4 research outputs found

    Model predictions for Hu et al.'s experiment.

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    <p>Predicted probability that objects will be selected, plotted against observed proportions, where A was chosen over C 7 of 10 times, B was chosen over C 5 of 5 times, and D was a novel alternative.</p

    Model predictions for data in Experiment 1 of Fawcett and Markson [1].

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    <p>(A) Results for children who showed a preference for 4 interesting toys. (B) Results for children who only showed a preference for 3 of 4 toys. The first character for each pair of bars denotes whether the actors showed a positive (P) reaction to the hidden toys versus a negative (N) reaction. The second character reflects whether the hidden object was said to be in a similar (S) or different (D) category from those seen in training. is the probability of selecting Actor 1's novel object. Error bars represent 95 percent confidence intervals. Cases where children had fewer than 4 chances to play with the training objects are excluded. For (A), there were 17, 17, 11 and 11 participants in the PS, PD, NS, and ND groups, respectively. For (B), there were 26, 26, 32, and 32 participants in the PS, PD, NS, and ND groups, respectively.</p

    Results of simulations of the unmatched condition from Repacholi and Gopnik [3].

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    <p>Each line shows the mean across 15 simulations, with standard errors. In both plots, the upper dashed line marks the proportion of 14-month-olds who offered the actor goldfish over broccoli (7 of 8), while the lower dashed line marks the proportion of 18-month-olds who did so (8 of 26), with standard errors. Plot (a) assumes equal prior belief in each model, while (b) assumes that the simpler model has a prior probability of 0.9.</p

    Model predictions and data for Kushnir, Xu, and Wellman's study [2].

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    <p>(A) Predicted and observed proportions of children's offers under the default model. (B) Predicted and observed proportions of offers under the assumption that squirrel can decline to choose any object. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.</p