521 research outputs found

    Crisis of Identity in a Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man

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    Bu makale, James Joyce’un A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man adlı romanında kimlik oluşumu ile ilgili iki zıt görüşü irdeler. Yazar, ilk önce sosyal kurumları, kültür, din ve politikayı toplum içinde bireyin davranışlarını etkileyen bir karmaşık ilişkiler bütünü olarak görür. Dolayısıyla, Joyce, romanın baş kahramanı Stephen Dedalus’un görüşlerini kullanarak bireylerin kendilerini özgürce ifade edebilmelerini engeleyen 19.yüzyıl İrlanda toplumundaki sosyal kurumları eleştirir. Makale, daha sonra Stephen Dedalus’un toplum ve kendi kmligi ile ilgili görüşlerinin değişmesine ve geleneksel kimliğinin ötesinde modernist bir kimlik kazanmasına yardımcı olan öznellik (subjectivity) görüşü üzerinde yoğunlaşır. Geleneksel dünya görüşünü kabul etmeyen Stephen Dedalus, sanatı kullanarak kendi kimliğini ve dünya görüşünü kendi kendine bulmaya çalışır.This paper examines two opposing views in terms of the construction of identity in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. First, Joyce sees the complex sense of historical forces, social institutions, culture, religion and politics as influencing both the perception and behaviors of individuals in the late nineteenth-century Irish society. Through the views of his fictional character, Stephen Dedalus, therefore, Joyce criticizes the "nets" of the Irish society, which limit individuals, never letting them express themselves freely. Secondly, the paper focuses upon the shift in the sensibility and perception of Stephen Dedalus. This shift enables him to expand psychologically and transcend not only beyond the actual experience of the physical world for an ideal view of life but also beyond the fixity of the traditional perception of identity. The paper suggests that Stephen Dedalus is a modernist character: he seeks his own identity and meaning in the complexity of modern experience through art, rather than accepting the identity given to him by traditional society and culture

    William Wordsworth's 'Double Awareness' of Memory in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway

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    Bu çalışma, modern İngiliz yazarlarından Virginia Woolf'un Mrs Dalloway adlı romanındaki romantizm konusunu ele almaktadır. Woolf, roman yazma sanatına yeni bir yaklaşım getirmesine rağmen edebiyat geleneğinin tarihsel gelişim süreci içinde geniş ve değişen perspektifin bir parçası olduğunu savunur. Bundan dolayı, Woolf'un modern romancılığı, devam edegelen edebiyat geleneğinden ayrılmayıp bu geleneğin yeniden biçimlendirilerek geliştirilmesi olarak görülebilir. Woolf, bu yeni biçimlendirme içinde Romantiklerden, özellikle de William Wordsworth'dan etkilenmiştir. Woolf, o'nu tamamıyle kopya etmez, fakat hayat ile ilgili estetik görüşünden etkilenerek realite anlayışını, toplumsal değişikliklerin getirdiği bunalımlardan (parçalanma) kendi iç dünyasında kuracağı bir huzur ortamıyla (bütünlük) kurtulacağı tezi üzerine kurar. Woolf'un kahramanları da iç dünyalarındaki bu çatısmalar sebebiyle sürekli olarak kimlik arayışı içindedirler. Woolf bu zıt görüşü ifade edebilmek için şiirsel bir anlatım (poetik-lirik) geliştirir. Dolayısıyla, Woolf, modernist kimlik görüşünü ifade etmek için Wordsworth'un kullandığı 'memory'i (hatıra) Mrs Dalloway adlı romanında bir araç olarak kullanır ve böylece yeni bir kimlik ve anlatım üslubu geliştirir. Bu yeni üslup ile geleneksel romandaki objektif anlatım tarzını bırakarak olay örgüsü bir sonuca ulaşmaksızın geçmiş ile gelecek arasında devamlı gidip gelir. Bu yeni anlatım biçiminde kahramanların belirlenmiş, sabit bir karakterleri ve kimlikleri yoktur. Bu anlayış içinde karakterlerin kimlikleri hakkında bir yargıya varmak mümkün değildir.This article deals with Romanticism in modernist British writer Virginia Woolf's novel, Mrs Dalloway. Although her works are experimental and new, they are part of a wider and developing perspective in the historical process of literary tradition, so that they cannot be viewed as completely breaking away from literary tradition, but rather as a reworking and redevelopment in its evolution. In her reworking of the traditional novel, this paper may suggest that Woolf made it "new" by returning to the Romantics, particularly to Wordsworth. By this claim, this paper does not mean that Woolf copied Wordsworth exactly, but was profoundly and pervasively influenced by his aesthetic views, especially in relation to her understanding of life as "consciousness". By returning to the Romantics, Woolf develops her sense of "reality" as both fragmented and whole, and of the "self" as fragmented but desiring and imagining unity. Hence she not only strove to construct a poetical or lyrical novel to express that contradictory view but also used her fiction to explore the mystery of the subjective consciousness as the dominant modernist view. In order to express her perception of modernist identity, Woolf used memory as a device in Mrs Dalloway and thus developed a new way of narration as well as a new view of human identity. By means of this new method, she left the objective narration of the traditional novel, and thus meaning or the view of identity in Woolf's late fiction is not static but undecided, unfinished and mysterious

