12 research outputs found

    Comparing the neuropsychological functions in obese and normal people

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    Background: Obesity is a chronic heterogeneous disorder causing mental health problems and disorders. This study was aimed at comparing the neuropsychological functions between the obese and normal people. Methods: This study was a descriptive and causal-comparative study conducted on obese and normal people between January and June of 2020. Participants consisted of 100 people (50 obese and 50 normal people) referred to Arian and Saremi clinics in Mashhad. Purposive sampling method was used and the participants were divided into two groups. The instrument was Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST) and Go / No-Go Task. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 software and multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The results of the WCST showed that there were no significant differences between the obese and normal people in the variables of neuropsychological functions (P>0.05). Likewise, based on the Go / No-Go homework test, no statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in the variables of neuropsychological functions (P>0.05). Conclusion: The finding showed that there was no difference between neuropsychological functions of the obese and normal people. It can be argued that obesity cannot affect neuropsychological functions

    Comparison of cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on cognitive flexibility in mothers with autistic children

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    Background: Mothers with autistic children encounter with many challenges due to their child's developmental problems. This study aims to compare the effect trainings of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on cognitive flexibility of the mothers with autistic children. Methods: The present research is a quasi-experimental study as pretest and posttest with a control group, which was performed on mothers with autistic children in three autism rehabilitation centers of Mashhad in 2020-2021. 45 people designated by purposive sampling method and randomly settled in three groups of 15 people (2 groups as experimental and 1 group as control). The experimental groups underwent interventions of CBT and ACT in 8 sessions of ninety minutes; whereas, control group didn’t undergo any training. All three groups completed the cognitive flexibility inventory (CFI) in the pretest and posttest. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 23 software and method of covariance analysis (ANCOVA). Results: The results indicated that both training methods of CBT and ACT significantly increased the cognitive flexibility of the mothers with autistic children (P <0.05). Based on the results of Tukey's test, CBT training was more effective on cognitive flexibility of the mothers with autistic children compared to ACT training. Conclusion: With regards to the more effectiveness of the CBT, this therapeutic intervention approach can be used to improve emotion regulation strategies and increase the cognitive flexibility the mothers with autistic children

    The effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on quality of life in patients with orthopedic problems

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    Background: Bone and joint diseases have an effect on the clinical situation, high-quality of existence (QOL), and its dimensions of incapacity, causing supercharges for distinctive countries. This examine become aimed to assess the impact of acceptance and commitment therapy on QOL in orthopedic sufferers. Methods: This reading became a quasi-experimental performed as a parallel layout with pre-test and post-test. Patients stated the Promised Physiotherapy center in Mashhad decided on and had been randomly assigned to experimental (n = 12) and manipulate agencies (n = 12). The experimental organization acquired 8 weekly classes for three months, at the same time as the management organization did not receive any intervention. Statistics had been acquired by a standard QOL questionnaire and then records examine turned into finished the use of SPSS software version 25 and multivariate evaluation of covariance. Results: The average age inside the investigational agencies changed into 31.75 ± 4.71 years within the manage companies became 29.83 ± 5.27 years. Also, the common disorder timespan of the experimental organizations and manipulated businesses have been 5.64 ± 5.28 and 5.62 ± 5.81, correspondingly. The common post-test ratings of the experimental companies compared to the pre-test showed growth in subscales of QOL, however, the control agencies did no longer show such an alteration inside the post-test averages. (P-value = 0.0001) Conclusion: the use of acceptance and commitment remedy as an effective and complementary psychological intervention in enhancing the QOL in orthopedic sufferers is usually recommended

    Comparison the effectiveness of Emotion-Focused Couple and Acceptance and Commitment Therapies on Marital Forgiveness in Incompatible Couples

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    Background: Using effective interventions to reduce incompatibility among couples can play a role in preventing divorce in the family. The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of emotion-focused couple therapy (EFCT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on forgiveness in incompatible couples. Methods: The present research is a quasi-experimental study that was done on couples referred to a family therapy clinic in Torbat-e-Jam City. Here, 24 incompatible couples were selected through purposive methods and randomly replaced in three groups. The first and second groups (8 couples in each group) received emotion-focused couples and acceptance and commitment therapies, respectively, and the third group as control (8 couples) did not receive any intervention during the study period. All three groups were evaluated before and after the intervention with a standard questionnaire of Bagarozi forgiveness (2001). Data were analyzed through SPSS software version 20 and covariance analysis. Results: The findings revealed that both therapies of EFCT and ACT had a meaningful effect on forgiveness (P < 0.001, F = 41.73, and P = 0.031, F = 5.13; respectively); while the results indicated that the two groups under intervention have no significant difference in terms of effectiveness on the variable of forgiveness (P=0.63, F=0.23). Conclusion: According to the results and effectiveness of the two therapy groups, it is recommended to use a combination of approaches according to the therapeutic goals

