2 research outputs found


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    Microgreens are seedlings produced from seeds of different species including vegetables, herbs or grains. Research has shown that these have a higher level of nutrients When compared to the same adult vegetable, and microgreens have gained prominence in haute cuisine to compose the ornamentation of dishes. The objective was to evaluate the acceptability of microgreens by guests of a SPA. This is an extension project that it was conducted at Lapinha Spa, PR, Brazil, aiming to contribute to the inclusion of this important source of nutrients in the guests' diet. The microgreens (lettuce, watercress, kale, amaranth, beet and sunflower) were produced in plastic trays and harvested after 15 days. The perception of microgreens was evaluated through questionnaires to evaluate the attributes: decorative value (DV), sophistication and innovation (SI) and palatability (PA). The RV attribute presented very good perception (90%), followed by SI (79%) and AP (60%). The percentage of responses whose perception level was considered very good and good was higher than 80% for all evaluated attributes. From these results, it can be concluded that microgreens have relevant characteristics and give a higher visual value to the dishes offered in this establishment.      Los microvegetares son plántulas producidas a partir de semillas de diferentes especies, incluyendo vegetales, hierbas o granos. La investigación ha demostrado que estos tienen un mayor nivel de nutrientes en comparación con la verdura adulta, además, los microvegetarios han ganado protagonismo en la alta gastronomía para compensar la ornamentación de los platos. El objetivo fue evaluar la aceptabilidad de los microvegetales por parte de los huéspedes de un SPA, con el objetivo de contribuir a la inclusión de esta importante fuente de nutrientes en la dieta del huésped. Se trata de un estudio extensionista realizado en las instalaciones de Lapinha Spa, PR, Brasil. Los microvegetarios (lechuga, berro, repollo, amaranto, remolacha y girasol) se producían en bandejas de plástico y se cosechaban después de 15 días. La evaluación de la percepción sobre los microvegetarios se realizó a través de cuestionarios para evaluar los atributos: valor decorativo (VD), sofisticación e innovación (SI) y palatabilidad (PA). El atributo VD presentó percepción con muy buen nivel (90%), seguido de IS (79%) y PA (60%). El porcentaje de respuestas cuyo nivel de percepción fue considerado muy bueno y bueno fue superior al 80% para todos los atributos evaluados. Se concluyó que los microvegetares presentaban características relevantes y daban un mayor valor visual a los platos ofrecidos.Os microgreens são plântulas produzidas a partir de sementes de diferentes espécies incluindo vegetais, ervas ou grãos. Pesquisas têm demonstrado que estes possuem um nível maior de nutrientes quando comparado com o vegetal adulto, além disso, os microgreens tem ganhado destaque na alta gastronomia para compor a ornamentação de pratos. O objetivo foi avaliar a aceitabilidade dos microgreens por hóspedes de um SPA, visando contribuir para a inclusão dessa importante fonte de nutrientes na dieta dos hóspedes. Este foi um estudo extensionista conduzido nas dependências do Lapinha Spa, PR, Brasil. Os microgreens (alface, agrião, couve, amaranto, beterraba e girassol) foram produzidos em bandejas plásticas e colhidos após 15 dias. A avaliação da percepção sobre os microgreens foi realizada através de questionários para avalição dos atributos: valor decorativo (VD), sofisticação e inovação (SI) e palatabilidade (PA). O atributo VD apresentou percepção com nível muito bom (90%), seguido pela SI (79%) e PA (60%). O percentual de respostas cujo nível de percepção foi considerado muito bom e bom foi maior que 80% para todos os atributos avaliados. Conclui-se que os microgreens apresentaram características relevantes e conferem um maior valor visual aos pratos oferecidos.     &nbsp

    Recent advances in processing and preservation of minimally processed fruits and vegetables: A review – Part 2: Physical methods and global market outlook

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    In recent years, minimally processed fruits and vegetables have gained widespread consumer attention due to the need for a convenient yet healthy diet. As several factors can affect the shelf life of minimally processed products, it is essential to use preservation technologies that maintain the freshness of fruits and vegetables ensuring consumer health. In the second part of this review, the main physical preservation methods including heat treatments, refrigeration, irradiation, high pressure, ultraviolet radiation, and electrolyzed water are discussed in terms of their advantages, disadvantages, and applications. Advances in packaging for minimally processed products are also explored, such as active and intelligent packaging, edible films and coatings, and vacuum packaging. Defining the operational parameters related to treatment time and dose/intensity appropriate is one of the greatest difficulties in the application of physical methods. Therefore, these factors must be carefully evaluated, as must the sustainability and economic viability of each method