2 research outputs found

    Research on land cover classification of multi-source remote sensing data based on improved U-net network

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    Abstract In recent years, remote sensing images of various types have found widespread applications in resource exploration, environmental protection, and land cover classification. However, relying solely on a single optical or synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image as the data source for land cover classification studies may not suffice to achieve the desired accuracy in ground information monitoring. One widely employed neural network for remote sensing image land cover classification is the U-Net network, which is a classical semantic segmentation network. Nonetheless, the U-Net network has limitations such as poor classification accuracy, misclassification and omission of small-area terrains, and a large number of network parameters. To address these challenges, this research paper proposes an improved approach that combines both optical and SAR images in bands for land cover classification and enhances the U-Net network. The approach incorporates several modifications to the network architecture. Firstly, the encoder-decoder framework serves as the backbone terrain-extraction network. Additionally, a convolutional block attention mechanism is introduced in the terrain extraction stage. Instead of pooling layers, convolutions with a step size of 2 are utilized, and the Leaky ReLU function is employed as the network's activation function. This design offers several advantages: it enhances the network's ability to capture terrain characteristics from both spatial and channel dimensions, resolves the loss of terrain map information while reducing network parameters, and ensures non-zero gradients during the training process. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated through land cover classification experiments conducted on optical, SAR, and combined optical and SAR datasets. The results demonstrate that our method achieves classification accuracies of 0.8905, 0.8609, and 0.908 on the three datasets, respectively, with corresponding mIoU values of 0.8104, 0.7804, and 0.8667. Compared to the traditional U-Net network, our method exhibits improvements in both classification accuracy and mIoU to a certain extent

    Unveiling groundwater potential zones as catalyst for multidimensional poverty reduction using analytical hierarchical process and geospatial decision support systems (S-DSS) approach in the semiarid region, Jigawa, Nigeria

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    Integrating agricultural production with the identification and use of groundwater resources has been shown to reduce multidimensional poverty in semi-arid regions. Poverty reduction and socioeconomic growth depend on sustainable water supply, especially in developing countries with limited rainy seasons. Poverty eradication is a top priority among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and its reduction in the 21st century has led to significant advances in research. This study used remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS), and geospatial decision support system (S-DSS) approaches to uncover potential groundwater zones. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) integrates geospatial data to create a groundwater potential zone map and suggests the best land requirements for groundwater abstraction for poverty alleviation programs. The groundwater potential zone maps indicate that the majority of the region was in the high-potential zone, covering 59.75 of the total area, followed by a moderate-potential zone at 23.21, an extremely high-potential zone at 14.6, a low-potential zone at 2.44, and an extremely low-potential zone at 0. In addition, the study emphasizes the need for alternative water sources and infrastructure development in dry seasons in areas with fewer drainage systems and proposes measures such as rainwater harvesting structures and small reservoirs. Diversifying income sources by promoting alternative livelihoods can help reduce poverty and vulnerability to fluctuations in agricultural productivity. The integration of socioeconomic data into the S-DSS framework will provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationship between groundwater resources, poverty, and socioeconomic development, enabling informed decision-making in water resource management for poverty reduction initiatives and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. © 2023 Elsevier B.V