12 research outputs found


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    Learning and intelligence are multi-dimensional concepts that cannot be determined with a single measure. Much as individuals learns in different ways (Kolb, 1974) too with organizations. To some extent, differences are a function of the diverse environments in which organizations must operate. Learning Organizations develop as a result of the pressures facing modern organizations and enables them to remain competitive in the business environment (McLean, 2006). Elaborated by Arie deGeus (1988) and Peter Senge (1990), the Learning Organization is a template for an organization that continually creates its future by adapting to environmental change.learning organization, human resource

    The Development of Touristic Services through Individual and Organizational Learning. Study Case: Romania and Spain

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    The present research aims to establish and to design the development strategies for services in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that activate in the tourism field of activity (hotels and other accommodation establishments, restaurants, passenger transport, travel agencies, cultural tourism agencies). Organizational learning is focused on the learning process in the organization which has direct influence on the goods and services produced. Learning activities, carried out individually, are not easily transferred at the organizational level. Moreover, in order to better highlight the weaknesses and the strengths of touristic services management approaches and to define recommendations, our research theme is developed as comparative study: similarities and differences within SMEs touristic services and learning organization practices in Romania and other European Union’s country members (the example of Spain was considered).services, tourism, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), organizational learning, human resources


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    The present research aims to establish and configurate human resources development strategies for the employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that activate in the tourism field of activity (hotels and other accomodation establishments, restaurants, passenger trasnport, travel agencies, cultural turism agencies). As knowledge role in the contemporany economy is increasing and defining the economical and social context as knowledge-based ones, we shall consider the research frame as the knowledge-based economy. Moreover, in order to better highlight weaknesses and strenghts of the human resources management approaches and to define recommendations, our research theme is developped as comparative study: similarities and differences within SMEs human resources management practices in Romania and other European Union's country members (the example of Spain was considered).human resources, motivation, profitability, SMEs, tourism


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    Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are the most dynamic and vital factor of progress in the contemporary society, main generator of economic performance and substance in any country, employment opportunity provider for most of population, major contributor to the national budget, and engine to improve the living standard of the population. SMEs represent 99% from all enterprises, drawing up the main human resource agglomeration. In Romania and other countries from The European Union, SMEs play an essential role in economic life, having special features that make adaptation process to the knowledge-based economy easier. In a knowledge-based economy context, SMEs should act as learning entities, by developing the most important resources they own: the human resources.learning organization, knowledge-based economy, small and medium enterprises, Romania

    Human Resources Professional Development within the Knowledge-Based Economy Organizations

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    Through the present paper, we identified and argumented one of the most important consequences of the present business environment: appearance and, gradually, growth of differences between two categories of representants: human resources with high formation, strongly connected to the environment, who impose and even anticipate change, being fascinated by the development perspectives, unlike people always surprised by what is happening, sometimes lost by the predicable absence, having a continuous “fight” for keeping the other’s rhythm. The solution is represented by motivation and formation programs, on medium and long term in order to offer sustainable results. Consequently, from the organization management point of view, the most appropriate instrument for accomplishing and implementing this is the strategy, as an exponent of organization mission and objectives, in correlation with human resources, technical and material resources, financial and informational resources restrictions, and, moreover, the actions ways for accomplishing the competitive advantage.Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), human resources, professional development, motivation, economic performances, knowledge-based economy.


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    Romanian economic environment, in terms of social and cultural boundaries suppression, was oriented towards the knowledge global trend, but in the absence of strategic options, it was unsystematic, especially manifested informaly and randomly: a local, disorganized phenomenum. The new communication process type of approach outlines a map of knowledge management in education and creates the necessary infrastructure to support teaching and learning within universities, while increasing the quality of academic training provides highly qualified graduates for the Romanian economic environment.technology, education communication,

    Researches on the ergonomic design of the workplace for the car driver profesion

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    Ergonomic design of the workplace is a matter of utmost importance. Ergonomics should consider reducing the high number of accidents as well as the high amounts paid for insurance. In recent years there have been numerous injuries due to cumulative trauma or due to psychological, sociological and ethical factors. Operators often adapt to improper work conditions, but the number of accidents increases and productivity decreases. The driver of the vehicle must be provided with a suitable space and position so that his posture is physiologically comfortable, does not cause excessive fatigue and illness, there is freedom of movement to drive the steering wheel, steering levers and pedals, which must be accessible and placed in such a way that the driver’s requirements are minimal and the visibility is ensured. In the paper there will be presented elements for the ergonomic design of the workplace for the motor vehicle occupation and will be taken into account several factors involved among which we mention the correct positioning of the seat adjustment while driving a car, adjusting the backrest and seat, adjusting the lumbar support, adjusting the steering position, adjusting the headrests to ensure that in the event of an accident, the risk of a head injury is very small


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    The present research aims to establish and configurate human resources development strategies for the employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that activate in the tourism field of activity (hotels and other accomodation establishments, restaurants, passenger trasnport, travel agencies, cultural turism agencies). As knowledge role in the contemporany economy is increasing and defining the economical and social context as knowledge-based ones, we shall consider the research frame as the knowledge-based economy. Moreover, in order to better highlight weaknesses and strenghts of the human resources management approaches and to define recommendations, our research theme is developped as comparative study: similarities and differences within SMEs human resources management practices in Romania and other European Union's country members (the example of Spain was considered)

    How to Improve Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Profitability by Practicing an Efficient Human Resources Management

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    In The European Union’s country members, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an essential role in economic life, having special features that make adaptation process to the contemporary economy easier. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are the most dynamic and vital factor of progress in the contemporary society, main generator of economic performance and substance in any country, employment opportunity provider for most of population, major contributor to the national budget, and engine to improve the living standard of the population. SMEs represent 99% from all enterprises, drawing up the main human resources aglomeration. In the contemporary economic context, SMEs should act as learning entities, by developing the most important resources they own: the human resources. Human resource development (HRD) has gained a permanent role within SMEs, agencies and nations, increasingly not only as an academic discipline, but as a central theme in development area. Being a combination of training and education, in a broad context of adequate human resource policies, HRD ensures the continual improvement and growth of both individual and organization

    How to Improve Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Profitability by Practicing an Efficient Human Resources Management

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    In The European Union’s country members, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an essential role in economic life, having special features that make adaptation process to the contemporary economy easier. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are the most dynamic and vital factor of progress in the contemporary society, main generator of economic performance and substance in any country, employment opportunity provider for most of population, major contributor to the national budget, and engine to improve the living standard of the population. SMEs represent 99% from all enterprises, drawing up the main human resources aglomeration. In the contemporary economic context, SMEs should act as learning entities, by developing the most important resources they own: the human resources. Human resource development (HRD) has gained a permanent role within SMEs, agencies and nations, increasingly not only as an academic discipline, but as a central theme in development area. Being a combination of training and education, in a broad context of adequate human resource policies, HRD ensures the continual improvement and growth of both individual and organization.development, human resources, management, performance, SMEs.