24 research outputs found

    Intracellular reactive oxygen species production and phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus by milk neutrophils as tool to diagnose mastitis and identify susceptible dairy cows

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    ABSTRACT: The immune response capacity of the mammary gland plays a major role to determine if mastitis will or not be established. Thus, we hypothesize that a better understanding of polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocyte (PMN) function will elucidate mechanisms that will improve our knowledge of how we could avoid an inflammatory process by increasing the immune capacity of the cow, and even further, to search for a tool to diagnose mastitis or a possible way to select and identify non-susceptible animals. The present study utilized 112 quarters from 28 Holstein dairy cows that were divided into quarters milk samples with somatic cell count (SCC) 2×105 cells mL-1 (n=40). The percentages of milk PMNs and the levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus by milk neutrophils were evaluated by flow cytometry. Our results showed a higher percentage of neutrophils in quarter milk samples with high SCC (P=0.0003), and this group also had a significantly higher percentage of neutrophils that produced ROS (P=0.008). On the other hand, the phagocytosis intensity of S. aureus by milk neutrophils was higher in quarters with low SCC (P=0.003), suggesting a better mammary gland immunity against invading pathogens. Analyzing the results of the predictive values of the measured PMN functions, they cannot be used isolated as a good diagnosis test since none of them had a satisfactory sensitivity and specificity values, which was also confirmed by the Youden index values being far from one. In conclusion, the assessment of milk bovine neutrophil functions could improve our understanding of the cellular basis of mastitis. Although, the intracellular ROS production and S. aureus phagocytosis by milk neutrophil did not have high predictive values to detect intramammary infections, our results strengthen the idea that that poor bovine mammary gland neutrophil phagocytic ability may be associated with high SCC, and might be considered to identify susceptible dairy cows to mastitis

    Evolution of phagocytic function in monocytes and neutrophils blood cells of healthy calves

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    AbstractThe immune system of newborn calves is immature and must mature gradually. Understanding how this immunity is established may define different profiles. Twelve healthy calves were monitored during 8 time periods to assess the innate immune system during the first 90d. Blood samples were collected, and the blood phagocytes, identified by the expression of CD14 and CH138 surface molecules, were evaluated for phagocytic functionality (Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli stained with propidium iodide) and the intracellular production of reactive oxygen species (2,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate oxidation). Functional changes in the CD14+ and CH138+ cells occurred at 40d of age, with sporadic increases in phagocytosis intensity and reactive oxygen species production, and decreased phagocytosis occurred at 60d of age. Therefore, fewer phagocytes were active from 40d of age, although those that were active performed their roles with greater efficacy. That change presumably occurred because the calf phagocytes began to support the immune response without the influence of passive immunity. The animals failed to reach the stability needed to complete the maturation of the innate immune response by 90d of age. These data are applicable for healthy calves only

    Identificação de dor após orquiectomia em garrotes: desenvolvimento de escala análogo visual em comparação a parâmetros fisiológicos, padrões comportamentais e expressão facial

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    RESUMO: A identificação de dor em bovinos e seu alivio, são essenciais para o bem estar animal, todavia ainda não há um teste ideal para esta avaliação. Alguns pesquisadores têm utilizados cortisol sérico e frequências cardíaca e respiratória para esta avaliação, enquanto outros utilizam escalas baseadas em comportamento ou expressões faciais, não existindo uma escala que leve em consideração a união destes identificadores para bovinos. Além disso, a maioria dos pesquisadores manipulam os animais para identificar a dor, o que poderia mascarar os resultados. Desta maneira o presente trabalho propôs elaborar e validar uma escala análogo visual para identificação de dor em bovinos submetidos à orquiectomia. Para tanto 8 bovinos holandeses de 200 dias de vida e 250 kg de peso vivo foram submetidos a orquiectomia com previa anestesia local e uso de analgésicos. A identificação de dor foi baseada em analises fisiológica (cortisol sérico e frequência respiratória), comportamental, de expressão facial e análogo visual nos momentos -30 (30 minutos antes do procedimento) e 1, 3, 6 12, 24, 72 e 420 horas após o procedimento; e com a exceção do cortisol, todas as analises foram realizadas sem a interferência do avaliador com o animal, por meio de filmagens de vídeos. Notou-se que todas as metodologias propostas foram capazes de identificar dor pós orquiectomia em bovinos, no entanto a graduação de maior dor foi em momentos pós-cirúrgicos distintos conforme o parâmetro avaliado. Assim houve fraca correlação entre os modelos propostos, pois se encontrou limitações para a maioria das metodologias avaliadas, concluindo-se que a associação entre os vários parâmetros de dor, tal qual o utilizado na escala análogo visual, aumenta a acurácia em identificar a dor após orquiectomia em bovinos

    Efeito da suplementação in vitro de selênio sobre neutrόfilos do leite e sanguíneos em vacas leiteras

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    The study was designed to assess the effects of in vitro selenium addition on intracellular hydrogen peroxide production by neutrophils from the milk and blood of dairy cows. Blood from 10 dairy cows and 20 milk samples from five dairy cows were incubated with 0 mg (control) or 10μM of sodium selenite. Then, milk and blood neutrophils were submitted for evaluation of intracellular hydrogen peroxide production by flow cytometry using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate as a probe. The selenium status of the animals was evaluated by determination of the blood glutathione peroxidase activity. The results of the present work showed that in vitro selenium supplementation leads to an enhancement in intracellular hydrogen peroxide production, which indicates an improvement in the bactericidal effects of blood and milk neutrophils even in cows with a selenium-adequate status. Thus, the present study showed that in vitro Se supplementation leads to an enhancement in intracellular hydrogen peroxide production, indicating an improvement in the bactericidal effects of blood and milk neutrophils in cows with Se-adequate status