5 research outputs found
A usability based model for suggestion system evaluation of infrastructure organisations in the UAE
This thesis was started with an aim to develop a usability based assessment model forsuggestion systems. A review of literature highlighted fifteen variables that act as drivers forsuggestion system success. In order to apply the concept of usability, the definition of JakobNielson (2003) was used. This definition defines usability as a phenomenon that consists offive major factors: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors recovery, and satisfaction. Afurther understanding about usability for suggestion system drivers was developed usingsynthesis of literature.The variables were used for a survey followed by brainstorming sessions. This series of dataanalysis resulted in the development of a model called "individual participation factor", "coresystems factor", and "system support factor." A maturity model with three levels of maturitywas defined. The first level was defined as ad-hoc, the second level was defined asoperational level, and the third level was defined as strategic. An Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP) was used to prioritize. The result of AHP showed that the most importantfactor is the individual participation factor. This clearly shows that the first and foremostissue is an individual's trust in the system. Employees should feel safe to submit asuggestion. In order to test the model, three case studies from infrastructure sectororganisations in the UAE were used. The application of model was useful in assessing thecurrent state of the suggestion system. The model also helped identify opportunities forimprovement and could assign a usability score. Having a prioritised list ensures thatorganisations can focus on improving factors that have higher impact on the overall usabilityof the system