
Analiza bronce voltametrijom mikrokristala i tankoslojnom kromatografijom


Corrosion potentials of five samples of bronzes having different compositions and the stripping peak potentials of their main components were determined by abrasive stripping voltammetry. Using thin-layer chromatography in combination with electrochemical dissolution of bronzes in the two electrode sampler, the ions of tin, copper, lead and nickel were detected as the products of electro-oxidation of bronzes. It is shown that the dissolution of tin is preferential at low potential differences between the electrodes in the sampler, while the electro-oxidation of copper is significant only at a potential difference higher than 8 V.Određeni su korozijski potencijali pet uzoraka bronci različitoga sastava i potencijali oksidacije njihovih glavnih sastojaka. Kromatografskom je analizom dokazano da su produkti elektrokemijske oksidacije bronce ioni kositra, bakra, olova i nikla. Pokazano je da se kod malog napona u dvoelektrodnoj elektrokemijskoj ćeliji pretežito oksidira kositar, dok se bakar znatnije oksidira tek kod napona većih od 8 V

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