8 research outputs found

    Fiscal policy – an instrument for achieving economic and social balance

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    The fiscal policy construction developped at national level is focused on the maintenance of the macroeconomic stability process in order to achieve the nominal and real convergence criteria concerning the membership of the Romanian economy to the European Union integrated monetary space. The orientation of the fiscal national policy is subdue to some major constraints regarding her capacity of ensuring the external sustenance, of developping the non-inflation process, of forming and consolidating the financing resources necessary to the accomplishment of the post-adhesion engagements assumed by Romania as a member state of the European Union.Fiscal policy, economic crisis, fiscal policy, to stabilize the economy

    Los efectos de la movilidad oriente-occidental en la UE sobre el desarrollo econĂłmico

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    The main objective of this research is to analyse the effects of the emigrants on the economies of the EU developed countries focusing on the effects on the economic growth, the employment rate, and the workforce but also on the productivity of the factors. The results obtained from this analysis indicate a positive and significant influence from a statistical point of view of the immigrants coming from the EU countries in 2004 on the economic growth, workforce, and productivity for the countries from EU 15. In case of the immigrants coming from Romania and Bulgaria we identified a positive and significant impact on the economic growth of the states from EU15 while for the other variables included in the analysis, we obtained contradictory results.El principal objetivo de esta investigaciĂłn es analizar los efectos de los emigrantes en las economĂ­as de los paĂ­ses desarrollados de la UE centrĂĄndose en los efectos sobre el crecimiento econĂłmico, la tasa de empleo y la mano de obra, pero tambiĂŠn sobre la productividad de los factores. Los resultados obtenidos de este anĂĄlisis indican una influencia positiva y significativa desde un punto de vista estadĂ­stico de los inmigrantes procedentes de los paĂ­ses de la UE en 2004 sobre el crecimiento econĂłmico, la mano de obra y la productividad de los paĂ­ses de la UE 15. En el caso de los inmigrantes procedentes de Rumania y Bulgaria identificamos un impacto positivo y significativo en el crecimiento econĂłmico de los estados de la UE15 mientras que para las otras variables incluidas en el anĂĄlisis obtuvimos resultados contradictorios

    Analysis regarding the impact of ‘fake news’ on the quality of life of the population in a region affected by earthquake activity. The case of Romania–Northern Oltenia

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    PurposeThe study aims to examine the impact of the wave of seismic activity in the northern region of Oltenia (Gorj County, Romania) in February 2023 and the belief in ‘fake news’ (circulated regarding causality, manifestations, and future developments of the seismic activity) on the quality of life of the affected population. It was considered opportune to conduct this study, given the novelty of such a situation, as the mentioned geographical area is not known to have a high seismic risk.MethodsThe study was built based on the questionnaire to which 975 respondents, present/residing in Gorj County during the earthquakes and at least 14 days after, and with a minimum age of 18 years, responded. The data was collected between February 27, 2023, and March 31, 2023, at a reasonable time interval from the recording of the first seismic event in the region, assuming that the respondents’ opinions regarding the negative impact of seismic events on societal life are well crystallized. The aim was to obtain information and analyze it in order to establish the respondents’ perception regarding the negative effects of seismic activity and the elements of “fake news” promoted in this context on the quality of life of individuals in the region.ResultsOur study indicates that individuals who are not concerned, due to their disbelief in “fake news” information, about the possibility of new strong earthquakes in the mentioned area feel the best physically, having an average satisfaction level of 82.80 (with a standard deviation of 19.70) on the WHOQOL-BREF scale. On the other hand, those who believed in the fake news experienced the lowest levels of psychological well-being, with an average satisfaction of 60.80 (and a standard deviation of 21.98). The WHOQOL-BREF is an instrument that assesses the quality of life across four distinct domains, and this study emphasizes the importance of accurate and trustworthy information for people’s well-being.ConclusionThe results of the study highlight that the quality of life indicators of people in the geographic area affected by the wave of seismic movements are negatively impacted due to the release of “fake news” in the public domain regarding the cause of seismic movements in Gorj county (and the previous earthquakes in Turkey) and their future manifestations and developments (the possibility of high magnitude seismic movements), as well as the lack of information provided by the public authorities on the issue at hand (causes, effects, future manifestations, management measures)

    Risks Associated to Public Governmental Debt and Their Management

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    Public debt portfolio is the most important financial portfolio of a country, reflecting the complex and risky financial structures that can generate substantial risks on the patrimony of state and on its financial stability. Recent crises have highlighted the need to limit exposure to liquidity risk and other risks which make economies of states to become vulnerable to some external shocks. A viable and prudent management of public debt structures and strategies aimed at avoiding dangerous loan becomes crucial because the consequences it causes serious macroeconomic failure to pay debts, heavy losses of production and high costs associated with them.public financial balance, public governmental debt, risks, public debt portfolio, debt management

    Revaluation of Assets - Accounting and Fiscal Implications

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    Starting May 2009, revaluation reverts unknown for taxation, in terms of tax the profit. This new tax rule shapes again the accounting behaviour. Thus, it is likely that most firms with revalued assets to choose for transfer from revaluation reserve from account 105 “Revaluation Reserves “into account 1065 “Reserves representing surplus achieved in the revaluation reserve“ as damping assessed property depreciation, and not to remove it from book-keeping.revaluation of fixed assets, current accounting, fiscal applications


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    The Operational Programme Environment (OP Environment ) contributes to the implementation of the 3rd priority of the National Development Plan 2007-2013, "Protecting and improving the environment," takinginto account the social, economic and environmental needs in Romania, so as to achieve sustainable impact onenvironment and stimulate economic development. From the international perspective, it is based on the EUSustainable Development Strategy and the 6th Environmental Action Programme. It is designed to contribute tothe achievement of the thematic priority of the National Strategic Reference Framework, namely thedevelopment of infrastructure at European standards.The OP Environment is fully consistent with the priorities established in the Strategic Guidelines forCohesion Cohesion Policy, especially those aimed at increasing the attractiveness of Member States, regionsand cities and to strengthen the synergies between environmental protection and economic growth


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    The issue of eco - efficiency has gained particular importance in economic theories relating tosustainable development. The acceptance of the sustainable development definition stipulated in the BrundtlandReport (Our Common Future) in 1986 was a key moment in triggering massive approaches to environmentalissues, closely related to economic growth and social inclusion. The complementarity, interaction and theintensity of influence of the three pillars of sustainable development (economic - social - environment) led tomajor changes in the priorities and report those pillars, yielding a current of thought that gives a fundamentalrole to the ecological pillar. This background led to the emergence of several new paradigms, namely eco -economy and green economy, eco - innovation, eco - technology, cross - industry, eco - efficiency etc

    The absorption of european funds for environmental protection during the period 2007-2013

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    Political realities of the European Union regarding the environment protection segment formed the basis of a specific reorientation of cohesion policy, the including this area as one of the main priorities for obtaining grants. In other words, due to long-term challenges such as climate change, energy security, scarcity of resources (raw materials, water), biodiversity loss, environment protection has become one of the strategic priorities of the European Union. These challenges are coupled with short-term threats like increasing public debt of States Members, in particular as a result of loans contracted by these to eliminate or counteract the financial crisis effects and the the dimensioning of fiscal discipline, both internally and at Community level