    Crisis of Identity in a Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man

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    Bu makale, James Joyce’un A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man adlı romanında kimlik oluşumu ile ilgili iki zıt görüşü irdeler. Yazar, ilk önce sosyal kurumları, kültür, din ve politikayı toplum içinde bireyin davranışlarını etkileyen bir karmaşık ilişkiler bütünü olarak görür. Dolayısıyla, Joyce, romanın baş kahramanı Stephen Dedalus’un görüşlerini kullanarak bireylerin kendilerini özgürce ifade edebilmelerini engeleyen 19.yüzyıl İrlanda toplumundaki sosyal kurumları eleştirir. Makale, daha sonra Stephen Dedalus’un toplum ve kendi kmligi ile ilgili görüşlerinin değişmesine ve geleneksel kimliğinin ötesinde modernist bir kimlik kazanmasına yardımcı olan öznellik (subjectivity) görüşü üzerinde yoğunlaşır. Geleneksel dünya görüşünü kabul etmeyen Stephen Dedalus, sanatı kullanarak kendi kimliğini ve dünya görüşünü kendi kendine bulmaya çalışır.This paper examines two opposing views in terms of the construction of identity in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. First, Joyce sees the complex sense of historical forces, social institutions, culture, religion and politics as influencing both the perception and behaviors of individuals in the late nineteenth-century Irish society. Through the views of his fictional character, Stephen Dedalus, therefore, Joyce criticizes the "nets" of the Irish society, which limit individuals, never letting them express themselves freely. Secondly, the paper focuses upon the shift in the sensibility and perception of Stephen Dedalus. This shift enables him to expand psychologically and transcend not only beyond the actual experience of the physical world for an ideal view of life but also beyond the fixity of the traditional perception of identity. The paper suggests that Stephen Dedalus is a modernist character: he seeks his own identity and meaning in the complexity of modern experience through art, rather than accepting the identity given to him by traditional society and culture

    William Wordsworth's 'Double Awareness' of Memory in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway

