2,605 research outputs found

    Synchrotron study of poly[[di-μ-aqua­(μ-2,2′-bipyridyl-5,5′-dicarboxyl­ato)di­potassium] dihydrate]

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    The title compound, {[K2(C12H6N2O4)(H2O)2]·2H2O}n, forms a three-dimensional coordination polymer in the solid state. The asymmetric unit consists of one K+ ion, half of a 2,2′-bipyridyl-5,5′-dicarboxyl­ate ligand, one coordinated water mol­ecule and one solvent water mol­ecule. The K+ ion is 7-coordinated by the oxygen atoms of two water mol­ecules and by five oxygen atoms of four carboxyl­ate groups, one of which is chelating. The extended structure can be described as a binodal network in which each K+ is a six-connected node, bonding to four carboxyl­ate groups and two bridging water mol­ecules, and the 2,2′-bipyridyl-5,5′-dicarboxyl­ate linkers are eight-connected nodes, with each carboxyl­ate group bridging four metal centers. Overall, this arrangement generates a complex network with point symbol {34.412.512}{}2. Both of the bridging water mol­ecules participate as donors in hydrogen-bonding inter­actions; one to solvent water mol­ecules and a second to an oxygen atom of a carboxyl­ate group

    Objective Review of Mediastinal Lymph Node Examination in a Lung Cancer Resection Cohort

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    Background:Accurate staging of resected lung cancer requires mediastinal lymph node (MLN) examination. MLN dissection (MLND) and systematic sampling (SS) are acceptable procedures; random sampling (RS) and no sampling (NS) are not. Forty percent of US lung cancer resections have NS. We closely examined the pattern of MLN examination in a lung resection cohort.Methods:This is a retrospective review of all lung cancer resections in Memphis, TN, from 2004 to 2007. We compared operating surgeons' claims to the pathology report and an audit of the operation narrative by an independent surgeon.Results:Forty-five percent of resections were reported by surgeons as MLND, 8% RS, and 48% NS. None met pathology criteria for MLND, 9% were SS, 50% were RS, and 42% were NS. The concordance rate between the operating surgeon and pathology report was 39%. The surgeon audit suggested 29% of resections had MLND, 26% RS, and 45% NS. Concordance between operating and auditing surgeons was 71%. Sublobar resection, T1 stage, and age were associated with NS.Conclusions:Most resections had suboptimal MLN examination. Concordance was poor between surgeon claims, objective review of pathology reports, and an independent surgeon audit. The higher concordance between operating and auditing surgeons may suggest incomplete pathology examination of MLN material. The terms used by operating surgeons to describe MLN retrieval were often inaccurate

    Transferable Pair Potentials for CdS and ZnS Crystals

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    A set of interatomic pair potentials is developed for CdS and ZnS crystals. We show that a simple energy function, which has been used to describe the properties of CdSe [J. Chem. Phys. 116, 258 (2002)], can be parametrized to accurately describe the lattice and elastic constants, and phonon dispersion relations of bulk CdS and ZnS in the wurtzite and rocksalt crystal structures. The predicted coexistence pressure of the wurtzite and rocksalt structures, as well as the equation of state are in good agreement with experimental observations. These new pair potentials enable the study of a wide range of processes in bulk and nanocrystalline II-VI semiconductor materials

    Hormonal and Sex Impact on the Epidemiology of Canine Lymphoma

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    The Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results data demonstrate that the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is lower for women, but that the incidence increases after fifty years of age, at which menopause is regularly reached, suggesting that female hormones may be protective for NHL. This study examines the influence of sex on lymphoma risk in a relevant large animal model. Records for dogs in the Veterinary Medical Database were analyzed from 1964 to 2002. Risk ratios were calculated to evaluate associations between sex, neutering status, and lymphoma occurrence. A total of 14,573 cases and 1,157,342 controls were identified. Intact females had a significantly lower risk of developing lymphoma, Odds Ratio 0.69 (0.63–0.74) with a P < .001. We conclude that there is a sex effect on NHL risk in dogs similar to humans. We hypothesize that the hormone levels of intact females lower the risk of NHL. The possibility of a protective role of endogenous estrogens in the etiology of NHL should be investigated

