39 research outputs found

    Consumption and hysteresis: the new, the old, and the challenge

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    Consumers are reluctant to change immediately their consumption patterns when confronted with budgetary changes, in spite of fluctuating economic conditions. Their reluctance evokes the notion of hysteresis used by economists to describe the persistent influence of past economic events. The importance of hysteresis in economic research represents a natural consequence of the development of economic sciences and of the pursuit of understanding economic systems’ evolution by taking into account their ‘memory’, their conscience of the past. The present paper represents an attempt to review some of the most relevant approaches to hysteresis in economics and to emphasise the impact of the phenomenon on macroeconomic consumption in Romania. The paper aims at reviewing the application of hysteresis to economic models, and subsequently at constructing a two-phase research on households’ individual final consumption in Romania during 1990 and 2016, employing both the unit root and the so-called ‘true’ approach to hysteresis. The research results indicated the existence of hysteresis at the macroeconomic consumption level, thus revealing several implications for economic policy, inaccessible through the standard economic models

    The reaction of some winter wheat variety at cultivation in the conservative system in the Transylvanian Plain area

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    Introduction: In Europe between wheat cultivators countries, Romania ranks fifth with an area of 2.07 million hectares with a production of 7.45 million tonnes and production obtained is just 3601 kg /ha (www.ager.press.ro).Aims: Through the experience realised at ARDS Turda we follow the behavior of native varieties grȃu autumn, compared È‹n varieties of foreign origin, to make recommendations on their pretability to different systems of culture and levels of fertilization.Materials and Method: The experiment realized at the ARDS Turda, includes two ways to work the soil, a classic conventional system (with autumn ploughing, land preparation, sowing and fertilized) in parallel with the conservative ("no-tillage†with stubble crop directly into the preemergent plant). Experimental factors: A - soil tillage system; B - winter wheat variety; C - fertilization.Results: Of the eight winter wheat varieties, in the experiment is remarkable the variety Capo    that registered highest values of the gluten content at the level of fertilization c2, c3 and c4 at cultivation in both work systems (classic and “no tillageâ€). At most varieties, the highest protein content is at the c2 level of fertilization, except Capo and Exotic that react the best at c3 level of fertilization, in the system "no tillage". Conclusion: The winter wheat  indigenous Andrada, Dumbrava, Arieșan and line T-29-04 and cultivar Renan (Limagrain) reacts most favorable in  gluten content at level of  fertilization c2 (at sowing 250 kg/ ha NPK 20: 20: 0 + resumption spring vegetation È‹n 214 kg/ ha ammonium nitrate).The productions obtained at all varieties wheat,  is not existlarge quantitative differences (200-700 kg/ha differences), but  variety Apache, Exotic, Ariesan and Dumbrava had reached over 7,400 kg / ha. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0884.  References*** www.ager.press.roÂ

    Optimization of Soil Tillage Systems and Fertilization for Maize Crop, in Turda area

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    How do you manage to achieve optimal conditions for growth and development of plants, which can only be achieved through the diversification of soil tillages and and executing their correctness. Moisture and nutritive stress during crop growing, symptoms of nitrogen or phosphorus deficiency are very common in plants grown on compacted land, so production can be significantly reduced.The experiment realized at A.R.D.S. Turda is focused about the influence of the soil cultivation system (conventional and minimum tillage), fertilizer and agricultural year on the soil humidity and yield at maize. In the minimum tillage system the water accumulates in the soil harder but it loses more slowly but comparative with the classic system when accumulates in easier but is lost more quickly. The two years taken into study, 2015 and 2016, were favorable for the realization of corn production so there were yields of over 7000 kg/ha

    The Impact of Major Crises on the Behaviour of the Consumer of Tourism Services - A Perspective on the Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis

