11 research outputs found

    Morphology of the Willis chords in the superior sagittal sinus during various periods of life

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    Numerous fibrous elements known as the Willis chords are situated in the light of the superior sagittal sinus. The paper is aimed at a comparative evaluation of the appearance of the Willis chords appearing in the superior sagittal sinus during various periods of human life and a determination of their role. The material comprises 200 brains at the foetal period as well as 200 adult and senile brains. The experimental methods include injection methods, infrared light, the Pickworth method and computer image analysis. During adulthood, various elements such as valvulae, divisions, plates, beams and arachnoidal granulation are situated in the light of superior sagittal sinus. The number of arachnoidal granulations increases continuously due to age, new ones appearing close to those already in existence and old granulation spreading. The superior sagittal sinus contains numerous valvulae similar to the feedback flaps typical for hydraulic systems. Divisions act as orifices which lead to a fall in pressure and induce blood into the sinus. Large differences between the cross-sections of meningeal veins and bridge veins were noticed, which resembles the structure of ejector. The blood flow in the bridge veins ending at the superior sagittal sinus is controlled by the valvulae and their geometrical form changes according to age. Conclusion: the Willis chords situated in the superior sagittal sinus may control the circulation. Their number grows with age and their morphology changes

    Geometrical assessment of the foetal lumbar vertebral column - clinical implications

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    The neural arches, transverse processes, spinous processes, and superior and inferior articular processes of each of the 5 lumbar vertebrae can often be found under the common heading of ‘posterior element’. The aim of our study was to assess the changes in geometry of the posterior elements of the foetal lumbar vertebrae during the foetal period. A total of 50 human foetuses, both female and male, from natural abortions, C-R length ranging from 58 to 220 mm, were examined. The methodology of the research included classical anatomical preparation, detailed measurements of the structural elements of the lumbar vertebrae and statistical analysis. Geometrical reconstruction was subsequently performed. The shape of the posterior elements changed gradually from wide and massive to slender. We observed a descending sequence of these alterations, the first vertebra to change being L1, with L5 the last. The dynamic of the change was at its greatest during the first 4 weeks of the period evaluated. On the basis of our observations we concluded that the geometry of the posterior elements of the lumbar vertebrae undergoes a process of a great transformation during the foetal period, a process which progresses dynamically until the 14th week of intra-uterine development. The associations with micro-angiogenesis, the ossification process and the notion of structural adaptation of the lumbar spine to heightening mechanical stress are also discussed

    Preliminary metrological study of the lumbar vertebral column during the foetal period

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    The aim of our study was to elaborate a scheme for the development of the particular elements of the lumbar vertebral column in the foetal period based on metrological data analysis. 30 human foetuses between 31 and 183 mm C-R length were examined. The whole vertebral column and lumbar segment length, intervertebral spaces and structural elements of each vertebra were measured. Statistical analysis was carried out of the data obtained. The development of the lumbar vertebral column during the foetal period is ongoing, although not in a proportional way. The percentage participation of the lumbar segment in the length of the whole vertebral column increased from 17.5 to 22%. The most intensive development of the particular elements resulted from the period between 60–170 mm. The intensive transversal growth of each vertebra began after 60 mm while the axial growth began after 110 mm CRL. The percentage participation of a single lumbar vertebra in the length of the whole lumbar segment decreased by approx. 5%. The largest contribution to the ossification centres was made in the areas of neural arches L1. Each structural element and the diameter of each lumbar vertebra is characterised by specific growth dynamics

    Planar measurements of foetal lateral ventricles

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    To compare the linear dimensions (width) of the foetal atrium and occipital horns to their areas, 31 foetuses (15–24 weeks, C-R 12.5–23.5 mm) from spontaneous abortions were evaluated. Images of the axial sections of the brains were transferred to computer and Scion for Windows 98 software was used for image analysis. 11 brains appeared normal and 20 were abnormal (leukomalacia in 9 cases, periventricular and intraventricular haemorrhage in 6 cases, ventriculomegaly in 3 cases, colpocephaly in 1 case, vascular malformation in 1 case). High-range linear and planar asymmetries in the atrium and occipital horns were observed both in normal and abnormal brains. There was no close correlation between the width and the area of the structures under investigation, although it was stronger in case of the occipital horns. The wider occipital horns and atria often had a smaller area than the narrower ones. Some abnormal cerebral hemispheres had relatively narrow atria and occipital horns in comparison with their large areas. Further investigation should be carried out to assess the utility and potential superiority of planar measurements over linear in the image diagnosis of foetal ventricles

    Clinical anatomy of the human anterior cranial fossa during the prenatal period

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    We examined the prenatal development of the human anterior cranial fossa and considered its clinical aspects. Our purpose was an evaluation of anterior cranial fossa geometry, its measurements and connections with the nasal cavity and middle cranial fossa. The study was performed on 29 foetuses from the first and second trimester of pregnancy. New methods of computer image analysis, Scion for Windows 98 and ELF v 4.2, were applied to examine this anatomical region. Different options used were binarisation, equalisation, filters, linear and non-linear transformations and mathematical operations of images. This enabled the dynamics of prenatal development to be accurately evaluated for parts of the base of the human skull. Measurements were taken of angles of the cranial base. The anterior cranial base angle (the apex in the middle of the sella turcica and the arms running through the zygomatic ossification points) decreased gradually between C-R 6 to 23.5 cm from 170 to 120 degrees and afterwards became constant. The contrary-medial cranial base angle (adjacent to the anterior cranial base angle and with a second arm running through the auricular cartilage) increased from 50 to 70 degrees. The anterior cranial fossa was first located on the same level as the middle and posterior fossae. The process of descent of the middle and posterior cranial fossa begins in the 4th gestational month. The geometry of the anterior cranial fossa changes rapidly, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. The first trimester of pregnancy is crucial for the development of its defects. Preconception prophylaxis of inborn defects of the anterior cranial fossa is therefore extremely important


