161 research outputs found

    Naomi Shihab Nye: A Border-Crossing Voice

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    The author writes: Acknowledging her Palestinian and American origins, Naomi Shihab Nye (1952–) once said: “I didn’t fear differences. In fact, I loved them. This is one of the best things about growing up in a mixed family or community.” 1 Being born to a Palestinian father and an American mother, she came to be multiculturally oriented. For the past decades, Nye has gained great recognition for her poetry and prose writings about cultural differences, heritage, and peace. Her wide and multiple perspectives of a world of various ethnic traditions were crucial not only to her poetic groundwork for a new network of human relations but also to her interest in the multifaceted identities of people. It is the purpose of this article to explore Nye’s poetic voice that pursues to cross the cultural divide, arguing that the poet’s Arab-American lineage is the very means by which to implement a language of communion, not a language of division

    An expert system applied to earthmoving operations and equipment selection

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    The thesis represents an effort to assess the current and future development of expert systems relating to civil engineering problems. It describes the development and evaluation of an Expert System (ESEMPS) that is capable of advising on earth allocation and plant selection for road construction similar to that of an expert in the domain. [Continues.

    A Comparative Study on Growth, Carcass Traits and Tissue Distribution of Awassi and Hamdani Lambs

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    The present work was carried out at the Animal Farm, Collage of Agriculture, University of Salahaddin, where 10 weaned lambs (4-5 months old) from each of Hamdani and Awassi, and averaged 22.0± 0.25 and 23.1± 0.34 kg in weight, respectively were divided equally and randomly allocated to two slaughter groups (30 and 40 kg).Each group of lambs was kept in a separate pen and fed a concentrate diet at libitum containing 16.2% crude protein and 2637 k cal. Upon reaching the prescribed weight, each lamb was slaughtered and their carcass was evaluated. Results revealed that Hamdani lambs surpassed significantly Awassi lambs in growth rate (0.348 vs. 0.307 Kg/ day), dressing percentage (47.97 vs. 46.59%) and percent of fat tail (15.20 vs. 12.15%). In contrast, it appears that Awassi lambs had thicker fat thickness, and their carcasses contain higher proportion of lean (+ 6.11%) and fat (+ 9.13%) and lower proportion of bone (-18.37%) as compared to Hamdani lambs. Also , as the weight at slaughter increased, there is a significant ( p< 0.05) decrease in average daily gain, an increase in rib eye area , fat thickness , lean and fat content and lower proportion of bone. The percent contribution of carcass, non-carcass and fat tail to the total body fat was 51.72, 2.63 and 45.63%, respectively. Keywords: Growth, Carcass traits, Awassi, Hamdani, Lamb

    Studies on Growth, Carcass Traits and Body Composition of Goats Raised either in Intensive or Pasture Conditions (2- Body Composition and Carcass Tissue Distribution)

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    A total of 32 weaned (90 days) males (16) and females (16) native kids were randomly allocated into two equal groups to be fed either concentrate or to be raised on pasture, and then slaughtered at 20 or 30 kg live body weight. Animals were slaughtered when each kid reached its target body weight. After chilling at 4?C for 24h, the carcass was split along the vertebral column in to two halves. The muscular tissue of the left half- carcass was separated into nine groups. Carcass fat and bones was also, separated and weighed. Lean, fat, bone, lean: fat and lean: bone ratio averaged 64.08± 0.62%, 13.31±0.94%, 22.59±0.45%, 6.02± 0.58 and 2.98±0.09 respectively. Male kids had significantly (p<0.05) higher lean, lean: fat ratio and MG3 and MG4 than females. Kids raised on pasture had significantly (p<0.05) higher proportion of lean, bone and lean: fat ratio and lower proportion of MG3 than kids fed concentrate. Also, kids slaughtered at 30kg yielded significantly (p<0.05) lower lean,bone and higher fat than kids slaughtered at 20kg. Total non- carcass fat, carcass fat and total body fat as a percent of empty body weight averaged 1.856± 0.194% , 3.581± 0.261%  and 5.437± 0.429%,  respectively. Female kids , kids received concentrate and kids slaughtered at 30kg had significantly (p<0.05) higher proportion of total non carcass fat , total carcass fat and total body fat than male kids, kids raised on pasture and kids slaughtered at 20kg. Male kids had higher proportions of bone than females. Significant difference (p<0.05) was observed between the two feeding regimens in the weight of bones. Keywords: Carcass Ttissue Distribution, Feeding Regimens, Goat

    Modified Isolated Delay Type Technique

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    Construction projects are complex, from their design to the execution phase. Delivering a project on time is unpredictable due to the inherent uncertainty. Delays are normally considered to be an inseparable part of construction projects. Delays often lead to claims for costs incurred. Assessing construction claims caused by delays is complicated, as are the proceedings for achieving claim resolution. Loss of anticipated revenue, opportunity cost, increased overhead, cost escalation and liquidated damages are some of the main reasons for delay claims from key project stakeholders. A sound request for a delay claim must be supported by a reliable delay analysis technique. This paper discusses a new technique that is capable of evaluating concurrent delays. The technique is windows-based; therefore, it can trace all of the changes in the critical path(s). Apportionment of delay accountability may result in a false outcome if the effect of concurrent delays and changes in the critical path is overlooked. The procedures of this proposed technique are explained. The technique was tested against a hypothetical case and compared to existing delay analysis techniques with satisfactory results. The proposed technique allocates delays among the different project parties

    Studies on Growth, Carcass Traits and Body Composition of Goats Raised either in Intensive or Pasture Conditions (1-Growth Performance and Carcass Traits).