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    Tourism is one of the industries that has experienced spectacular growth in recent decades, while obviously influenced by socioeconomic developments and transformations. Recent crises have left their mark on the development of international tourism and the behaviour of tourism services consumers, at the same time revealing tourism's surprising resilience and pace of recovery from the effects of these crises that proved superior to other industries. In this sense, the health problems associated, especially with international tourism, attract the interest of researchers from a wide area of social sciences and medical disciplines. This article aims to briefly present a perspective on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on tourism and the behaviour of the consumer of tourism services, starting by highlighting the characteristics of consumer behaviour during major crises and bringing into focus particular aspects of the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the industry and tourist behaviour

    Neuropsychological symptoms related to the COVID-19 pandemic experienced by the general population and particularly by the healthcare personnel

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    Undoubtedly, the outbreak of COVID-19 still represents an overanxious event for both society and population. The fear of getting infected is ubiquitous in the time of the pandemic. The population presented worrying thoughts related to the fact that the health care system was not able to provide enough services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of the hospital beds and ventilators was insufficient in order to ensure enough care, considering the increased number of COVID-19 cases that were admitted to the hospitals. Furthermore, people were fearful about the possibility of the global economy becoming decimated. The fright and also the feelings of anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic can become overpowering and create negative psychological states. In addition, mental health can be affected and influenced during outbreaks of infectious diseases and can be related to the misconception of symptoms, for example perception related phenomenon and corporal modifications. The population that could experiment these feelings, could instantly relate them to the coronavirus infection and express furthermore unpleasant sensations, in connection to more expressed anxiety and fear. Particularly affected were the healthcare workers of the medical system, who were the main combatants in this pandemic. The neuropsychological problems were difficult to avoid by the general population and this became even more difficult to be dealt with by the medical personnel

    Postoperative hepatic insufficiency as a cause of mortality in patients with giant complicated hydatic cysts

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    Department of Surgery no. 2, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemitanu”, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction Giant hydatid cysts usually lead to diffuse irreversible damage to the liver, aggravating the results of surgical treatment and their presence is accompanied by high mortality. Purpose analysis of factors that predispose to the development of liver failure in patients with complicated echinococcosis Material and methods 347 patients with hepatic hedadidosis were operated on in the clinic between 2000 and 2020. The diagnostic algorithm included: USG, Doppler, EFGDS, CT, MRT in cholangiography, serological and biochemical analyzes. Results In 33 (9.5%) cases, giant hydatid cysts located in more than 4 segments of the liver were detected. Of which, in the preoperative period, liver cirrhosis was detected in 4 (12.1%) patients, the early stage of portal hypertension was detected in 7 (21.2%), mechanical jaundice in 9 (27.3%), reactive hepatitis in 10 ( 30.3%) patients, hydatid cachexia in 4 (12.1%). Postoperative liver failure developed in 9 (27.3%) patients who underwent urgent surgery. Mortality rate - 7 (18.1%). Conclusions Predisposing factors for the development of postoperative liver failure are as follows - large destructive lesions of the liver parenchyma, small volume of the remaining parenchyma, decreased blood supply, cachexia, old age, the presence of concomitant pathologies

    Psychosis: between Dreams and Perceptual Reality

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    From the beginning of time, the layman always described and understood psychosis as a dream-like state. Researchers have characterized both psy-chosis and dreaming with common denominators, both displaying visuo-motor hallucinations, loose associations, metacognitive deficit, impaired reality discrimination, strong emotional component, resulting in a general lack of insight.The association of psychosis with dreaming was present in literature cen-turies ago, in the works of great thinkers such as Kant and Schopenhauer, which prompted many modern specialists to delve deeper into studying this connection for a better understanding of psychosis and possible ap-plications in the clinical practice. During REM sleep, which is the most associated with dreaming, visual and motor areas in the brain show in-creased activation, which is congruent with the presence of hallucinations, the hallmark of the dreaming state. Also, the amygdala, involved in emo-tion regulation, has a prominent role in the sleeping brain. The deactiva-tion of parts of the prefrontal cortex translate in altered capacity for mak-ing decisions and critical thinking. Several neuroimaging studies have shown similar neural patterns in the wakeful state of psychotic patients, especially those associated with the presence or absence of insight.As insight is thought to play a major role in treatment compliance and quality of life in psychotic patients, it is the most studied element linking psychosis and REM sleep. Lucid dreaming is a state of awareness of dreaming, while the individual is still asleep. The dreamer has a degree of control of the narrative and capacity for self-reflection, aspects deemed as insight. Lucid dreaming is a rare occurrence, but has the potential to be trained, concept with great relevance in researching modalities for insight gain in psychotic patients.In conclusion, the research of insight present in lucid dreaming shows great prospect for developing better interventions that target the lack of it in psychotic patients, thus contributing to significant improvement in their prognosis, quality of life and treatment compliance.</em

