182 research outputs found

    First report of olive anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Tunisia

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    Ripe and overripe olive fruits (cv. Meski, Manzanilla and Picholine) showing circular spots 1 to 10 mm in diameter, slightly depressed and reddish-brown in color, were collected from local markets and orchards located in the regions of Takelsa, Zarzis and Rgueb in Tunisia. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was isolated from symptomatic fruits and Koch’s postulates were fulfilled. This is the first report of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose of olives in Tunisia

    Ruta montana L. leaf essential oil and extracts

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    The aims of this study were to assess the antimicrobial efficacy of the leaf essential oil and the leaf extracts of R. montana against Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum, Verticillium dahliae, Aspergillus oryzae and Fusarium solani. The oil (1.000 µg/disk) and the extracts (1.500 µg/disk) revealed a remarkable antifungal effect against the tested plant pathogenic fungi with a radial growth inhibition percentage of 40.0–80.0 % and 5.0–58.0 %, respectively along with their respective MIC values ranging from 100 to 1100 µg/mL and 250 to 3000 µg/mL. The oil had a strong detrimental effect on spore germination of all the tested plant pathogens along with the concentration as well as time-dependent kinetic inhibition of Fusarium oxysporum. Also, the oil exhibited a potent in vivo antifungal effect against Botrytis cinerea on tomato plants. Experiments carried out in plant revealed that the essential oil was slightly effective in suppression of gall formation induced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens on bitter almond. The results of this study indicate that the oil and extracts of R. montana leaves could become natural alternatives to synthetic fungicides to control certain important plant microbial diseases. The GC–MS analysis determined that 28 compounds, which represented 89.03 % of total oil, were present in the oil containing mainly 1-butene, methylcyclopropane, 2-butene and caryophyllene oxide

    Evaluation of Variability in Tunisian Olea europaea L. Accessions using Morphological Characters and Computational Approaches

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    The olive trees (Olea europaea L.) have been cultivated for millennia in the Mediterranean basin and its oil has been an important part of human nutrition in the region. In order to distinguish between olive accessions, morphological and biological characters have been widely and commonly used for descriptive purposes and have been used to characterize olive accessions. A comparative study of morphological characters of olive accessions grown in Tunisia was carried out and analyzed using Bayesian Networks (BN) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The obtained results showed that averages of fruit and kernel weights were 2.27 grams and 0.41 grams, respectively.  Besides, a relatively moderate level of variation (51.22%) being explained by four Principal components. BN revealed that geographical localisation plays a role in the increase of tree habit, size of lenticels and leaf shape. A dendrogram has been carried out in the aim to classify studied olive accessions. We proposed a novel method of analysis based on the three-step scheme, in which first the data set is clustered, then olive tree features are evaluated. The studied accessions can be divided into four main groups by cutting the dendrogram at a similarity value of 0.645. Different relationships are studied and highlighted, and finally the collected features are subjected to a global principal component analysis. Obtained results confirmed that core surface was negatively correlated with geographical location (r = -0.52, p<0.05) and maturation period r = -0.539, p<0.05). Number of lenticels was positively correlated to lenticels size (r = 0.632, p<0.05). Core shape had a negative correlation with fruit shape (r = -0.759, p<0.05). On the basis of these findings, this research confirmed that morphological markers are a preliminary tool to characterize olive oil accessions

    Caractéristiques biochimiques et organoleptiques : Dosages des métabolites primaires et analyses sensorielles des infusions de Punica granatum L.

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    Ce travail, s’inscrit dans le cadre d’évaluer quantitativement les métabolites primaires et qualitativement les métabolites secondaires des trois organes non comestibles (écorces, feuilles et fleurs) des deux cultivars du grenadier (Nabli et Gabsi) afin de mieux valoriser cette ressource naturelle. L’objectif principal est d’effectuer une étude globale qui s’intéresse à la fois sur l’étude de la composition biochimique et sur l’étude organoleptique des organes non comestibles. Les résultats montrent que les teneurs en protéines, en sucres et la composition en acides gras s’accumule différemment selon le cultivar. Ces sousproduits peuvent être considérés comme une culture potentielle qui pourrait être utile pour désigner les sous-produits du grenadier comme ingrédient dans la transformation des aliments, ce qui pourrait offrir des avantages potentiels pour la santé. Par ailleurs, les infusions des écorces, des fleurs et des feuilles possèdent des caractéristiques organoleptiques adaptées aux exigences des panélistes. Nous pourrons conclure que ces extraits peuvent être utilisés dans l’alimentation humaine

