2 research outputs found

    Use of grass and leguminous species as winter mulching in organic notillage system of lettuce crop

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    ABSTRACT The no-tillage system for vegetables is an environmentally and economically suitable alternative, particularly for organic crops. However, further studies are needed using other plant species and under different growing conditions. This research aimed to evaluate the influence of different winter soil covers on lettuce development and yield under no-tillage system in an organic cultivation area. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with five treatments and six replications. The treatments used were three soil covers in the organic no-tillage system and two systems without cover crops and with soil tillage, one organic and the other conventional. The grass Avena strigosa (L.), the leguminous Lupinus albus (L.), and the intercropping of both species were used. The number of leaves per plant, stem length and diameter, head diameter, fresh and dry weight of plants, fresh weight of leaves and stem and Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) index were evaluated. The use of leguminous straw is recommended for winter cultivation of lettuce in an organic no-tillage system. Black oat straw, single or intercropped, impaired the development and productivity of lettuce in the organic no-tillage system in winter cultivation

    Qualidade sensorial da bebida de cultivares de Coffea arabica L. em função do processamento pós-colheita: Sensory quality of coffee beverages from Coffea arabica L. cultivars as affected by post-harvest processing

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a qualidade sensorial de bebida de diferentes cultivares de Coffea arabica L., submetidas ao processamento natural e despolpado. O experimento foi realizado no município de Conceição do Castelo – ES (20º 21’ 50” S e 41º 14’ 57” W, 850 m de altitude). A implementação e condução do experimento foi em delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, sendo as parcelas constituídas por três cultivares (Catucai 785-15, Catuaí IAC 44 e Arara) e as subparcelas representadas por dois métodos de processamento (natural e cereja descascado). Foi realizada análise de variância dos dados, utilizando-se teste de agrupamento de médias de Scott-Knott em nível de 5% de probabilidade. Todas as cultivares avaliadas possuem potencial para produção e cafés especiais. Para o ambiente avaliado, a cultivar Arara é superior as demais cultivares avaliadas na produção de cafés com maior qualidade sensorial de bebida. Os métodos de processamento avaliados não interferem na nota final de bebida para as cultivares avaliadas