193 research outputs found

    Acciones de cuidado a madres sin pareja con hijos críticamente enfermos o que mueren : Estudio realizado con Enfermeros/as del Hospital Materno Provincial “Dr. Raúl Felipe Luccini” Ciudad de Córdoba, Año 2019

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    El siguiente informe de investigación pretendió describir cuáles son las acciones de cuidado de los enfermeros/as a una población muy vulnerable como son las madres sin pareja en el Hospital Materno Provincial Dr. Raúl Felipe Luccini en el año 2019 que pasan por circunstancias dolorosas como tener un hijo que acaba de nacer en situaciones críticas o en el peor de los casos mueren, a lo cual se les suma el hecho de enfrentar dichas situaciones de dolor sola sin el apoyo del padre de su hijo. Con base teórica de los Cuidados de Kristen Swanson con el objetivo de describir acciones de cuidados de los enfermero/as en esta área. Metodología: un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal permitió medir y evaluar, dimensiones y componentes del fenómeno, la operacionalización de la variable en estudio “Acciones de cuidado que realizan los enfermero/as a madres sin pareja que tienen a su hijo críticamente enfermo o que muere en el Hospital Materno Provincial “junto con sus dimensiones e indicadores de Conocimiento, Estar con, Hacer por, Posibilitar y Mantener las creencias. La investigación se realizó a una población de 100 enfermero/as y un muestreo probabilístico de 20 enfermeros profesionales que trabajan en cuidados intensivos neonatales, a través de la técnica e instrumento, observación, Lista de cotejo. Volcados a una tabla matriz para su posterior tabulación de datos. Resultados: arrojo que en “Conocimiento “predomino con un 63% de los enfermero/as están presente y 37% ausente “Estar con” presento un 60% presente y 40% ausente” Hacer por” arrojo un 72,5% presente y 27,5% ausente” Posibilitar” obtuvo un 30% presente y un 70% ausente” Mantener las creencias” el 70% está presente y el 30% ausente; De las “Acciones que realizan los enfermeros para ayudar a las madres sin pareja que tienen a su hijo críticamente enfermo”. Al análisis del objetivo general que fue comprender “Acciones que realizan los enfermeros/aspara ayudar a las madres sin pareja que tienen a sus hijos críticamente enfermo o muere “del total, esta con un 58% presente en todas sus dimensiones y un 42% ausente. Discusión: Analizando los resultados obtenidos, sabemos que los cuidados no son solo físicos sino también espirituales hacia el recién nacido y su madre, donde a su vez, se ven influenciados por el entorno en que se configura la estructura del cuidado. Palabras claves: cuidado, enfermero/as, madres sin pareja, actitud ante a la muerte.Fil: Allegrini, Verónica Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería; Argentina

    The conformational evolution of elongated polymer solutions tailors the polarization of light-emission from organic nanofibers

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    Polymer fibers are currently exploited in tremendously important technologies. Their innovative properties are mainly determined by the behavior of the polymer macromolecules under the elongation induced by external mechanical or electrostatic forces, characterizing the fiber drawing process. Although enhanced physical properties were observed in polymer fibers produced under strong stretching conditions, studies of the process-induced nanoscale organization of the polymer molecules are not available, and most of fiber properties are still obtained on an empirical basis. Here we reveal the orientational properties of semiflexible polymers in electrospun nanofibers, which allow the polarization properties of active fibers to be finely controlled. Modeling and simulations of the conformational evolution of the polymer chains during electrostatic elongation of semidilute solutions demonstrate that the molecules stretch almost fully within less than 1 mm from jet start, increasing polymer axial orientation at the jet center. The nanoscale mapping of the local dichroism of individual fibers by polarized near-field optical microscopy unveils for the first time the presence of an internal spatial variation of the molecular order, namely the presence of a core with axially aligned molecules and a sheath with almost radially oriented molecules. These results allow important and specific fiber properties to be manipulated and tailored, as here demonstrated for the polarization of emitted light.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, Macromolecules (2014

    The influence of the net rainfall mixed Curve Number – Green Ampt procedure in flood hazard mapping: a case study in Central Italy

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    A net rainfall estimation procedure, referred to as Curve-Number For Green-Ampt (CN4GA), combining the Soil Conservation Service - Curve Number (SCS-CN) method and the Green and Ampt (GA) infiltration equation was recently developed, aiming to distribute at subdaily time resolution the information provided by the SCS-CN method. The initial abstraction and the total volume of rainfall provided by the SCS-CN method are used to identify the ponding time and to quantify the hydraulic conductivity parameter of the GA equation, whereas the GA infiltration model distributes the total volume of the rainfall excess provided by the SCS-CN method. In this study we evaluate the proposed procedure with reference to a real case comparing the flood mapping obtained applying the event-based approach for two different net rainfall scenarios: the proposed CN4GA and the common SCS-CN. Results underline that the net rainfall estimation step can affect the final flood mapping result