    A Tale of Two Frontal Lobes. Clinical Perspectives of Cortical Interconnectivity

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    Even through centuries passed, while neurosciences were mistaken only for phrenology, and neuronal mapping did not exist as a self-sustained science, structural changes of the brain were associated, at various degrees, with reoccurring activities or behavioural patterns of the patient. An extraordinary neuroplasticity was therefore described, meant to complete the cerebral network, which sustained superior cognitive functioning and played an essential role in adapting to the environment. Most of this web of electrical impulses has its nodes inside the frontal system, in such a way that no one lobe can be identical to another, structurally or when considering informational content. Cortical interconnectivity observed in frontal lobes may be a measure of physiological variety, but also an aid in understanding linked psychopathology.The first case we will focus our attention on is Phineas Gage, the railway worker who marked the history of neuroscience through his bizarre accident and unexpected outcome. Beyond the myth, this famous patient amended the understanding of the brain’s organization and revolutionized functional cerebral mapping. From here on, we will follow the evolution of neuronal connectivity studies and their implications in psychiatric pathology, as they are known today. Neuroimaging studies on obsessive compulsive disorders, cerebral lesions masked by different psychiatric phenomena, as well as correlations between certain affected tracts and symptoms of psychotic disturbances, are all scientific events which may offer new directions in clinical psychopathology and can invoke different therapeutic resources. In conclusion, to follow studies of neuronal mapping and use the understanding we already have, might be the answer to more complex case management, improving a patient’s outcome and helping us choose treatment plans more effectively. As a story unfolding from two opposing perspectives, the science behind cortical interconnectivity stands witness to different principles acting in conjunction for better results, should one only use it.</p

    Coercive Measures and Stigmatization in the Psychiatric Medical Care

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    The involuntary commitment of psychiatric patients has been done for almost a decade under the Law 487/2002, the law of mental health and protection for people with psychiatric disorders. Frequent involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations have led to stigma attitudes and discriminatory acts towards patients with mental disorders. The coercive medical measures are applied in the psychiatric institutions of the mental health protection agencies. Coercion gives rise to serious ethical debates in the psychiatric assistance. The individual who was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital anticipates social rejection becoming defensive, withdraws socially, experiences a complex internal conflict. The goal for this study is to illustrate aspects linked to coercive measures, mechanical restraint at involuntary admission of patients with mental illnesses in the psychiatric medical assistance. Material and method: This study is a retrospective one, and the data was taken from the charts with involuntary admissions during the period of October 2002 to July 2012. The studied lot was comprised of 202 patients admitted involuntarily in a psychiatric hospital according to the Law 487/2002, the law of mental health and protection for people with psychiatric disorders. Results: Of the 25.7% patients admitted involuntarily, that required coercive measures during admission, 58% were contained for symptoms like self-harm. The mechanical contention measures were especially necessary in the acute cases with symptoms as self-harm and/or harm of others, but also in situations with hallucinatory-delirium symptoms. The ratio of male sex subjects was significantly higher in the subject lot that needed coercive measures during hospitalization, of those admitted involuntarily (86.5% vs. 72%) (p = 0.036). Conclusions: Involuntary admission and mandatory treatment remains in psychiatry a medical, legal and ethical problem. The required measures can lead mainly to clinical benefits, implying a paternal attitude from the psychiatry specialists by defying the patients’ autonomy. Treatment compliance is directly proportional to the overall level of functioning and inversely proportional to the level of self-stigmatization.</em