20 research outputs found

    Log-skew-normality of ocean turbulence

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    The statistics of intermittent ocean turbulence is the key link between physical understanding of turbulence and its global implications. The log-normal distribution is the standard but imperfect assumed distribution for the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate. We argue that as turbulence is often generated by multiple changing sources, a log-skew-normal (LSN) distribution is more appropriate. We show the LSN distribution agrees excellently and robustly with observations. The heavy tail of the LSN distribution has important implications for sampling of turbulence in terrestrial and extraterrestrial analogous systems

    On the role of seamounts in upwelling deep-ocean waters through turbulent mixing

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    Turbulent mixing in the ocean exerts an important control on the rate and structure of the overturning circulation. However, the balance of processes underpinning this mixing is subject to significant uncertainties, limiting our understanding of the overturning’s deep upwelling limb. Here, we investigate the hitherto primarily neglected role of tens of thousands of seamounts in sustaining deep-ocean upwelling. Dynamical theory indicates that seamounts may stir and mix deep waters by generating lee waves and topographic wake vortices. At low latitudes, stirring and mixing are predicted to be enhanced by a layered vortex regime in the wakes. Using three realistic regional simulations spanning equatorial to middle latitudes, we show that layered wake vortices and elevated mixing are widespread around seamounts. We identify scalings that relate mixing rate within seamount wakes to topographic and hydrographic parameters. We then apply such scalings to a global seamount dataset and an ocean climatology to show that seamount-generated mixing makes an important contribution to the upwelling of deep waters. Our work thus brings seamounts to the fore of the deep-ocean mixing problem and urges observational, theoretical, and modeling efforts toward incorporating the seamounts’ mixing effects in conceptual and numerical ocean circulation models

    Prandtl number effects on extreme mixing events in forced stratified turbulence

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    Relatively strongly stratified turbulent flows tend to self-organise into a 'layered anisotropic stratified turbulence' (LAST) regime, characterised by relatively deep and well-mixed density 'layers' separated by relatively thin 'interfaces' of enhanced density gradient. Understanding the associated mixing dynamics is a central problem in geophysical fluid dynamics. It is challenging to study 'LAST' mixing, as it is associated with Reynolds numbers Re:=UL/Μ≫1Re := UL/\nu \gg 1 and Froude numbers Fr:=(2πU)/(LN)â‰Ș1Fr :=(2\pi U)/(L N) \ll 1, (UU and LL being characteristic velocity and length scales, Îœ\nu being the kinematic viscosity and NN the buoyancy frequency). Since a sufficiently large dynamic range (largely) unaffected by stratification and viscosity is required, it is also necessary for the buoyancy Reynolds number Reb:=Ï”/(ÎœN2)≫1Re_{b} := \epsilon/(\nu N^{2}) \gg 1 where Ï”\epsilon is the (appropriately volume-averaged) turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate. This requirement is exacerbated for oceanically relevant flows, as the Prandtl number Pr:=Îœ/Îș=O(10)Pr := \nu/\kappa = \mathcal{O}(10) in thermally-stratified water (where Îș\kappa is the thermal diffusivity), thus leading (potentially) to even finer density field structures. We report here on four forced fully resolved direct numerical simulations of stratified turbulence at various Froude (Fr=0.5,2Fr=0.5, 2) and Prandtl numbers (Pr=1,7Pr=1, 7) forced so that Reb=50Re_{b}=50, with resolutions up to 30240×30240×378030240 \times 30240 \times 3780. We find that, as PrPr increases, emergent 'interfaces' become finer and their contribution to bulk mixing characteristics decreases at the expense of the small-scale density structures populating the well-mixed 'layers'. However, extreme mixing events (as quantified by significantly elevated local destruction rates of buoyancy variance χ0\chi_0) are always preferentially found in the (statically stable) interfaces, irrespective of the value of PrPr.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    ​​Observing Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southern Ocean​

