5 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Performance about Nursing Ethic Codes from Nurses' and Patients' Perspective in Tabriz Teaching Hospitals, Iran

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    Introduction: Nursing profession requires knowledge of ethics to guide performance. The nature of this profession necessitates ethical care more than routine care. Today, worldwide definition of professional ethic code has been done based on human and ethical issues in the communication between nurse and patient. To improve all dimensions of nursing, we need to respect ethic codes. The aim of this study is to assess knowledge and performance about nursing ethic codes from nurses' and patients' perspective.Methods: A cross-sectional comparative study Conducted upon 345 nurses and 500 inpatients in six teaching hospitals of Tabriz, 2012. To investigate nurses' knowledge and performance, data were collected by using structured questionnaires. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive and analytic statistics, independent t-test and ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient, in SPSS13.Results: Most of the nurses were female, married, educated at BS degree and 86.4% of them were aware of Ethic codes also 91.9% of nurses and 41.8% of patients represented nurses respect ethic codes. Nurses' and patients' perspective about ethic codes differed significantly. Significant relationship was found between nurses' knowledge of ethic codes and job satisfaction and complaint of ethical performance. Conclusion: According to the results, consideration to teaching ethic codes in nursing curriculum for student and continuous education for staff is proposed, on the other hand recognizing failures of the health system, optimizing nursing care, attempt to inform patients about Nursing ethic codes, promote patient rights and achieve patient satisfaction can minimize the differences between the two perspectives

    The Relationship between Learning Motivation and Self Efficacy among Nursing Students

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    Introduction: Self-efficacy and learning motivation are two important variables for professional learning, leading to academic success. Nursing students’ learning motivation and self-efficacy have been considered in different studies separately, therefore this study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy and learning motivation among nursing students. Methods: This is a descriptive-correlational study, carried out at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 2013-14. Data was gathered with questionnaires about science motivation and self-efficacy for professional nursing competence and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics through SPSS software (version 13). Results: The learning motivation and self-efficacy of the nursing students was 67.89±14.12 and 68.10±14.50, respectively. There was a significant correlation between learning motivation and self-efficacy (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Due to the significant relationship between learning motivation and self-efficacy in professional nursing competency, it is suggested that an increase in learning motivation could be associated with the promotion of self-efficacy in professional nursing competency in nursing students

    Comparing the Effects of Concept Mapping and Integration Method on Nursing Students\' Learning in Nursing Process Course in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

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    Introduction: To analyze patients' problems and make an appropriate care plan, nursing students need a deep and meaningful learning. Therefore, it is better to choose educational methods which are capable of educating nursing students in such learning level. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of concept mapping and integration model on nursing students' learning in nursing process course. Methods: In a quasi-experimental study with two groups, pre-test post-test design, 45 second semester nursing students were selected through convenient sampling method and randomly divided into two experiment and control groups. After pretest, control and experiment groups received education using integration method and concept mapping, respectively, for 10 sessions during 2 months. Then, they took the post-test. For gathering data, an achievement test consisted of two parts was used which evaluated students’ knowledge and meaningful learning in nursing process course. The results were analyzed using chi-square test, independent and paired t-tests by SPSS software. Results: Both educational strategies were useful in enhancing students' knowledge and meaningful learning. But, the mean difference of pre and post tests in meaningful learning had a significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: Considering the effect of concept mapping method on students’ meaningful learning, it is recommended to employ this method in teaching courses which require a deep learning and high level of understanding the content

    بررسی آگاهی و عملکرد پرستاران به آیین اخلاق پرستاری ایران در بیمارستان‌های آموزشی تبریز