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    Bu çalışma, modern İngiliz yazarlarından Virginia Woolf'un Mrs Dalloway adlı romanındaki romantizm konusunu ele almaktadır. Woolf, roman yazma sanatına yeni bir yaklaşım getirmesine rağmen edebiyat geleneğinin tarihsel gelişim süreci içinde geniş ve değişen perspektifin bir parçası olduğunu savunur. Bundan dolayı, Woolf'un modern romancılığı, devam edegelen edebiyat geleneğinden ayrılmayıp bu geleneğin yeniden biçimlendirilerek geliştirilmesi olarak görülebilir. Woolf, bu yeni biçimlendirme içinde Romantiklerden, özellikle de William Wordsworth'dan etkilenmiştir. Woolf, o'nu tamamıyle kopya etmez, fakat hayat ile ilgili estetik görüşünden etkilenerek realite anlayışını, toplumsal değişikliklerin getirdiği bunalımlardan (parçalanma) kendi iç dünyasında kuracağı bir huzur ortamıyla (bütünlük) kurtulacağı tezi üzerine kurar. Woolf'un kahramanları da iç dünyalarındaki bu çatısmalar sebebiyle sürekli olarak kimlik arayışı içindedirler. Woolf bu zıt görüşü ifade edebilmek için şiirsel bir anlatım (poetik-lirik) geliştirir. Dolayısıyla, Woolf, modernist kimlik görüşünü ifade etmek için Wordsworth'un kullandığı 'memory'i (hatıra) Mrs Dalloway adlı romanında bir araç olarak kullanır ve böylece yeni bir kimlik ve anlatım üslubu geliştirir. Bu yeni üslup ile geleneksel romandaki objektif anlatım tarzını bırakarak olay örgüsü bir sonuca ulaşmaksızın geçmiş ile gelecek arasında devamlı gidip gelir. Bu yeni anlatım biçiminde kahramanların belirlenmiş, sabit bir karakterleri ve kimlikleri yoktur. Bu anlayış içinde karakterlerin kimlikleri hakkında bir yargıya varmak mümkün değildir.This article deals with Romanticism in modernist British writer Virginia Woolf's novel, Mrs Dalloway. Although her works are experimental and new, they are part of a wider and developing perspective in the historical process of literary tradition, so that they cannot be viewed as completely breaking away from literary tradition, but rather as a reworking and redevelopment in its evolution. In her reworking of the traditional novel, this paper may suggest that Woolf made it "new" by returning to the Romantics, particularly to Wordsworth. By this claim, this paper does not mean that Woolf copied Wordsworth exactly, but was profoundly and pervasively influenced by his aesthetic views, especially in relation to her understanding of life as "consciousness". By returning to the Romantics, Woolf develops her sense of "reality" as both fragmented and whole, and of the "self" as fragmented but desiring and imagining unity. Hence she not only strove to construct a poetical or lyrical novel to express that contradictory view but also used her fiction to explore the mystery of the subjective consciousness as the dominant modernist view. In order to express her perception of modernist identity, Woolf used memory as a device in Mrs Dalloway and thus developed a new way of narration as well as a new view of human identity. By means of this new method, she left the objective narration of the traditional novel, and thus meaning or the view of identity in Woolf's late fiction is not static but undecided, unfinished and mysterious

    Alternative solutions for energy issue of Turkey and importance of wind energy

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    Enerji ekonomik ve sürdürülebilir büyümenin can damarıdır. Ülkelerin ekonomik ve sosyal gelişimlerinin önemli girdisi olan enerjinin güvenilir, temiz ve ucuz yollardan temin edilmesi ve enerji talebine göre enerji arzını da sürdürülebilir şekilde devamını sağlamak güncel sorunlarımız arasındadır. Uzun yıllar boyunca yapısal sorunlar nedeniyle enerji sıkıntısı yaşayan ülkemiz enerji ihtiyacını petrol, doğalgaz ve kömür gibi birincil yakıtlardan sağlamıştır. Fosil yakıtların gelecekte tükeneceği korkusu ve çevresel etkileri alternatif kaynaklar daha önemli kılmıştır. Hızla gelişen teknoloji, rüzgâr enerjisinden yararlanmada fırsatlar meydana getirmiştir. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından olan rüzgâr enerjisi Türkiye'nin enerji sorunu için en ideal ve en pratik çözümdür. Bu çalışmada enerji sorununa dair alternatif çözüm önerileri üretmek için Türk enerji sektörünün durumu incelenmiştir. Kullanılan veriler Türkiye Elektrik İletim AŞ. ve Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu resmi internet sitelerinden elde edilerek tablolaştırılmıştır. Fayda-maliyet analizi için gerekli olan güncel fiyatlar Avrupa Rüzgâr Enerjisi Birliği'nin Mayıs 2009' da yayımlanan 'Rüzgâr Enerjisi Ekonomisi' adlı raporundan alınmıştır.Energy is a vital force of economic and suistanable development. Providing clean, cheap and secure energy that is input to economic and social growth for countries, today's as well as meeting the energy supply with energy demand in a suistainable way is the main energy issues that are considered in recent years. For long time, Turkey that has been lived crisis because of structural issues, providing its energy need by using oil, natural gas and coal which are primer sources. Danger of exhausting fossil fuels sources and its enviromental impacts makes renewable energy more significiant. Rapidly developing technology creates opportinities about utilizing from wind energy. Wind energy that is from renewable sources are suistanable, practice and ideal solution for energy issues of Turkey. In this study, the posistion of Turkish energy sector is investigated to produce alternative solutions for energy problem. The data used in this survey Turkish Electricity Transmission Company and Turkish Statistical Institute. Current price that we need for Cost-Benefit Analysys, is taken from 'The Economics of Wind Energy Report' prepared by European Wind Energy Association in May 2009

    A Holistic Investigation on Terahertz Propagation and Channel Modeling Toward Vertical Heterogeneous Networks