    Microstructure and chemical composition of camel and cow milk powders’ surface

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    This study aimed at investigating the chemical composition and microstructure of spray dried camel and cowmilk powders' surfaces with two different milk-fat contents (1 and 20g 100 g−1). The SEM (Scanning ElectronMicroscopy) micrographs showed that spherical particles with a ‘brain’-type surface for both milk powders wereproduced. The surface roughness (Ra) of whole (WDMP) and skimmed (SDMP) camel milk powders(Ra=7.6 ± 0.4 nm and 5.6 ± 0.7 nm, respectively) were significantly lower as compared with the partiallyskimmed (PSCMP) and skimmed (SCMP) cow milk powders. The XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy)analysis highlighted that the surface of skimmed camel milk powders contained twice the lactose amount(17.7 ± 0.8%) as compared to cow milk powders (8.7 ± 0.4%). Furthermore, both milk powders showed theoverexposure of proteins and fats at their surfaces regardless of the fat content. The CLSM (Confocal LaserScattering Microscopy) micrographs highlighted that most of the camel milk fat globules were encapsulated bythe proteins near the powder surface. Camel milk fat behavior during particle formation was attributed to theirlower size distribution and their higher crystallization temperature

    Zeitoun Ennwader: Un nouveau cultivar d’olive à huile en Tunisie à bonne qualité d’huile et à alternance de production faible

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    The most outstanding olive oil cultivar ‘Chemlali Sfax’ has low oleic acid level and high palmitic acid content and a tendency to biennial bearing. Cross breeding program of this cultivar was undertaken in Tunisia since 1994 using local and foreign cultivars. Selected hybrids were planted in a comparative trial since 2005. This study aim to characterize a new olive cultivar 'Zeitoun Ennwader' better than the original cultivar. Data on morphologic, agronomic and oil quality were recorded for the new cultivar. This cultivar is distinguishable from the original cultivar due to its morphological parameters of the fruit (shape, symmetry and apex) and the endocarp (symmetry, position of maximum transverse diameter and apex). This cultivar is different from the original variety on the agronomic plan by its low alternate bearing, its early bearing and its moderate sensitivity to verticillium. The oil of the new cultivar is different from the original variety by its better fatty acid composition (higher oleic acid content and lower palmitic acid content). The adoption of this cultivar will be of great benefit to farmers (high and more regular production) and to exporters (high oil quality). Key words: Olive, Chemlali Sfax, Improvement, Oleic acid, Alternate bearing, Agronomy, MorphologyLe cultivar d’olive à huile le plus remarquable 'Chemlali Sfax' a un faible niveau d'acide oléique, une teneur élevée en acide palmitique et une tendance à une alternance biennale. Le programme de croisement de ce cultivar a été entrepris en Tunisie depuis 1994 en utilisant des cultivars locaux et étrangers. Des hybrides sélectionnés ont été plantés dans un essai comparatif depuis 2005. Cette étude vise à caractériser un nouveau cultivar d'olivier 'Zeitoun Ennwader' supérieur à celui du cultivar d'origine. Des données sur les caractères morphologiques, agronomiques et chimiques de l’huile ont été enregistrées pour le nouveau cultivar. Ce cultivar se distingue du cultivar original par ses paramètres morphologiques du fruit (forme, symétrie et Apex) et de l'endocarpe (symétrie, position du diamètre transversal maximal et apex). Ce cultivar est différent de la variété originale sur le plan agronomique par sa faible indice d’alternance, son entrée précoce en production et sa sensibilité modérée au Verticillium. L'huile du nouveau cultivar est différente de la variété originale par sa meilleure composition en acides gras (teneur plus élevée en acide oléique et plus faible en acide palmitique). L’adoption de ce cultivar sera d’un grand intérêt pour les agriculteurs (production élevée et plus régulière) et pour les exportateurs (huile de bonne qualité). Mots clés: olive, chemlali Sfax, amélioration, acide oléique, alternance, agronomie, morphologi

    Zeitoun Ennwader: Un nouveau cultivar d’olive à huile en Tunisie à bonne qualité d’huile et à alternance de production faible

