21 research outputs found

    Meta-analysis forest plots.

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    <p>Plots show the effect of recreational activities on A) non-native species abundance and B) non-native species richness. Effect size values >0 show that the species richness or abundance of non-native species was greater in sites where recreational activities took place. The mean effect size and 95% confidence interval is shown for the overall result and each sub-group analysis. Bias-corrected confidence intervals were bootstrapped for groups n<10 and parametric confidence intervals for groups n≥10. Confidence intervals that overlap the dashed line at zero are not significantly different from zero.</p

    PRISMA Literature Search Flow diagram.

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    <p>Diagram depicts the number of studies retained and discarded at each stage of the literature search.</p

    Typical number of UK catchments visited by canoeists and anglers.

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    <p>Shading shows the frequency with which respondents travelled between the catchments that they visited.</p

    Relative hazard scores for different categories of angler and canoeist.

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    <p>IQR  =  Interquartile range. Percentages show the co-occurrence of biosecurity hazards associated with potential transmission.</p