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    User-centric and low latency communications can be enabled not only by small cells but also through ubiquitous connectivity. Recently, the vertical heterogeneous network (V-HetNet) architecture is proposed to backhaul/fronthaul a large number of small cells. Like an orchestra, the V-HetNet is a polyphony of different communication ensembles, including geostationary orbit (GEO), and low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites (e.g., CubeSats), and networked flying platforms (NFPs) along with terrestrial communication links. In this study, we propose the Terahertz (THz) communications to enable the elements of V-HetNets to function in harmony. As THz links offer a large bandwidth, leading to ultra-high data rates, it is suitable for backhauling and fronthauling small cells. Furthermore, THz communications can support numerous applications from inter-satellite links to in-vivo nanonetworks. However, to savor this harmony, we need accurate channel models. In this paper, the insights obtained through our measurement campaigns are highlighted, to reveal the true potential of THz communications in V-HetNets.Comment: It has been accepted for the publication in IEEE Communications Magazin

    The Deconstruction of “Metanarrative” of Traditional Detective Fiction in Martin Amis’s Night Train: A Postmodern Reading

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    This paper examines this view of “unreliable” or “little narrative” or “incredulity toward metanarrative” in Martin Amis’s novel Night Train as an anti-detective novel. In so doing, the paper falls into two parts. The first part focuses upon the convention of traditional “reliable” or “metanarrative” in a typical traditional detective story, in which Mike Hoolihan as a detective investigates Jennifer Faulkner’s suicide by collecting all the possible evidences and then examining them in a chronological linear way to solve her enigmatic death: who has killed her? Why was she murdered? If it is suicide, why has she ended her life? However, the paper also discusses that the way Mike passionately attempts to solve Jennifer’s mysterious death is not possible due not only to lack of evidences but also to the fact that there occurs various interpretations about her death, including Mike’s her one, which, after a while, turns into a psychological evaluation of the case with her own emotional involvement. Hence Jennifer’s death remains a mystery from the beginning to the end in the novel. This situation obviously defies the expectation of her father Tom as in the traditional sense because why Tom hires Mike as an “exceptional interrogator” with an outstanding “paperwork” in the past is to clarify the case and then appease his anxiety, as well as the mystery of his daughter’s death. Through his representation of Mike in such a condition, Amis apparently illuminates that it is almost impossible to create a detective story with a final legitimate total meaning and resolution as in a typical traditional detective novel in an age based on fragmentation, uncertainty, doubt, interruption, lack of authority, and self-expression

