724 research outputs found

    Composite absorbing potentials

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    The multiple scattering interferences due to the addition of several contiguous potential units are used to construct composite absorbing potentials that absorb at an arbitrary set of incident momenta or for a broad momentum interval.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, 2 postscript figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Ambiguities of arrival-time distributions in quantum theory

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    We consider the definition that might be given to the time at which a particle arrives at a given place, both in standard quantum theory and also in Bohmian mechanics. We discuss an ambiguity that arises in the standard theory in three, but not in one, spatial dimension.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, no figure

    Probability distribution of arrival times in quantum mechanics

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    In a previous paper [V. Delgado and J. G. Muga, Phys. Rev. A 56, 3425 (1997)] we introduced a self-adjoint operator T^(X)\hat {{\cal T}}(X) whose eigenstates can be used to define consistently a probability distribution of the time of arrival at a given spatial point. In the present work we show that the probability distribution previously proposed can be well understood on classical grounds in the sense that it is given by the expectation value of a certain positive definite operator J^(+)(X)\hat J^{(+)}(X) which is nothing but a straightforward quantum version of the modulus of the classical current. For quantum states highly localized in momentum space about a certain momentum p00p_0 \neq 0, the expectation value of J^(+)(X)\hat J^{(+)}(X) becomes indistinguishable from the quantum probability current. This fact may provide a justification for the common practice of using the latter quantity as a probability distribution of arrival times.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, no figures; A Note added; To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Real clocks and the Zeno effect

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    Real clocks are not perfect. This must have an effect in our predictions for the behaviour of a quantum system, an effect for which we present a unified description encompassing several previous proposals. We study the relevance of clock errors in the Zeno effect, and find that generically no Zeno effect can be present (in such a way that there is no contradiction with currently available experimental data). We further observe that, within the class of stochasticities in time addressed here, there is no modification in emission lineshapes.Comment: 12 a4 pages, no figure

    Free motion time-of-arrival operator and probability distribution

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    We reappraise and clarify the contradictory statements found in the literature concerning the time-of-arrival operator introduced by Aharonov and Bohm in Phys. Rev. {\bf 122}, 1649 (1961). We use Naimark's dilation theorem to reproduce the generalized decomposition of unity (or POVM) from any self-adjoint extension of the operator, emphasizing a natural one, which arises from the analogy with the momentum operator on the half-line. General time operators are set within a unifying perspective. It is shown that they are not in general related to the time of arrival, even though they may have the same form.Comment: 10 a4 pages, no figure

    Time-of-arrival in quantum mechanics

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    We study the problem of computing the probability for the time-of-arrival of a quantum particle at a given spatial position. We consider a solution to this problem based on the spectral decomposition of the particle's (Heisenberg) state into the eigenstates of a suitable operator, which we denote as the ``time-of-arrival'' operator. We discuss the general properties of this operator. We construct the operator explicitly in the simple case of a free nonrelativistic particle, and compare the probabilities it yields with the ones estimated indirectly in terms of the flux of the Schr\"odinger current. We derive a well defined uncertainty relation between time-of-arrival and energy; this result shows that the well known arguments against the existence of such a relation can be circumvented. Finally, we define a ``time-representation'' of the quantum mechanics of a free particle, in which the time-of-arrival is diagonal. Our results suggest that, contrary to what is commonly assumed, quantum mechanics exhibits a hidden equivalence between independent (time) and dependent (position) variables, analogous to the one revealed by the parametrized formalism in classical mechanics.Comment: Latex/Revtex, 20 pages. 2 figs included using epsf. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum probability distribution of arrival times and probability current density

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    This paper compares the proposal made in previous papers for a quantum probability distribution of the time of arrival at a certain point with the corresponding proposal based on the probability current density. Quantitative differences between the two formulations are examined analytically and numerically with the aim of establishing conditions under which the proposals might be tested by experiment. It is found that quantum regime conditions produce the biggest differences between the formulations which are otherwise near indistinguishable. These results indicate that in order to discriminate conclusively among the different alternatives, the corresponding experimental test should be performed in the quantum regime and with sufficiently high resolution so as to resolve small quantum efects.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX; Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. A (many small changes

    Controlling trapping potentials and stray electric fields in a microfabricated ion trap through design and compensation

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    Recent advances in quantum information processing with trapped ions have demonstrated the need for new ion trap architectures capable of holding and manipulating chains of many (>10) ions. Here we present the design and detailed characterization of a new linear trap, microfabricated with scalable complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) techniques, that is well-suited to this challenge. Forty-four individually controlled DC electrodes provide the many degrees of freedom required to construct anharmonic potential wells, shuttle ions, merge and split ion chains, precisely tune secular mode frequencies, and adjust the orientation of trap axes. Microfabricated capacitors on DC electrodes suppress radio-frequency pickup and excess micromotion, while a top-level ground layer simplifies modeling of electric fields and protects trap structures underneath. A localized aperture in the substrate provides access to the trapping region from an oven below, permitting deterministic loading of particular isotopic/elemental sequences via species-selective photoionization. The shapes of the aperture and radio-frequency electrodes are optimized to minimize perturbation of the trapping pseudopotential. Laboratory experiments verify simulated potentials and characterize trapping lifetimes, stray electric fields, and ion heating rates, while measurement and cancellation of spatially-varying stray electric fields permits the formation of nearly-equally spaced ion chains.Comment: 17 pages (including references), 7 figure

    Time in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory

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    W. Pauli pointed out that the existence of a self-adjoint time operator is incompatible with the semibounded character of the Hamiltonian spectrum. As a result, people have been arguing a lot about the time-energy uncertainty relation and other related issues. In this article, we show in details that Pauli's definition of time operator is erroneous in several respects.Comment: 20 page

    Time of arrival in the presence of interactions

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    We introduce a formalism for the calculation of the time of arrival t at a space point for particles traveling through interacting media. We develop a general formulation that employs quantum canonical transformations from the free to the interacting cases to construct t in the context of the Positive Operator Valued Measures. We then compute the probability distribution in the times of arrival at a point for particles that have undergone reflection, transmission or tunneling off finite potential barriers. For narrow Gaussian initial wave packets we obtain multimodal time distributions of the reflected packets and a combination of the Hartman effect with unexpected retardation in tunneling. We also employ explicitly our formalism to deal with arrivals in the interaction region for the step and linear potentials.Comment: 20 pages including 5 eps figure