    Generalized Rosenfeld scalings for tracer diffusivities in not-so-simple fluids: Mixtures and soft particles

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    Rosenfeld [Phys. Rev. A 15, 2545 (1977)] noticed that casting transport coefficients of simple monatomic, equilibrium fluids in specific dimensionless forms makes them approximately single-valued functions of excess entropy. This has predictive value because, while the transport coefficients of dense fluids are difficult to estimate from first principles, excess entropy can often be accurately predicted from liquid-state theory. Here, we use molecular simulations to investigate whether Rosenfeld's observation is a special case of a more general scaling law relating mobility of particles in mixtures to excess entropy. Specifically, we study tracer diffusivities, static structure, and thermodynamic properties of a variety of one- and two-component model fluid systems with either additive or non-additive interactions of the hard-sphere or Gaussian-core form. The results of the simulations demonstrate that the effects of mixture concentration and composition, particle-size asymmetry and additivity, and strength of the interparticle interactions in these fluids are consistent with an empirical scaling law relating the excess entropy to a new dimensionless (generalized Rosenfeld) form of tracer diffusivity, which we introduce here. The dimensionless form of the tracer diffusivity follows from knowledge of the intermolecular potential and the transport / thermodynamic behavior of fluids in the dilute limit. The generalized Rosenfeld scaling requires less information, and provides more accurate predictions, than either Enskog theory or scalings based on the pair-correlation contribution to the excess entropy. As we show, however, it also suffers from some limitations, especially for systems that exhibit significant decoupling of individual component tracer diffusivities.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Direct experimental test of scalar confinement

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    The concept of Lorentz scalar quark confinement has a long history and is still widely used despite its well-known theoretical faults. We point out here that the predictions of scalar confinement also conflict directly with experiment. We investigate the dependence of heavy-light meson mass differences on the mass of the light quark. In particular, we examine the strange and non-strange D mesons. We find that the predictions of scalar confinement are in considerable conflict with measured values.Comment: REVTeX4, 7 pages, 4 EPS figure

    HST/STIS UV Spectroscopy of Two Quiescent X-ray Novae: A0620-00 and Centaurus X-4

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    In 1998 we made UV spectroscopic observations with HST/STIS of A0620-00 and Cen X-4, which are two X-ray novae (aka soft X-ray transients). These binary systems are similar in all respects except that the former contains a black hole and the latter contains a neutron star. A UV spectrum (1700-3100A) is presented for the quiescent state of each system in the context of previously published UV/optical and X-ray data. The non-stellar, continuum spectrum of black hole A0620-00 has a prominent UV/optical peak centered at about 3500A. In contrast the spectrum of neutron-star Cen X-4 lacks a peak and rises steadily with frequency over the entire UV/optical band. In the optical, the two systems are comparably luminous. However, black hole A0620-00 is about 6 times less luminous at 1700A, and about 40 times less luminous in the X-ray band. The broadband spectrum of A0620-00 is discussed in terms of the advection-dominated accretion flow model.Comment: 18 pages including 4 figures; tentatively scheduled for the March 10, 2000 issue of ApJ; minor revision

    catena-Poly[[penta-μ-benzoato-μ-chlorido-dioxanedineodymium(III)] dioxane 2.5-solvate]

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Nd2(C6H5COO)5Cl(C4H8O2)]·2.5C4H8O2, consists of two NdIII ions bridged by one Cl− ion, five benzoate ions and one coordinating 1,4-dioxane mol­ecule. One NdIII ion is nine-coordinate, with a very distorted monocapped square-anti­prismatic geometry. It is coordinated by two chelating carboxyl­ate groups, three monodentate carboxyl­ate groups, one chloride ion and one dioxane mol­ecule. A second independent NdIII ion is eight-coordinated in a distorted square-anti­prismatic geometry by one chelating carboxyl­ate group, five monodentate carboxyl­ate groups and one chloride ion. The chains of the extended structure are parallel to the crystallographic b axis. There is a small amount of void space which is filled with five disordered dioxane solvent mol­ecules per unit cell. The intensity contribution of the disordered solvent molecules was removed by applying the SQUEEZE procedure in PLATON [Spek (2009). Acta Cryst. D65, 148–155]