have performed a kinetic study of this immunomodulation, assessing the dynamics of immune infiltration and function, within the central nervous system (CNS) and peripherally. PDGF-driven murine glioma cells were injected into the white matter of 13 mice. Four mice were sacrificed 13 days post-injection (dpi), four mice at 26 dpi, and five mice at 40 dpi. Using multiparameter flow cytometry, splenic T cells were assessed for FoxP3 expression to identify regulatory T cells (Tregs) and production of IFN-γ and IL-10 after stimulation with PMA/ionomycin; within the CNS, CD4+ TILs were quantified, and TAMs were quantified and assessed for TNF-α and IL-10 production after stimulation with LPS. Peripheral changes associated with tumor development were noted prior to effects within the CNS. The percentage of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) increased by day 26, with elevated frequencies throughout the duration of the study. This early increase in Tregs was paralleled by an increase in IL-10 production from Tregs. At the final time points examined (tumor morbidity or 40 dpi), there was an increase in the frequency of TAMs with decreased capacity to secrete TNF-α. An increase in TIL frequency was also observed at these final time points. Conclusion These data provide insight into the kinetics of the immunosuppressive state associated with tumor growth in a murine model of human gliomas. Functional impairment of TAMs occurs relatively late in the course of GBM tumor growth, potentially providing a window of opportunity for therapeutic strategies directed towards preventing their functional impairment.</p

    Identification of A2B5+CD133- tumor-initiating cells in adult human gliomas.

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    OBJECTIVE: Several studies have shown that human gliomas contain a small population of cells with stem cell-like features. It has been proposed that these cancer stem cells may be uniquely responsible for glioma formation and recurrence. However, human gliomas also contain an abundance of cells that closely resemble more differentiated glial progenitors. Animal model studies have shown that these cells also possess the capacity to form malignant gliomas. METHODS: To investigate the contributions of stem-like and progenitor-like cells in human gliomas, we used flow cytometry to characterize the expression of a cancer stem cell marker (CD133) and a glial progenitor marker (A2B5) in 25 tumors. We found that human gliomas consistently express A2B5 in a large percentage of cells (61.7 +/- 3.8%, standard error of the mean). In contrast, CD133 expression was less abundant and less consistent (14.8 +/- 3.6%, standard error of the mean), with several glioblastomas containing very few or no detectable CD133+ cells. When present, the CD133+ population was almost entirely contained within the A2B5+ population. Thus, most gliomas could be divided into three distinct populations on the basis of these markers (A2B5+CD133+, A2B5+CD133-, and A2B5-CD133-). To test the tumorigenic potential of these populations, we separated cells from six tumors by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and reinjected them into nude rats. RESULTS: We found that the capacity for these different populations to form tumors varied depending on the human tumor specimen from which they were isolated. Of the six human gliomas tested, four contained A2B5+/CD133- cells that formed tumors when transplanted into nude rats, three contained A2B5+/CD133+ cells that formed tumors, and only one glioma contained A2B5-/CD133- cells with the capacity to form tumors. CONCLUSION: Together, these results demonstrate that human gliomas contain multiple populations of cells with the capacity to form tumors and specifically identify a population of tumorigenic A2B5+ cells that are phenotypically distinct from CD133+ cells