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    Abstract Objectives. The goal of the study was a metrological analysis of the fossa volumes of the human cranial base in the fetal period. Material and Methods. The survey comprised fetal material collected in the Department of Normal Anatomy, Wroclaw Medical University. The analysis covered 16 fetuses (5 females) at morphological ages of 17-25 weeks of fetal life and v−tub lengths of 115-102 mm. The study incorporated anthropological and preparational methods, molding, and image computer analysis using the Irfan View and Scion Image for Windows programs. Sexual dimorphism, particular cranial base fossa volumes, as well as correlations between the volumes and fetal somatic features were studied. Impressions were made using polysiloxane with 18 D 4823 activator, which provided sig− nificant accuracy. Results. The combination of computer analysis of the cranial fossa impressions and mathematical and statistical analyses allowed an innovative description, far more accurate than before, of cranial base fossa volumes in the growth period. The study did not reveal any significant sexual dimorphism of the examined fetuses' somatic fea− tures or cranial base fossa measurements. Mean measurements of the anterior and medial fossae on the right and left sides also do not differ significantly, although in particular fetuses the difference reached 12%. Conclusions. The volume of the medial cranial fossa seems especially interesting as it is significantly larger than those of the anterior and posterior fossae (Adv Clin Exp Med 2009, 18, 6, 543-549). Key words: fetus, development, fossae of the cranial base, volume. Streszczenie Cel pracy. Analiza metrologiczna objętości dołów podstawy czaszki ludzkiej w okresie prenatalnym. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto materiał płodowy pochodzący ze zbiorów Katedry i Zakładu Anatomii Pra− widłowej AM we Wrocławiu. Analizie poddano 16 płodów (w tym 5 żeńskich) w wieku morfologicznym 17-25 ty− dzień życia, o długości v−tub 115-202 mm. W pracy zastosowano metodę: antropologiczną, preparacyjną, rewersu (wycisku), komputerowej analizy obrazu za pomocą programu Irfan View i programu Scion Image for Windows. Oceniano: dymorfizm płciowy, symetrię i objętość poszczególnych dołów podstawy czaszki, korelacje między ty− mi objętościami a cechami somatycznymi płodów. Do wykonania rewersów użyto polosiloksanu (elastomer sili− konowy o dużej lepkości) z aktywatorem 18 D 4823, który warunkował bardzo dużą dokładność. Wyniki. W badaniach własnych połączenie metody komputerowej analizy obrazu wycisku dołów podstawy cza− szki z metodą analizy matematycznej i statystycznej pozwoliło w sposób nowatorski i o wiele dokładniejszy niż dotychczas opisać objętość dołów podstawy czaszki w okresie jej wzrostu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych ba− dań nie zaobserwowano statystycznie istotnego dymorfizmu płciowego cech somatycznych badanych płodów i wymiarów dołów podstawy czaszki. Stwierdzono ponadto, że średnie wymiarów dołów przednich i środkowych po stronie prawej i lewej nie różnią się istotnie, mimo występowania różnic u poszczególnych płodów rzędu 12%. Wyniki. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje objętość dołów środkowych czaszki, która jest istotnie większa niż obję− tość dołów przednich i tylnych (Adv Clin Exp Med 2009, 18, 6, 543-549). Słowa kluczowe: płód, rozwój, doły podstawy czaszki, objętość

    Preinvasive vulvar and cervical cancer in a 32-year-old woman, DNA HPV 16 positive with mtDNA mutation – case study

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    Summary Coincidence of preinvasive vulvar and cervical cancer in young women is very rare. Lesions like VIN 3 / preinvasive vulvar cancer and CIN 3 / preinvasive cervical cancer are strictly connected with viral infection and are multilocular. In the presented case the following tests have been performed: HPV DNA test for the presence of 13 oncogenic HPV types, mRNA HPV test for the presence of transcripts for HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 45 and the analysis of mtDNA D-Loop region. In the examined patient HPV 16 infection, as well as the presence of transcripts for HPV 16 E6/7 were diagnosed. The analysis of mtDNA D-Loop region showed nucleotide lesions like: T>C 16.192, T>C 16.223, T>C 16.292, C>T 16.325, C>T 16.519

    Effects of AIDiet intervention to improve diet quality, immuno-metabolic health in normal and overweight PCOS girls: a pilot study

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    Abstract This study was conducted in two groups of girls with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) categorized as slim (group N) and overweight-to-obese (group Ov/Ob). The study's primary outcome was to assess the impact of a 12-week anti-inflammatory diet (AIDiet) intervention, without energy deficit, on daily diet quality improvement, evaluated according to the KIDMED index. The secondary outcome was improving inflammatory, redox, hormonal, and metabolic statuses. In the study, which was completed by 13 girls from the Ov/Ob group and 19 girls from the N group, a significant improvement in the mean KIDMED score was obtained. Moreover, the intervention significantly improves concentration of total antioxidant capacity (TAC), fasting insulin, and the homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index, in the Ov/Ob group, while both groups experienced a reduction in the concentration of interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α), and androstenedione. The AIDiet intervention effectively improved the quality of the subjects' diets, which was associated with the improvement of hormonal and immuno-metabolic markers. However, these changes in normal-weight patients were observed regardless of body weight reduction. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT04738409