    Mecmûa-i eş'âr (Houghton Ktp. Ms Turk 59) inceleme-karşılaştırmalı metin

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Divan Şiiri, Divan Edebiyatı, Saray Edebiyatı olarak da adlandırılan Klasik Türk Edebiyatı kökleri kadim Türk kültürüne bağlı, Arap ve Fars edebiyatlarıyla zenginleşmiş Türk Edebiyatı‟nın büyük bir koludur. Türk şairleri, şiirlerini divan veya cönk denen defterlerde toplamıştır fakat pek çok şair, şiirlerini bir kitapta toplayamadan ölmüş veya bazı şiirleri çeşitli sebeplerden kitaplarında yer bulmamıştır. Bu şekilde şairlerin divanlarında bulunmayan eserlerine onların kayıp hazinesi diyebiliriz. Pek çok türü olan mecmûalardan şiir mecmûaları, şiirin kayıp hazine sandıklarıdır. Şiir mecmûaları, yazıldıkları dönemin şiir zevkini, şairlerin popülaritesini yansıtan bir çeşit antolojidir. Divanı olmayan şairlerin eserlerini veya meşhur şairlerin divanlarına girmeyen şiirlerini kayıt altına almaları sebebiyle edebiyat tarihi açısından son derece önemlidirler. Üzerinde çalıştığımız el yazması eser Harvard Üniversitesi, Houghton Kütüphanesi Türkçe Yazmalar 59 numarada kayıtlıdır. Bu mecmûa 17. asırda kaleme alınmış, içinde hem Âşık Edebiyatı hem Divan Edebiyatı örnekleri bulunduran 93 yapraklı bir eserdir. Farklı hattatlar tarafından farklı zamanlarda vücuda gelmiş bu eserde 147 şairin 595 şiiri bulunmaktadır. İncelenen mecmûa, divan şiiri ve âşık edebiyatına ait muhtelif nazım şekillerini ihtiva etmesi yönüyle ayrı bir öneme sahiptir. Eseri transkripsiyon harflerine aktardık. Mecmûa tasnif şablonu ile her şiirin şairini, ilk beyit ya da bendini, şiir ve varak numarasını verdik. Ayrıca mecmûada yer alan şiirleri ulaşabildiğimiz divanlardaki halleriyle karşılaştırıp, belirgin farklılıkları ortaya koyduk. günümüz okuyucu ve araştırmacılarının hizmetine sunduk. Çalışmamızda keşfettiğimiz pek çok yeni şiir ve şairin edebiyat tarihi ve ilim dünyasına faydalı olacağını ümit ediyoruz. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mecmûa, divan şiiri, halk şiiri, 17. asır, Houghton KütüphanesiClassical Turkish Literature which is also named Divan poetry, Divan literature, palace literature and based upon ancient Turkish culture is one of the considerable department of Turkish literature got richer by the virtue of Arabian and Persian literatures. Turkish poets collect their poems into a book called "divan" or "conk". However lots of them died before doing this or some of their poems are not placed in the books for some reason. This kind of poems may be called lost treasures of poets. Poetry collections are some kind of anthologies represent population of poets and poetic intellection of period they had been written in. They are enormously significant in terms of registering poems written by poets who do not have divan or poems of famous poets which are not included in their divans. Poetry collections which have many sorts are lost treasure chests of poetry. Poetry collection we studied in this thesis, containing samples from mintrel literature and Divan literature is a 93 page work which was written in 17th century. In this work, we attempt to give information about poetry collection which is registered at Harvard University, Houghton Library, Turkish Manuscripts with number 59. There are 147 poets' 595 poems in this collection which was constituted by different calligraphists. We prepared latinization of the collection and put it into service of readers and researchers. We hope that all poems and poets we discovered while studying is going to be beneficial for history of literature and science world. Key Words: poetry collections, divan poetry, folk poetry, 17th. century, Houghton Librar

    Modeling and Analysis of sub-Terahertz Communication Channel via Mixture of Gamma Distribution

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    With the recent developments on opening the terahertz (THz) spectrum for experimental purposes by the Federal Communications Commission, transceivers operating in the range of 0.1THz-10THz, which are known as THz bands, will enable ultra-high throughput wireless communications. However, actual implementation of the high-speed and high-reliability THz band communication systems should start with providing extensive knowledge in regards to the propagation channel characteristics. Considering the huge bandwidth and the rapid changes in the characteristics of THz wireless channels, ray tracing and one-shot statistical modeling are not adequate to define an accurate channel model. In this work, we propose Gamma mixture-based channel modeling for the THz band via the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. First, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is applied to characterize the Gamma mixture model parameters, and then EM algorithm is used to compute MLEs of the unknown parameters of the measurement data. The accuracy of the proposed model is investigated by using the Weighted relative mean difference (WMRD) error metrics, Kullback-Leibler (KL)-divergence, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to show the difference between the proposed model and the actual probability density functions (PDFs) that are obtained via the designed test environment. According to WMRD error metrics, KL-divergence, and KS test results, PDFs generated by the mixture of Gamma distributions fit the actual histogram of the measurement data. It is shown that instead of taking pseudo-average characteristics of sub-bands in the wideband, using the mixture models allows for determining channel parameters more precisely.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    UWB gain enhancement of horn antennas using miniaturized frequency selective surface

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    In this work, enhancement of the radiation performances of horn antennas are worked out within their operation bandwidth by placing the miniaturized Frequency Selective Surface (FSS)s perpendicularly into the inner part of their flares. Here each FSS consists of only a single miniaturized double-sided inverted Tshaped square unit cell designed on the low-cost FR4 with relative permittivity 4.4, loss tangent 0.0035 and thickness 1.58 mm in 3D CST environment so that it is able to focus the propagating electromagnetic waves to increase the directivity properties like a dielectric lens, while keeping the mismatching characteristics with less size and low manufacturing cost compared to its counter parts. Herein an exponentially tapered TEM horn with the operation bandwidth of 5-13 GHz is taken as an example horn antenna for measurements. From the measured results of the prototyped module, it can be observed that the proposed module keep mismatching characteristics of the horn antenna, meanwhile the gain and beam widths are enhanced to amplify the signal in the operation band without any increase in the total volume of the module or making the design bulky. Thus, it is expected that this methodology can be implemented to horn antennas effectively reducing volume and cost of communication system