    Spatiotemporal Distribution of PM10 and PM2.5 within and Around The City of Arak, Iran: Effect of Natural Sources

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    In the present study, the concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were measured within and around the city of Arak from March 2016 through March 2017. The measurements were done every 12 days by means of TSI DustTrak sampler containing specific heads for PM10 and PM2.5. The sampling points included eight stations within the city as well as two stations around the city. The average (±SD) values of 108.56 ±55.56 and 42.58 ±15.88µg/m3 were obtained for daily concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5, respectively. PM10 showed the maximum concentrations during summer (144.47µg/m3) followed by spring (109.44 µg/m3), autumn (100.92µg/m3), and winter (77.12µg/m3). On the other hand, the highest values of PM2.5 was observed during winter (44.13 µg/m3) followed by autumn (42.74µg/m3), summer (37.58µg/m3) and spring (33.77 µg/m3). The correlation between PM10 and PM2.5 was highest in winter (R2=0.9288) followed by spring (R2=0.6728), summer (R2=0.6713), and autumn (R2=0.5592). It was concluded that more than 57 and 19% of the PM2.5 and PM10 samples exceeded the Iranian national ambient air quality standards, respectively

    Type I anaphylactic reaction due to contrast induced angioedema causing neck swelling: the role of sitting fiberoptic bronchoscopy in emergent intubation

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    Contrast induced angioedema is a rapidly progressive state involving a number of organ systems including the upper airway tract; which is usually a type I anaphylactic reaction also known as immediate hypersensitivity reaction. Prompt preservation of the respiratory tract is the cornerstone of this situation. The use of fiberoptic bronchoscope for tracheal intubation though very helpful, has some special considerations due to the anatomic distortions created by edema.This manuscript describes a patient with contrast induced angioedema managed successfully. Serum levels of IgE were highly increased during the first hours after the event; while serum levels of complement were normal. However, rapid airway management and prophylactic intubation saved the patient and prevented the possible aftermath of airway obstruction.Keywords: airway management; type I anaphylactic reaction, angioedema; fiberoptic bronchoscope.Conflict of interest: none of the authors has any conflict of interest

    Comparison of adolescent mental health in monogamy and polygamy families

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    Background: Family shapes children's mental health and is a safe environment to ensure their mental health. This study aimed at comparing the mental health of adolescents in monogamy and polygamy families based on maternal psychological, economic, and social variables. Methods: This is a causal-comparative study, which was carried out on all adolescents aged 14-18 years old in the monogamy and polygamy families of Saravan city in the academic year of 2020-2021 with their mothers. Two hundred forty people were selected by convenience sampling method. Goldberg and Hillier General Health Questionnaire, Ghodrat-Nama Socioeconomic Status Questionnaire, and Drogaits Symptom Check list-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) were used. SPSS-26 was used to analyze the data. The results were analyzed using independent t-test, and multivariate analysis of variance. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the mental health of adolescents in monogamy and polygamy families (P=0.034). Adolescents in monogamy and polygamy families were significantly different in only one component of mental health which is hostility (P0.05). Adolescents in polygamy families had lower mental health than children of monogamy families with moderate mental symptoms (P=0.003). Moreover, the high socio-economic status of mothers brought about a significant difference in adolescents' mental health (P=0.020). Conclusion: According to the results, the mental health and socio-economic status of mothers affect the mental health of adolescents, so comprehensive programs to promote mental health and attention to the socio-economic status of mothers can increase it in adolescents

    The Investigation of Insulin Resistance in Two Groups of Epileptic Patients Treated with Sodium Valproate and Carbamazepine

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    Background: Valproic acid (VPA) is a widely used broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug for therapy of generalized and focal epilepsies. Cross-sectional studies have suggested that valproate treatment may be associated with hyperinsulinemia. We decided to investigate hyperinsulinemia as a health-threatening side effect of VPA in Iranian epileptic patients. Materials and Methods: Body mass index (BMI), lipid profile, fasting serum insulin, fasting blood glucose (FBS), and homeostatic model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were measured in 30 VPA-treated epileptic patients and 30 controls (CBZ-treated). The Chi-square test, t-test, and Pearson correlation test were used. Results: BMI was higher in VPA group than in control group (25.7 ± 3.5 > 21.7 ± 4.1) (0.000 0.05). Conclusion: Despite the majority of previous studies that are against VPA and according to our study, VPA could be prescribed safely and it may not cause IR and its complications