    Photoionization spectroscopy of excited states of cold cesium dimers

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    Photoionization spectroscopy of cold cesium dimers obtained by photoassociation of cold atoms in a magneto-optical trap is reported here. In particular, we report on the observation and on the spectroscopic analysis of all the excited states that have actually been used for efficient detection of cold molecules stabilized in the triplet a^3Sigma_u^+ ground state. They are: the (1)^3Sigma_g^+ state connected to the 6s+6p asymptote, the (2)^3Sigma_g^+ and (2)^3Pi_g states connected to the 6s+5d asymptote and finally the (3)^3Sigma_g^+ state connected to the 6s + 7s asymptote. The detection through these states spans a wide range of laser energies, from 8000 to 16500 cm-1, obtained with different laser dyes and techniques. Information on the initial distribution of cold molecules among the different vibrational levels of the a^3Sigma_u^+ ground state is also provided. This spectroscopic knowledge is important when conceiving schemes for quantum manipulation, population transfer and optical detection of cold cesium molecules.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Note: tables are available separately. Accepted in Molecular Physic

    Research Review: A guide to computing and implementing polygenic scores in developmental research

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    The increasing availability of genotype data in longitudinal population- and family-based samples provides opportunities for using polygenic scores (PGS) to study developmental questions in child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry. Here, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of how PGS can be generated and implemented in developmental psycho(patho)logy, with a focus on longitudinal designs. As such, the paper is organized into three parts: First, we provide a formal definition of polygenic scores and related concepts, focusing on assumptions and limitations. Second, we give a general overview of the methods used to compute polygenic scores, ranging from the classic approach to more advanced methods. We include recommendations and reference resources available to researchers aiming to conduct PGS analyses. Finally, we focus on the practical applications of PGS in the analysis of longitudinal data. We describe how PGS have been used to research developmental outcomes, and how they can be applied to longitudinal data to address developmental questions

    Power-Law Time Distribution of Large Earthquakes

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    We study the statistical properties of time distribution of seimicity in California by means of a new method of analysis, the Diffusion Entropy. We find that the distribution of time intervals between a large earthquake (the main shock of a given seismic sequence) and the next one does not obey Poisson statistics, as assumed by the current models. We prove that this distribution is an inverse power law with an exponent μ=2.06±0.01\mu=2.06 \pm 0.01. We propose the Long-Range model, reproducing the main properties of the diffusion entropy and describing the seismic triggering mechanisms induced by large earthquakes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Revised version accepted for publication. Typos corrected, more detailed discussion on the method used, refs added. Phys. Rev. Lett. (2003) in pres

    Aggregation-Induced Emission of Tetraphenylethylene in Styrene-Based Polymers

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    In the present work, the preparation of different styrene-based polymer films containing small amounts of TPE and the evaluation of their photoluminescent behaviour is reported. When TPE is dispersed in a poor solvent or in a glassy PS matrix, the arrested intramolecular rotations of its aryls favour the strong emission of light centred at about 455-460 nm. Conversely, TPE fluorescence significantly weakens to a faint signal when good solvents or viscous but not glassy polymer matrices are used. Near-field optical microscopy correlates the fluorescence behaviour with the different matrix morphologies. These results should be able to be used for developing a new tool for polymer traceability

    Genotype-Environment Interaction in ADHD:Genetic Predisposition Determines the Extent to Which Environmental Influences Explain Variability in the Symptom Dimensions Hyperactivity and Inattention

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    Although earlier research has shown that individual differences on the spectrum of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are highly heritable, emerging evidence suggests that symptoms are associated with complex interactions between genes and environmental influences. This study investigated whether a genetic predisposition [Note that the term ‘genetic predisposition’ was used in this manuscript to refer to an estimate based on twin modeling (an individual’s score on the latent trait that resembles additive genetic influences) in the particular population being examined.] for the symptom dimensions hyperactivity and inattention determines the extent to which unique-environmental influences explain variability in these symptoms. To this purpose, we analysed a sample drawn from the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) that consisted of item-level scores of 2168 16-year-old twin pairs who completed both the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, in J Child Psychol Psychiatry 38:581–586, 1997) and the Strength and Weaknesses of ADHD Symptoms and Normal Behavior (SWAN; Swanson, in Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, 1981) questionnaire. To maximize the psychometric information to measure ADHD symptoms, psychometric analyses were performed to investigate whether the items from the two questionnaires could be combined to form two longer subscales. In the estimation of genotype-environment interaction, we corrected for error variance heterogeneity in the measurement of ADHD symptoms through the application of item response theory (IRT) measurement models. A positive interaction was found for both hyperactivity (e.g., β1 = 2.20 with 95% highest posterior density interval equal to [1.79;2.65] and effect size equal to 3.00) and inattention (e.g., β1 = 2.16 with 95% highest posterior density interval equal to [1.56;2.79] and effect size equal to 3.07). These results indicate that unique-environmental influences were more important in creating individual differences in both hyperactivity and inattention for twins with a genetic predisposition for these symptoms than for twins without such a predisposition.</p

    Viale Adua: proposta per un nuovo paesaggio urbano

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    Adua avenue: proposal for a new urban landscape. The project for the Avenue Adua wants to stimulate the awareness of its value and an integration with the built place and natural neighboring. The proposal doesn’t replace a system to another on the contrary it recognizes the role of the existing one through temporary signs of urban art. To these areas an use is associated, tied up to thematic runs that spread the urban effect in the surrounding area the avenue. This ties him to the amplest reflection on the aesthetics of the mobility, creating a cinematic storyboard that unites the plain-sequence - the existing continuity - with the cesures of the landmarks