2 research outputs found

    Valores normales de presión arterial en niños menores de 1 año, Medellín - Colombia 1997

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    Although in our medium there are several studies that involve the values 01 normality 01 arterial blood pressure in Children, as much as in neonates, these present several inconveniences as are the number 01 the sample and the charts 01 difficult interpretation. Therefore, the curves that are followed as a pattern 01 normality belong to other countries. This study was carried out in order to create charts 01 normal distribution 01 the arterial blood pressure in the pediatric population 01 the city 01 Medellin, with the purpose 01 being applicable to this specific population. For this purpose, a sample 01717 healthy children younger than a year 01 age was taken from a universe constituted by the 34.391 children of the city 01 Medellin in the year 011997. As the single most important finding, this same population was found not to present significant variations in the levels 01 blood pressure as compared to these same age groups in other populations 01 the world. Therefore, these charts can be considered representative and applicable to the population 01 the city 01 Medellin.Aunque en nuestro medio existen varios trabajos de medición de la presión arterial tanto en niños como en los neonatos, estos presentan varios inconvenientes como son el número de la muestra y las tablas de dificil interpretación. Por lo tanto, las curvas que se siguen como patrón de normalidad pertenecen a otros países. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se decidió realizar este trabajo para crear tablas de distribución normal de la presión arterial en la población pediátrica de la ciudad de Medellín con el fin de que fueran aplicables a esta población específica. Para estos propósitos, se tomó una muestra representativa de 717 niños sanos menores de un año de un universo compuesto por los 34.391 niños de la ciudad de Medellín en el año de 1997. Como resultados se encontró que la muestra de estudio no presenta variaciones significativas en el intervalo de lo normal de las cifras tensionales de niños del mismo grupo etáreo en otras poblaciones del mundo. Por lo tanto, estas tablas pueden ser consideradas representativas y aplicables a esta población específica

    Hospitalization causes and outcomes in HIV patients in the late antiretroviral era in Colombia

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    Abstract Background Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has modified the natural history of HIV-infection: the incidence of opportunistic infections (OIs) has decreased and mortality associated to HIV has improved dramatically. The reasons for hospitalization have changed; OIs are no longer the most common reason for admission. This study describes the patient population, admission diagnosis and hospital course of HIV patients in Colombia in the ART era. Methods Patients admitted with HIV/AIDS at six hospitals in Medellin, Colombia between August 1, 2014 and July 31, 2015 were included. Demographic, laboratory, and clinical data were prospectively collected. Results 551 HIV-infected patients were admitted: 76.0% were male, the median age was 37 (30–49). A new diagnosis of HIV was made in 22.0% of patients during the index admission. 56.0% of patients of the entire cohort had been diagnosed with HIV for more than 1 year and 68.9% were diagnosed in an advanced stage of the disease. More than 50.0% of patients had CD4 counts less than 200 CD4 cells/μL and viral loads greater than 100,000 copies. The main reasons for hospital admissions were OIs, tuberculosis, esophageal candidiasis and Toxoplasma encephalitis. The median hospital stay was 14 days (IQR 8–23). Admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) was required in 10.3% of patients and 14.3% were readmitted to the hospital; mortality was 5.4%. Conclusions Similar to other countries in the developing world, in Colombia, the leading cause of hospitalization among HIV-infected patients remain opportunistic infections. However, in-hospital mortality was low, similar to those described for high-income countries. Strategies to monitor and optimize the adherence and retention in HIV programs are fundamental to maximize the benefit of ART