6 research outputs found

    Efficiency analysis of chilli pepper farming with proliga technology application in Batam City

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    The existing cultivation pattern of chilli pepper in Riau Islands is unable to fulfilled all market demands. Dissemination of double production (Produksi Lipat Ganda or Proliga) technology was an effort to increase chilli pepper production in Riau Islands. This study aims to analyze the efficiency of chilli pepper farming with Proliga technology application. This research was conducted in Mei 2019 until April 2020 at Maju Mandiri Farmer Group, Setokok Village, Bulang District, Batam City. The primary data obtained from interviews, and the secondary data obtained from related agencies. Data analysis was carried out by calculating costs, revenues, income, and farming efficiency. Based on analysis results, it can be concluded that chilli pepper farming with Proliga technology generates an income of IDR 699,000,000, and the cost incurred in one planting season (12 months) reached IDR 213,193,500. Therefore, the income obtained by farmers is IDR 485,806,500 / hectare. This chilli pepper farming is considered efficient and profitable for farmers, as indicated by the R/C ratio value of 3.27

    Growth, Seedling Yield, and Feasibility of True Shallot Seed (Allium cepa L) Nursery Farming System

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    The objective of this study was to identify widely adapted true lines under different models of True Shallot Seed (TSS) nurseries that can be easily, quickly, and efficiently developed by farmers. Previous TSS seedling production research showed some low and inefficient results, making TSS nursery farming expensive and difficult for farmers to do. Therefore, a TSS nursery model that produces good seedlings and is economically efficient needs to be found. This research fills the gap by presenting novel TSS nursery models using sediment soil media that have not been tried before to increase the TSS seedling performance. The study was arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with treatment consisting of three seedling systems: direct sowing models (Tabela), boxes, and polybags. Each treatment was repeated six times, using Bima varieties produced by AIAT of Central Java, seed 0,5 kg per system. Observation data included: media material's chemical contents, seedling growth, and nursery model feasibility. The results showed that seedling emergence and seedling weight, number of leaves, and plant populations were significantly different. Tabela shows the best seedling performance and cost-efficiency results. Hopefully, the study results of the shallot nursery model from TSS will help farmers reduce total production costs. The river sediment soil erosion at 71.1 t ha-1yr-1 has not been utilized even though sediment soil's physical and chemical properties are very good for a nursery, making for the novelty point in this study

    Optimising Water Management in Drylands to Increase Crop Productivity and Anticipate Climate Change in Indonesia

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    In the future, Indonesia will become increasingly dependent on dryland agriculture. New adaptive technology innovations able to transform drylands into arable land throughout almost the entire year have been developed to anticipate global climate change in tropical areas. This article reviews the results of research on the importance of climate and water management technology to increase the crop index and productivity in Indonesia. We found that irrigation treatment at 80% of the FAO-recommended rate resulted in the highest maize stover yield (around 13.65–14.10 t h−1). Irrigation treatment at 60% of the FAO-recommended rate for soybeans (at 0.24 L s−1 h−1) produced good-quality soybean seeds. The use of existing water resources can increase the planted area from 1.25 to 1.67 and increase the cropping index during the second planting season in the same area. Agricultural systems based on water management can improve their crop index and productivity, and anticipate climate change to increase farmers’ incomes and wellbeing. Support measures in the form of regulations, legislation, acts, programmes, and policies from central and local governments for land use and management are crucial. The development of infrastructure by establishing water management institutions at the village/farmers’ group levels to allocate irrigation water is a leverage point to develop dryland agricultural systems appropriately and judiciously to assist in sustainable development

    The effect of local-based feed ration on the production and quality of duck eggs in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands

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    The aim of the study was to determine effect of local feed on the production and quality of duck eggs in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands. This study was conducted in Juli 2020 in Dompak Village, Tanjungpinang City. The material of research were Mojosari duck ages 38-48 weeks and local feed (feed A, B and C). This study used a non-experimental design using a survey method. Sampling using purposive sampling method. The parameter measured were egg weight, shell weight, shell thickness, yolk color and egg production. The data obtained were then compared to the average using the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that the ration A treatment was not significantly different from ration B (P>0,05) but both were significantly different from ration C (P0,05). The highest duck egg production was obtained from ration B, which was 80 eggs per day. The conclusion of this study is that the treatment of local feed-based rations can affect the physical quality of Mojosari duck egg

    The Transformation of Rice Crop Technology in Indonesia: Innovation and Sustainable Food Security

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    The growth of the Indonesian population has led to an increase in the demand for rice, which the country has yet to satisfy. Indonesia needs a comprehensive strategy that integrates meaningful efforts to increase its agricultural production. This study aims to review the examined trends in rice yield in Indonesia for 70 years after Indonesia’s independence (1945–2016) followed by the identification of the application technology and factors that contribute to increasing rice yields to forecast sustainable food security scenarios up to 2030. This article reviews the results of research on rice production technology in Indonesia from 1945 to 2016, and the outlook for 2030. This paper examines the main points of the Indonesian transformation of rice technology: improvement of rice varieties, integrated crop management, innovations in agricultural machinery, and the Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System (ICCIS). We found that transformation has helped Indonesia increased its rice yields from 3 t ha−1 prior to 1961 to 4.6 t ha−1 in 1985, stagnated in 1990, and increased again in 2017 to 5.46 t ha−1. The increase in yield was sustained by an increase in the harvested area owing to cropping index (CI) innovation. Food security and sustainable development remain the primary goals of Indonesia’s agricultural sector. The application of appropriate technologies and institutional innovations can assist Indonesia in achieving its food security. Therefore, the transformation of technological innovations will continue to be an essential driver of future agricultural growth, including greater use of crop varieties, machinery, and land/institutional reforms