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    Thirty two weaned (90 days) males (16) and females (16) native kids with an average live weight of 16.22±0.80 for males and 17.00 ±0.7 kg for females were used in this experiment. Each sex was divided randomly into two groups, the first (8 males and 8 females) was penned individually and fed on concentrate, and the second group (8 males and 8 females) was raised on pasture to be fattened and slaughtered at 20 kg or 30 kg. Result revealed that daily gain in weight averaged 75.65±5.54 g/day. No significant differences were observed due to the effect of sex, feeding system and slaughter weight on this trait. Male kids and those slaughtered at 30 kg were more efficient in converting feed than females and kids slaughtered at 20kg. Dressing percentage based on live weight and on empty body weight averaged 46.54 ±0.50 and 56.76 ± 0.44 %, respectively. Kids received concentrate and those slaughtered at 30 kg had significantly (p<0.05) higher dressing percentage than kids raised on pasture or slaughtered at 20kg. Kids slaughtered at 30kg had significantly (p<0.05) larger rib eye area and thicker fat than kids slaughtered at 20kg. Kids raised on pasture had significantly higher proportion of leg (31.8 vs. 29.98%) and lower proportion of shoulder (17.72vs. 19.92%) than kids received concentrate. Key words: growth, carcass, feeding regimens, goat


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    ABSTRACT Subjectivity is the main factor that affects the selection process of a bridge type at the conceptual design stage. Selecting the bridge type is generally influenced by many parameters. In most cases, these parameters are evaluated and assessed by engineers based on their own experience, knowledge and judgment. Therefore, in an attempt to provide some consistency and objectivity to the selection process, this paper proposes a methodology to develop a model that incorporates systematical procedures that can be used to avoid and limit the decision maker's subjectivity. This methodology considers "machine technique", which is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI), as the core for the guideline engine of the proposed model, besides using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling with its back-propagation algorithm to identify and select the utmost solution. Comprehensive evaluation of bridge characteristics and parameters that influence the final decision is implemented and considered in the proposed model. The model is applicable for both general and specific cases of bridge design. Its simplicity, user friendly and comprehension would help designers minimize the influence of human subjectivity while taking major decisions; automatically rank all possible alternatives and consider all factors that impact the decision process. The process is automatic and will require minimal user intervention

    Body Composition and Carcass Tissue Distribution of Karadi Lamb Maintained on Concentrate or Pasture

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    Fourteen weaned (90 days) entire male Karadi lambs were equally and randomly divided to be fed either on concentrate ad lib or on pasture supplemented with barley. All lambs were slaughtered when each animal reached its designed body weight (35 kg). Result revealed that lambs raised on concentrate had significantly (PË‚ 0.05) lower percentage of lean (63.90%) and higher proportion of fat (14.89%) than lambs fed on pasture supplemented with barley (66.12; 11.63%, respectively). It seems also that the greatest proportion of body fat is the carcass fat, followed by fat tail and finally the non-carcass fat. Keywords: carcass, tissue, feeding system, Karadi lambs.


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    This study was aimed to investigate the combined effect of flushing and hormonal treatment on reproductive aspects of local goats, 60 adult does were divided equally into two groups, the first was fed concentrate plus grazing commencing 3 weeks prior to mating and continue for 4 weeks post mating (flushed) F, whereas the 2nd group was raised on pasture only (P). All does were synchronized using impregnated with 40 mg medroxy acetate for 14 days. Following sponges withdrawn, the flushed and non- flushed does were then sub-divided in to four equal groups, the 1st flushed does were injected with 250 i.u hCG (T1), the 2nd only flushed (T2), the 3rd was only injected with hCG (T3) and the 4th was the control (T4). Results revealed that estrus response was significantly higher in T1 (100%), followed by T3 and T4 (86.66%) and T2 (80%). Fertility rate was significantly (PË‚0.01) higher in T1 (80%) followed by T3 (73.33%), T4 (66.66%) and T2 (60.0%). Highest kidding rate (120.0%) and litter size (1.50) was noticed in T1, while the lowest kidding rate (86.66%) were found in T2 and T4. Insulin level was significantly higher in flushed does (6.04) compared to non-flushed does (2.81 uIU/ML)
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