3 research outputs found

    The relationship between Shia and protests in sight of Madlong and Halm

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    The study scrutinizes the relationship between Shia and protest in the era ending in the time of Imam Asgari [Peace be upon him]. Two high-cited orientalists, Madlong and Halm, are considered in this reviewing study and it is similarly but with different deductions inferred from both that the role of Imam in social protests is confirmed. A continuous identified history is given by Madlong for Imam Shia, at least after Imam Jafar Sadegh [P.B.U.H]. He believes that Imam Jurisprudence had completely illuminated the basic concepts of this gilder (Shia) such as Imamat (pontificate) itself. He generally claims a leadership role for Imam in all the aspects of the society including protest. But Halm thinks the main identification of Imam Shia has been recognized in the beginning of the Short Occultation and not before that. Hence the relationship between Shia and protest could not be relevant to Imam Asgari or his ancestors. However, it is possible to look at the topic for all of Imams separately. Key Words: Shia, Protest, Orientalist

    An Analytical Investigation of the Culture of Work in Islam with Emphasis on Quranic Verses and Hadiths

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    Regarding the role of work and activities for the promotion of economic and social life of a society, exerting efforts for promoting the culture of working is a religious and ideological necessity. The culture of working can provide appropriate grounds for hardworking, creativity, innovation, sense of responsibility, and professional conscience, social order and ethics in the great work community. In the divine insights of Islam, work is the origin of acquiring properties and income as well as the key of using natural and God-given resources. Since a lot of individuals are under the influence of these divine insights and teachings, it is obligatory that the genuine concepts of these religions be investigated. Therefore, in the present study, these genuine concepts are drawn in five key principles including emphasis on working, work professionalism, job commitment, traveling to work, and benefits of working so that the culture of work can be investigated in Islam. The method employed in the present study is a descriptive-analytical one. In addition, using valid and primary books, and employing library-documentary data collection method, the related data were collected. The results of the present study indicate that God in the Holy Quran and Imams in their Hadiths, have advised working significantly and warned human beings of laxity and lethargy. Keywords: Islam, emphasis on working, work professionalism, job commitment, travelling to work, benefits of working

    Validation of the Interpretative Narrations of the Alternative Tribe (verse 54 sura Ma'edah) with Emphasis on Fakhr-Razi's Perspective

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    One of the most challenging verses of the Quran is the verse 54 of Sura Ma’edah. This verse is about coming of an alternative nation of apostates. Fakhr-Razi, introducing Abu Bakr as the only example of the verse, considers this verse to be the most compelling reason to prove his righteousness and tries to consolidate his view by other narrations. This descriptive-analytic study, focusing on the Fakhr-Razi’s view, first presents the five general views and arguments of each group regarding alternative tribe, then by validating documents of the traditions based on ‘Ammeh ( Sunni ) sources, proves that their narrational reasons are not authentic. Eventually, it will be proved that the first instance of the verse is Imam Ali (as) and his true companions, and the final example of the verse is Imam Zaman (AS) – may God hasten his reappearance- and his companions