13 research outputs found

    Relationships between perception of black triangles appearance, personality factors and level of education

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    Abstract This analytical cross-sectional study evaluated the perception of black triangles (BT) and examined the relationships between the perception of BT, personality factors, different educational backgrounds and demographic factors. 435 participants were included and divided into four groups: dentists, clinical (4th and 5th year) dental students, pre-clinical (3rd year) dental students, and laypeople. Participants’ perception of the attractiveness of smile profiles of maxillary and mandibular anterior dentition with BT was rated using a ten-point VAS scale with 0 being the least, and 10 being the most attractive smile profile. The personality was assessed using the NEO-FFI personality questionnaire. The smile profile with multiple large BT was rated the least attractive for the maxillary (mean = 3.6) and mandibular (mean = 3.9) tested profiles. The smile profile without BT was rated the most attractive for the maxillary (mean = 9.1) and mandibular (mean = 8.8) tested profiles. The dental professionals perceived the maxillary smile profile with multiple large BT as less attractive than the non-dental participants (t = − 2.715, P = 0.007). Being a male, having dental education, having lower Neuroticism scores, as well as having higher Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Extraversion scores predicted and contributed more towards perceiving various tested smile profiles as more attractive. These findings show that black triangles negatively impacts the perception of smile attractiveness, and that personality traits and having dental education impact the perception of smile attractiveness for smiles with black triangles

    Jaw Movements During Prescribed And Visually Directed Tasks In Asymptomatic And Tmd Subjects

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    Travel distance, growing disability, and uneven distribution of doctors limit access to care for most Parkinson's disease (PD) patients worldwide. Telemedicine, the use of telecommunications technology to deliver care at a distance, can help overcome these barriers. In this report, we describe the past, present, and likely future applications of telemedicine to PD. Historically, telemedicine has relied on expensive equipment to connect single patients to a specialist in pilot programs in wealthy nations. As the cost of video conferencing has plummeted, these efforts have expanded in scale and scope, now reaching larger parts of the world and extending the focus from care to training of remote providers. Policy, especially limited reimbursement, currently hinders the growth and adoption of these new care models. As these policies change and technology advances and spreads, the following will likely develop: integrated care networks that connect patients to a wide range of providers; education programs that support patients and health care providers; and new research applications that include remote monitoring and remote visits. Together, these developments will enable more individuals with PD to connect to care, increase access to expertise for patients and providers, and allow more-extensive, less-expensive participation in research. (c) 2014 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society