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    The most outstanding olive oil cultivar ‘Chemlali Sfax’ has low oleic acid level and high palmitic acid content and a tendency to biennial bearing. Cross breeding program of this cultivar was undertaken in Tunisia since 1994 using local and foreign cultivars. Selected hybrids were planted in a comparative trial since 2005. This study aim to characterize a new olive cultivar 'Zeitoun Ennwader' better than the original cultivar. Data on morphologic, agronomic and oil quality were recorded for the new cultivar. This cultivar is distinguishable from the original cultivar due to its morphological parameters of the fruit (shape, symmetry and apex) and the endocarp (symmetry, position of maximum transverse diameter and apex). This cultivar is different from the original variety on the agronomic plan by its low alternate bearing, its early bearing and its moderate sensitivity to verticillium. The oil of the new cultivar is different from the original variety by its better fatty acid composition (higher oleic acid content and lower palmitic acid content). The adoption of this cultivar will be of great benefit to farmers (high and more regular production) and to exporters (high oil quality). Key words: Olive, Chemlali Sfax, Improvement, Oleic acid, Alternate bearing, Agronomy, MorphologyLe cultivar d’olive à huile le plus remarquable 'Chemlali Sfax' a un faible niveau d'acide oléique, une teneur élevée en acide palmitique et une tendance à une alternance biennale. Le programme de croisement de ce cultivar a été entrepris en Tunisie depuis 1994 en utilisant des cultivars locaux et étrangers. Des hybrides sélectionnés ont été plantés dans un essai comparatif depuis 2005. Cette étude vise à caractériser un nouveau cultivar d'olivier 'Zeitoun Ennwader' supérieur à celui du cultivar d'origine. Des données sur les caractères morphologiques, agronomiques et chimiques de l’huile ont été enregistrées pour le nouveau cultivar. Ce cultivar se distingue du cultivar original par ses paramètres morphologiques du fruit (forme, symétrie et Apex) et de l'endocarpe (symétrie, position du diamètre transversal maximal et apex). Ce cultivar est différent de la variété originale sur le plan agronomique par sa faible indice d’alternance, son entrée précoce en production et sa sensibilité modérée au Verticillium. L'huile du nouveau cultivar est différente de la variété originale par sa meilleure composition en acides gras (teneur plus élevée en acide oléique et plus faible en acide palmitique). L’adoption de ce cultivar sera d’un grand intérêt pour les agriculteurs (production élevée et plus régulière) et pour les exportateurs (huile de bonne qualité). Mots clés: olive, chemlali Sfax, amélioration, acide oléique, alternance, agronomie, morphologi

    Humeral Artery Aneurysm Revealing a Rare Association between Tuberculosis and Behçet’s Disease

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    The association of pulmonary tuberculosis and Behçet’s disease revealed by an aneurysm of the humeral artery is exceptional with a complicated management. We report a case in which the two conditions occurred concomitantly with the vascular complication, apart from any use of immunosuppressive therapy, something that has never been reported in the literature. We report an extremely rare case of a spontaneous rupture of an aneurysm of the humeral artery of a 29-year-old woman, with no history. The patient underwent axillo-humeral bypass. Investigations concluded the diagnosis of Behçet’s disease associated with pulmonary and lymph node tuberculosis. Anti-tuberculous chemotherapy followed by corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and colchicine have been administrated. Based on this observation, we insist on the necessity of searching the symptoms of Behçet’s disease in the presence of arterial involvement when having a young patient. Therapeutic management must include medical treatment to control inflammation and limit the risk of recurrence. Endovascular or surgical treatment is necessary if the arterial involvement is threatening. The association with tuberculosis complicates management and requires close monitoring

    Caractérisation physicochimiques du sol dans les deux cas de conduite : pluvial et irrigué

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    La nature de sol est influencée par plusieurs facteurs tels que le facteur climatique (érosion, pluviométrie...). Dans ce travail nous avons étudiées les effets d’irrigation sur la composition physicochimique du sol issu de deux sites différents irrigué et non irrigué (El Massreb ou Kasser Ouled Débe et Douiret du gouvernorat de Tataouine). Nous avons procédé à une analyse granulométrique (texture du sol) à l’aide d’un appareil laser. D’autre part, on a déterminé les paramètres physicochimiques du sol (pH, conductivité électrique, calcaire total, calcaire active et matière organique). Nos résultats ont montrés que les sols étudiés appartiennent au même virage granulométrique et que l’irrigation a un effet sur les paramètres physicochimiques tels que le pH el la conductivité électrique
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