4 research outputs found

    Evaluación de niveles de hepcidina y testosterona séricas en pobladores nativos de altura con eritrocitosis excesiva

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    En pobladores de altura hay un incremento de hemoglobina debido a la hipoxia ambiental. Sin embargo, algunos tienen un aumento exagerado de la hemoglobina (≥19 g/dL en mujeres y ≥21 g/dL en varones) generando eritrocitosis excesiva (EE). La EE se encuentra relacionada con el mal de montaña crónico (MMC) y con disminución del estado de salud (ES). Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar los niveles de hepcidina y testosterona sérica y su rol en el mecanismo de la EE en la altura. Se estudiaron 158 varones y 98 mujeres nativos de Lima, Huancayo, Puno y Cerro de Pasco. Se evaluó la hemoglobina (g/dL), saturación arterial de oxígeno (SpO2)(%), un cuestionario de estado de salud (ES) (SF-20) y uno de MMC; los niveles séricos de testosterona y estradiol por quimioluminiscencia y de hepcidina por ELISA. A un subgrupo se evaluó estado de hierro, interleucinas 6 y 8 y eritropoyetina sérica. Los datos fueron evaluados en STATA v12. Se usaron pruebas paramétricas y análisis de regresión bivariado. Los sujetos con EE presentaron mayor puntaje de MMC, menor de ES, y de SpO2. Sin embargo, en EE la Hb sigue aumentando sin cambios en SpO2 ni de Eritropoyetina. La EE se asocia a menores niveles de hepcidina sérica en ambos sexos y mayores de testosterona en varones. Los niveles de ferritina sérica en ambos sexos fueron más bajos en EE comparados a aquellos con sólo eritrocitosis. Se observa una asociación directa entre hepcidina/ferritina y testosterona/estradiol sérica en ambos sexos (r=0.41;P<0.05) indicando menor reserva de hierro en sujetos con mayor testosterona/estradiol. El hierro corporal total es similar en sujetos con EE que en aquellos sin EE (P>0.05). La supresión de hepcidina es debido a la menor reserva de hierro en EE y que se asocia a una disminución de ferritina sérica y a mayor nivel de testosterona/estradiol. En conclusión, en la EE hay una disminución de la reserva de hierro que suprime la hepcidina y con ello incrementando más la eritropoyesis.Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico - Fondecy

    Acceptability, Safety, and Efficacy of Oral Administration of Extracts of Black or Red Maca (Lepidium meyenii) in Adult Human Subjects: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

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    The plant maca, grown at 4000 m altitude in the Peruvian Central Andes, contains hypocotyls that have been used as food and in traditional medicine for centuries. The aim of this research was to provide results on some health effects of oral administration of spray-dried extracts of black or red maca (Lepidium meyenii) in adult human subjects living at low (LA) and high altitude (HA). A total of 175 participants were given 3 g of either placebo, black, or red maca extract daily for 12 weeks. Primary outcomes were changes in sexual desire, mood, energy, health-related quality of life score (HRQL), and chronic mountain sickness (CMS) score, or in glycaemia, blood pressure, and hemoglobin levels. Secondary outcomes were acceptability and safety, assessed using the Likert test and side effect self-recording, respectively, and the effect of altitude. At low altitude, 32, 30, and 32 participants started the study receiving placebo, red maca, or black maca, respectively. At high altitudes, 33, 35, and 31 participants started the study receiving placebo, red maca, and black maca, respectively. Consumption of spray-dried extracts of red and black maca resulted in improvement in mood, energy, and health status, and reduced CMS score. Fatty acids and macamides were higher in spray-dried extracts of black maca than in red maca. GABA predominated in spray-dried extracts of red maca. Effects on mood, energy, and CMS score were better with red maca. Black maca and, in smaller proportions, red maca reduced hemoglobin levels only in highlanders with abnormally high hemoglobin levels; neither variety of maca reduced hemoglobin levels in lowlanders. Black maca reduced blood glucose levels. Both varieties produced similar responses in mood, and HRQL score. Maca extracts consumed at LA or HA had good acceptability and did not show serious adverse effects. In conclusion, maca extract consumption relative to the placebo improved quality of life parameters. Differences in the level of improvement between red and black maca are probably due to differences in the composition of these two plant varieties. Both maca extracts were well tolerated and safe