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    Povijest gostionica sa svratištima u Varaždinu seže daleko u prošlost grada. Me- đutim Varaždin je dugi niz godina imao samo jedan pravi hotel koji je sagrađen 1892., a nastavio je tradiciju svratišta i gostionice “Zum wilden Man“ ili „K divljem čovjeku“ koje je stajalo od 1816. na istoj katastarskoj čestici. Mijenjajući u 20. stoljeću nekoliko puta ime, hotel je i danas na istoj lokaciji i nakon kraćih prekida opet posluje. Kroz dvjestogodišnju burnu povijest gostionice i svratišta kasnijeg hotela, do današnjih dana, promijenilo se četrnaest gostioničara, što vlasnika, što zakupaca, a najdulje, skoro 50 godina, vlasništvo “K divljem čovjeku“ bilo je u obitelji Zagursky.The history of inns and innkeeping in Varaždin reaches far back into the history of the city. On the other hand, for a great many years the city of Varaždin have had only one true hotel and that was built in 1892. The hotel continued the legacy, location and tradition of the “Zum Wilden Man“ (K\u27 divljem čovjeku) Inn that existed in the same place and cadastral lot since 1816. During the 20th century, Hotel changed names repeatedly but remained in the same location, and with a short interruption was continuously open for business. During 200 years long turbulent history of inn and lodging, later hotel, 15 different innkeepers, landlords, and tenants owned or managed the location. Zagursky family as the longest continuous owners managed the location for almost 50 years

    Analiza bronce voltametrijom mikrokristala i tankoslojnom kromatografijom

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    Corrosion potentials of five samples of bronzes having different compositions and the stripping peak potentials of their main components were determined by abrasive stripping voltammetry. Using thin-layer chromatography in combination with electrochemical dissolution of bronzes in the two electrode sampler, the ions of tin, copper, lead and nickel were detected as the products of electro-oxidation of bronzes. It is shown that the dissolution of tin is preferential at low potential differences between the electrodes in the sampler, while the electro-oxidation of copper is significant only at a potential difference higher than 8 V.Određeni su korozijski potencijali pet uzoraka bronci različitoga sastava i potencijali oksidacije njihovih glavnih sastojaka. Kromatografskom je analizom dokazano da su produkti elektrokemijske oksidacije bronce ioni kositra, bakra, olova i nikla. Pokazano je da se kod malog napona u dvoelektrodnoj elektrokemijskoj ćeliji pretežito oksidira kositar, dok se bakar znatnije oksidira tek kod napona većih od 8 V