202 research outputs found

    Standard setting and competition in securities settlement

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    This paper examines the impact of messaging and technical standards on competition in the supply of se-curities transaction management services. Two simple switching cost models are used to clarify the im-pact of standards on barriers to entry and on the incentives to adopt harmonised and simplified securities processing standards. Policy implications are discussed briefly.securities settlement; standards; inter-operability; switching costs

    The cyclical behaviour of European bank capital buffers

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    Using an unbalanced panel of commercial, savings and co-operative banks for the years 1997 to 2004 we examine the cyclical behaviour of European bank capital buffers. After controlling for other potential de-terminants of bank capital, we find that capital buffers of the banks in the accession countries (RAM) have a significant positive relationship with the cycle, while for those in the EU15 and the EA and the combined EU25 the relationship is significantly negative. We additionally find fairly slow speeds of ad-justment, with around two-thirds of the correction towards desired capital buffers taking place each year. We further distinguish by type and size of bank, and find that capital buffers of commercial and savings banks, and also of a sub-sample of large banks, exhibit negative co-movement. Co-operative banks and smaller banks on the other hand, tend to exhibit positive cyclical co-movement.bank capital; bank regulation; business cycle fluctuations

    The lending channel under optimal choice of monetary policy

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    Building on Cecchetti and Li (2005), we show that the bank lending channel affects monetary policy trade-offs only when interest rates affect marginal costs of production (ie when there is a cost channel of monetary policy) in the New Keynesian monetary policy model. In our calibrated model the resulting impact of the bank lending channel on output-inflation trade-offs is quantitatively small and of ambiguous sign. When bank capital varies counter cyclically and bank loan rates have a relatively large impact on marginal costs, variation of bank loan margins improves monetary policy trade-offs. The new Basel accord, by increasing capital requirements during economic downturns, offsets this beneficial impact.bank capital; bank lending; capital buffers; pro-cyclicality; capital regulation; cost channel; credit channel; loan margins; monetary trade-offs

    The Cyclical Behaviour of European Bank Capital Buffers

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    Using an unbalanced panel of accounting data from 1997 to 2004 and controlling for individual bank costs and risk, we find capital buffers of the banks in the EU15 have a significant negative co-movement with the cycle. For banks in the accession countries there is significant positive co-movement. Capital buffers of commercial and savings banks, and of large banks, exhibit negative co-movement. Those of co-operative and smaller banks exhibit positive co-movement. Speeds of adjustment are fairly slow. We interpret these results and discuss policy implications, noting that negative co-movement of capital buffers will exacerbate the procyclical impact of Basel II.Bank capital; bank regulation; business cycle fluctuations

    Firm Behaviour Under the Threat of Liquidation: Implications for Output, Investment & Business Cycle Transmission

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    Cash balances of the firm follow a diffusion process, triggering liquidation when they cross a threshold value. Access to external funds is constrained. Shareholders are impatient. With these assumptions there is a precautionary motive for retaining earnings; the internal cost of funds and local risk-aversion are decreasing functions of net worth; and, in extensions of our basic model, output and investment are increasing functions of net worth. We numerically simulate aggregate behaviour of a population of such firms. Shocks to net worth lead to substantial and prolonged deviations from steady state, consistent with a financial mechanism of business cycle transmission.Financing constraints, output, investment

    Risk-adjusted measures of value creation in financial institutions

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    Measuring value creation by comparing the RAROC of an exposure (the return on risk capital) with a single institution-wide hurdle rate is inconsistent with the standard theory of financial valuation. We use asset pricing theory to determine the appropriate hurdle rate for such a RAROC performance measure. We find that this hurdle rate varies with the skewness of asset returns. Thus the RAROC hurdle rate should differ substantially between equity which has a right skew and debt which has a pronounced left skew and also between different qualities of debt exposure. We discuss implications for financial institution risk management and supervision.asset pricing; banking; capital allocation; capital budgeting; capital management; corporate finance; downside risk; economic capital; performance measurement; RAROC; risk management; value creation; hurdle rate; value at risk

    Bank Capital Buffer and Risk Adjustment Decisions

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    Building an unbalanced panel of United States (US) bank holding company (BHC) and commercial bank balance sheet data from 1986 to 2006, we examine the relationship between short-term capital buffer and portfolio risk adjustments. Our estimations indicate that the relationship over the sample period is a positive two-way relationship. Moreover, we show that the management of such adjustments is dependent on the degree of bank capitalization. Further investigation through time-varying analysis reveals a cyclical pattern in the uncovered relationship: negative after the 1991/1992 crisis, and positive before 1991 and after 1997.Bank capital, Portfolio Risk, Regulation

    The bank lending channel reconsidered

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    It has been widely accepted that constraints on the wholesale funding of bank balance sheets amplify the transmission of monetary policy through what is called the ‘bank lending channel’. We show that the effect of such bank balance sheet constraints on monetary transmission is in fact theoretically ambiguous, with the prior expectation, based on standard theoretical models of household and corporate portfolios, that the bank lending channel attenuates monetary policy transmission. We examine macroeconomic data for the G8 countries and find no evidence that banking sector deposits respond negatively and more than lending to tightening of monetary policy, as the accepted view of the bank lending channel requires. The overall picture is mixed, but these data generally suggest that deposits fluctuate procyclically and somewhat less over the business cycle than bank lending, and that total bank deposits, unlike bank lending, show little direct response to changes in interest rates. This suggests it is very unlikely that the bank lending channel amplifies monetary policy. Our paper has thus corrected a misunderstanding about the role of banks in monetary policy transmission that has persisted in the literature for some two decades.credit channel; monetary transmission; bank financing constraints

    Macro-Prudential Policy: An Assessment

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