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    Dense, cold waters formed on Antarctic continental shelves descend along the Antarctic continental margin, where they mix with other Southern Ocean waters to form Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). AABW then spreads into the deepest parts of all major ocean basins, isolating heat and carbon from the atmosphere for centuries. Despite AABW’s key role in regulating Earth’s climate on long time scales and in recording Southern Ocean conditions, AABW remains poorly observed. This lack of observational data is mostly due to two factors. First, AABW originates on the Antarctic continental shelf and slope where in situ measurements are limited and ocean observations by satellites are hampered by persistent sea ice cover and long periods of darkness in winter. Second, north of the Antarctic continental slope, AABW is found below approximately 2 km depth, where in situ observations are also scarce and satellites cannot provide direct measurements. Here, we review progress made during the past decades in observing AABW. We describe 1) long-term monitoring obtained by moorings, by ship-based surveys, and beneath ice shelves through bore holes; 2) the recent development of autonomous observing tools in coastal Antarctic and deep ocean systems; and 3) alternative approaches including data assimilation models and satellite-derived proxies. The variety of approaches is beginning to transform our understanding of AABW, including its formation processes, temporal variability, and contribution to the lower limb of the global ocean meridional overturning circulation. In particular, these observations highlight the key role played by winds, sea ice, and the Antarctic Ice Sheet in AABW-related processes. We conclude by discussing future avenues for observing and understanding AABW, impressing the need for a sustained and coordinated observing system

    Enhanced upwelling of Antarctic Bottom Water by topographic interaction of water mass interfaces

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    The lower cell of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) is sourced by dense Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), which forms and sinks around Antarctica and subsequently fills the abyssal ocean. For the MOC to ‘overturn’, these dense waters must upwell through mixing with lighter waters above. Here, we investigate the processes underpinning such mixing, and the resulting water mass transformation, using an observationally forced, high-resolution numerical model of the Drake Passage in the Southern Ocean. In the Drake Passage, the mixing of dense AABW formed in the Weddell Sea with lighter deep waters transported from the Pacific Ocean by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is catalysed by energetic flows impinging on rough topography. We find that multiple topographic interaction processes act to facilitate mixing of the two water masses, ultimately resulting in upwelling of waters with neutral density greater 28.19 kg m-3, and downwelling of the lighter waters above. In particular, we identify the role of sharp density interfaces between AABW and overlying waters, and find that the dynamics of the interfaces’ interaction with topography can enhance mixing. Such sharp interfaces between water masses have been observed in several parts of the global ocean, but are unresolved and unrepresented in ocean and climate models. We suggest that they are likely to play an important role in abyssal dynamics and mixing, and therefore require further exploration

    Boundary upwelling of Antarctic Bottom Water by topographic turbulence

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    Software and data associated with the following publication: Baker, Mashayek, and Naveira Garabato (2023), Boundary upwelling of Antarctic Bottom Water by topographic turbulence (Accepted in AGU Advances)</span

    Enhanced upwelling of Antarctic Bottom Water by topographic interaction of water mass interfaces: software and data

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    Software and data associated with the following publication: Baker, Mashayek, and Naveira Garabato (2022),&nbsp;Enhanced upwelling of Antarctic Bottom Water by topographic interaction of water mass interfaces.&nbsp; </span

    Mountains to climb: on the role of seamounts in upwelling of deep ocean waters

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    Ocean turbulent mixing exerts an important control on the rate and structure of the overturning circulation. Recent observational evidence suggests, however, that there could be a mismatch between the observed intensity of mixing integrated over basin or global scales, and the net mixing required to sustain the overturning's deep upwelling limb. Here, we investigate the hitherto largely overlooked role of tens of thousands of seamounts in resolving this discrepancy. Dynamical theory indicates that seamounts may stir and mix deep waters by generating lee waves and topographic wake vortices. At low latitudes, this is enhanced by a layered vortex regime in the wakes. We consider three case studies (in the equatorial zone, Southern Ocean and Gulf Stream) that are predicted by theory to be representative of, respectively, a layered vortex, barotropic wake, and hybrid regimes, and corroborate theoretical scalings of mixing in each case with a realistic regional ocean model. We then apply such scalings to a global seamount dataset and an ocean climatology to show that seamount-generated mixing makes a leading-order contribution to the global upwelling of deep waters. Our work thus brings seamounts to the fore of the deep-ocean mixing problem, and urges observational, theoretical and modeling efforts toward incorporating the seamounts' mixing effects in conceptual and numerical models of the ocean circulation