5 research outputs found

    Mosaic fungal individuals have the potential to evolve within a single generation

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    Although cells of mushroom-producing fungi typically contain paired haploid nuclei (n + n), most Armillaria gallica vegetative cells are uninucleate. As vegetative nuclei are produced by fusions of paired haploid nuclei, they are thought to be diploid (2n). Here we report finding haploid vegetative nuclei in A. gallica at multiple sites in southeastern Massachusetts, USA. Sequencing multiple clones of a single-copy gene isolated from single hyphal filaments revealed nuclear heterogeneity both among and within hyphae. Cytoplasmic bridges connected hyphae in field-collected and cultured samples, and we propose nuclear migration through bridges maintains this nuclear heterogeneity. Growth studies demonstrate among- and within-hypha phenotypic variation for growth in response to gallic acid, a plant-produced antifungal compound. The existence of both genetic and phenotypic variation within vegetative hyphae suggests that fungal individuals have the potential to evolve within a single generation in response to environmental variation over time and space

    DESS deconstructed: Is EDTA solely responsible for protection of high molecular weight DNA in this common tissue preservative?

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    DESS is a formulation widely used to preserve DNA in biological tissue samples. Although it contains three ingredients, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and sodium chloride (NaCl), it is frequently referred to as a DMSO-based preservative. The effectiveness of DESS has been confirmed for a variety of taxa and tissues, however, to our knowledge, the contributions of each component of DESS to DNA preservation have not been evaluated. To address this question, we stored tissues of three aquatic taxa, Mytilus edulis (blue mussel), Faxonius virilis (virile crayfish) and Alitta virens (clam worm) in DESS, each component of DESS individually and solutions containing all combinations of two components of DESS. After storage at room temperature for intervals ranging from one day to six months, we extracted DNA from each tissue and measured the percentage of high molecular weight (HMW) DNA recovered (%R) and normalized HMW DNA yield (nY). Here, HMW DNA is defined as fragments >10 kb. For comparison, we also measured the %R and nY of HMW DNA from extracts of fresh tissues and those stored in 95% EtOH over the same time intervals. We found that in cases where DESS performed most effectively (yielding ≥ 20%R of HMW DNA), all solutions containing EDTA were as or more effective than DESS. Conversely, in cases where DESS performed more poorly, none of the six DESS-variant storage solutions provided better protection of HMW DNA than DESS. Moreover, for all taxa and storage intervals longer than one day, tissues stored in solutions containing DMSO alone, NaCl alone or DMSO and NaCl in combination resulted in %R and nY of HMW DNA significantly lower than those of fresh tissues. These results indicate that for the taxa, solutions and time intervals examined, only EDTA contributed directly to preservation of high molecular weight DNA