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    Therapeutic considerations noted. In this regard, any disruption in the observance of nursing ethics can affect the most scientific and best nursing care. Today, in the world of nursing, this is reflected in the definition and compilation of codes of professional ethics, which is based on attention to human and ethical issues in establishing communication between nurse and patient in providing care. Ethical codes should be understood by nurses and used in every aspect of nursing practice, so this study was conducted to investigate the knowledge and practice of nurses to the Iranian ethics of nursing ethics in Tabriz teaching hospitals. Method: This descriptive study was performed in 2012 with the participation of 345 nurses working in the internal medicine-surgical wards of Tabriz teaching hospitals and by easy sampling. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire based on Iranian nursing ethics and reliability by Cronbach's alpha method and face and content validity, then with SPSS software version 13 and descriptive and inferential statistics, independent t-test and ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. , Was analyzed at the significance level of p &lt;0.05. Results: The highest percentage of nurses were women, married and had a bachelor's degree in nursing. / 40%) stated that the ritual of nursing ethics has been provided to them in a written form. 86.4% of nurses were aware of the practice of nursing ethics. 91.9% of nurses followed the ritual of nursing ethics. There was a statistically significant relationship between nurses' performance on nursing ethics and variables such as work department and sources of information in the field of ethical guidelines such as participation in conferences, in-service training and regulations. There was a statistically significant relationship between knowledge of nursing ethics and variables such as shift work, job satisfaction and history of complaints from nurses by patients. Conclusion: The knowledge and ethical practice of the studied nurses showed that the Iranian nursing community is ready to follow the path of becoming a professional as energetically and energetically as possible by applying the Iranian nursing ethics and knowledge of professional ethics codes and ethical concepts affecting clinical practice.ملاحظات درمانی توجه کرد. در این راستا هرگونه خلل در رعایت اخلاق پرستاری می‌تواند علمی‌ترین و بهترین مراقبت‌های پرستاری را تحت تأثیر قرار دهد. امروزه، در پرستاری دنیا این امر با تعریف و تدوین کدهای اخلاق حرفه‌ای نمود یافته است که اساس آن توجه به مقولات انسانی واخلاقی در برقراری ارتباط بین پرستار و بیمار در ارائه مراقبت است. کدهای اخلاقی باید توسط پرستاران درک و در هر بعد از عملکرد پرستاری استفاده شود، لذا این مطالعه با هدف بررسی آگاهی و عملکرد پرستاران به آیین ­اخلاق­ پرستاری ایران­ در ­بیمارستان­های آموزشی تبریز ­انجام ­شد. روش: این مطالعه توصیفی در سال 1391 با مشارکت 345 پرستار شاغل در بخش‌های داخلی ـ جراحی بیمارستان‌های آموزشی تبریز و با نمونه‌گیری آسان انجام شد. داده‌ها با استفاده از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته‌ای بر اساس آیین اخلاق پرستاری ایران گردآوری و پایایی به روش آلفای کرونباخ و روایی صوری و محتوایی انجام شد، سپس با نرم‌افزار آماری SPSS نسخه 13 و آمار توصیفی و استنباطی و آزمون‌های t مستقل و ANOVA و ضریب همبستگی پیرسون، در سطح معنی‌داری 05/0 p&lt; تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته‌ها: بیشترین درصد پرستاران، زن، متأهل و دارای مدرک کارشناسی پرستاری بودند که (1/79 درصد) آنان واحد آموزشی اخلاق پرستاری را در دانشگاه و (6/53 درصد) دوره‌های بازآموزی اخلاق حرفه‌ای را در طول خدمت گذرانده بودند و (5/40 درصد) بیان کردند آیین اخلاق پرستاری به صورت مدون در اختیار آن‌ها قرار گرفته است. 4/86 درصد پرستاران به آيين اخلاق پرستاري آگاهي داشتند. 9/91 درصد پرستاران به آيين اخلاق پرستاري عمل کردند. بین عملکرد پرستاران به آیین اخلاق پرستاری و متغیرهایی مانند بخش کاری و منابع کسب اطلاع در زمینه راهنماهای اخلاقی از جمله شرکت در همایش‌ها، آموزش ضمن خدمت و آیین‌نامه­ها رابطه آماری معنی‌داری مشاهده شد. بین آگاهی از آیین اخلاق پرستاری و متغیرهایی مانند شیفت کاری، رضایت از حرفه و سابقه شکایت از پرستاران توسط بیماران رابطه آماری معنی‌داری وجود داشت. نتیجه‌گیری: آگاهی و عملکرد اخلاقی پرستاران مورد مطالعه نشان داد، در حال حاضر جامعه پرستاری ایران آمادگی دارد با بکارگیری آیین اخلاق پرستاری ایران و آگاهی از کدهای اخلاق حرفه‌ای و مفاهیم اخلاقی مؤثر بر عملکرد بالینی، مسیر حرفه‌ای‌شدن خود را هرچه پویاتر و پرانرژی‌تر بپیماید.&nbsp

    A Comparative Study of Bloom\'s Theory about Infection Control Methods Among Surgical Technologists and Students

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    Background & Aims of the Study: Nosocomial infection control has found a significant importance in prevention of mental stress, disabilities, declined life quality, mortality and shorter hospitalization as well as reducing the treatment costs. The aim of this study is to compare Bloom’s theory among operating room students and technologists about the infection control in 2014. Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was performed on 244 technologists and 113 students who were classified by random sampling. The data collection was carried out by a standardized two questionnaires: demographic data, and the knowledge, practice and attitudes about infection control questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted by SPSS V20 and Levene’s test, T-test, Chi-square and Kendall tau-b correlation coefficient were investigated. Results: The mean of knowledge and practice in terms of infection control were on medium level in both groups and they had positive attitudes. Based on T-test, the two groups showed no significant difference in knowledge and attitudes about infection control methods (p>0.05). The mean of practice was however significantly higher among technologists as compared with the students (P0.05). Based on Kendall tau-b correlation coefficient, the relationship between knowledge and practice was direct and significant. Conclusion: Regarding better practice of technologists, it is recommended to develop and establish clinical qualification tests on infection control for the students before their clinical practice. On the other hand, regarding the key role of technologists and students in prevention of nosocomial infections especially in operation rooms, enhancement of their knowledge and skills must be included in the educational and operational programs of authorities