5,281 research outputs found

    Making History in the Bedroom: Americo-Liberians and Indigenous Liberians Sexual Unions, 1880s- c. 1950s

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    The article discusses sexual unions between black American settlers and majority indigenes in Liberia. According to the author, these unions forged political alliances between indigenous Liberians and Americo-Liberians, furthered the so-called civilizing mission of the colony, and created space for social mobility. Details related to the different groups living in the region, including indigenous Africans, recaptives who had been taken off illegal slaving vessels and resettled in Liberia, and free and formerly enslaved blacks from the U.S., are presented. Other topics include Christianity, polygamy, and illegitimate children

    Reexamining the Racial Record of Abraham Lincoln

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    Since his death in 1865 Abraham Lincoln has been universally honored in black America. In many black homes and businesses, his photograph often hangs in honor next to the one of Martin Luther King Jr. But a new book by Ebony editor Lerone Bennett Jr. contends that Lincoln was a crude bigot who told demeaning darky jokes, had an unquenchable thirst for minstrel shows, consistently used the word nigger, and supported efforts to ship Negroes back to Africa. As Jack E. White pointed out in a recent Time magazine article, this book largely has been ignored by the mainstream press. The book was not reviewed in The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Chicago Tribune, or USA Today. JBHE [Journal of Blacks in Higher Education] asked a group of leading Lincoln scholars for their opinions of the Bennett book and the controversy surrounding its publication. Here are the replies

    Vol. 5, No. 1 (1985)

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    Chinese Ethics: An Empirical Study of Idealism and Relativism

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    The purpose of this empirical study is to examine the relationships between ethical views of certain Chinese demographics and to consider different trends that may affect academic and business considerations in the future pertaining to East-West interaction. This study utilizes Forsyth’s Ethics Position Questionnaire (EPQ) to assess the ethical views of 401 Chinese undergraduate students in a rural province of Central China. Regression analyses are applied to investigate the following hypotheses: In a new Chinese context, the EPQ is applicable for assessing the ethical views of Chinese undergraduate students in rural China. Rural Chinese undergraduate student EPQ results are demonstrative of, and, in view of prior studies, are predictive of changes in Chinese ethical considerations. Rural Chinese undergraduate student EPQ results reflect long held Eastern worldview approaches however, in view of prior studies, there is some increasing similarity with Western EPQ outcomes. The findings of this study support the acceptance of the first and third null hypotheses. The practical implications of this study include an understanding that China, though it is rapidly equating with Western levels of market technology and sophistication, continues to resist Western ideals and ethics. Rather, the blending of Western and Eastern principles will continue to evolve and the Chinese worldview will continue to be dominated by the goals and needs of the Chinese State in a reflection of the millennia old culture. The value of this study is that it updates data relating to Chinese ethical approaches in a fast-changing Chinese and global marketplace. Secondly, it clarifies the different considerations and approaches needed when Westerners are dealing with Chinese counterparts in academia and/or business. Lastly, it posits current and future trends likely to affect East-West relationships in these realms

    Tests of a multichannel photometer based on silicon diode detectors

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    A breadboard photometer was constructed that demonstrates a precision of 2 times 10 to the 4th power in the laboratory and scintillation-limited performance when used with an 0.5 m aperture telescope. Because the detectors and preamps are not cooled, only stars with m sub v approx. less than 4 are bright enough to allow the photometer to attain a precision of 1 times 10 to the 3rd power for three minute observations with an 0.5 m aperature telescope. Cooling the telescope should allow much fainter stars to be observed. Increasing the aperture of the telescope will allow higher precision and the observation of fainter stars

    Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptides Exhibit Two Different Binding Mechanisms to the Lipopolysaccharides Isolated from and

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    Circular dichroism and 1H NMR were used to investigate the interactions of a series of synthetic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Previous CD studies with AMPs containing only three Tic-Oic dipeptide units do not exhibit helical characteristics upon interacting with small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) consisting of LPS. Increasing the number of Tic-Oic dipeptide units to six resulted in five analogues with CD spectra that exhibited helical characteristics on binding to LPS SUVs. Spectroscopic and in vitro inhibitory data suggest that there are two possible helical conformations resulting from two different AMP-LPS binding mechanisms. Mechanism one involves a helical binding conformation where the AMP binds LPS very strongly and is not efficiently transported across the LPS bilayer resulting in the loss of inhibitory activity. Mechanism two involves a helical binding conformation where the AMP binds LPS very loosely and is efficiently transported across the LPS bilayer resulting in an increase in inhibitory activity. Mechanism three involves a nonhelical binding conformation where the AMP binds LPS very loosely and is efficiently transported across the LPS bilayer resulting in an increase in inhibitory activity

    Ethical, Business, and Management Views of China’s Next Generation: A Quantitative Study of Chinese Undergraduate Students for Improved Pedagogy and More Effective East-West Business Interaction

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    The purpose of this quantitative research is to explore Chinese undergraduate student worldviews and the foundation upon which those views are constructed. This study sheds light on neglected aspects of the changing global economy in its demand for consistent global ethics and a blending of Eastern and Western approaches to business and management that meet the needs of all stakeholders. The results of this study may lead to a better understanding for Western educators and business practitioners when dealing with Chinese students or clients in a cross-cultural environment

    Pursuing Cross-Cultural Pedagogical Success in China

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    The purpose of this article is to present issues for research consideration related to cross-cultural teaching challenges as an American in China. This article describes my pedagogical practices and insight after five years of teaching business ethics, management and leadership primarily to Chinese undergraduate students in Henan Province, Central China. The issues raised and the suggestions for future research explored herein will hopefully lead to greater understanding and pedagogical success for American teachers working in China. In addition, cross-cultural educators may gain at least one critical tool or insight to increase their teaching efficacy as all educators are teaching cross-culturally with the presence of ethnic groups and international students in classrooms. At a minimum, this discussion may shorten the learning curve a bit for those recent to the profession who find themselves in an unfamiliar cultural environment and who strive to adapt their pedagogy for improved classroom experiences and student-centered course outcomes