199 research outputs found


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    The development of the cosmetic industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly. This has led to intense business competition between cosmetic companies to attract consumers’ attention. One of the consumers of cosmetic product is a college student. College student also have considerations before choosing the cosmetic products to used. This study aims to determine the effect of brand image, brand trust, price and product quality on consumer loyalty for Emina Cosmetics product on student of the Faculty Economics and Islamic Business UIN SATU Tulungagung class of 2018 batch partially and simultaneously using multiple linear regression analysis. This study uses an associative quantitative approach. The data source used is primary data by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondent who using Emina Cosmetics product with a minimum of two purchase. The results showed that brand image, price and product quality partially have a positive and significant effect on consumer loyalty for Emina Cosmetics products, while brand trust partially has a positive but not significant effect on consumer loyalty for Emina Cosmetics products. Meanwhile, brand image, brand trust, price and product quality simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on consumer loyalty for Emina Cosmetics products with a total effect of 37.7%. Keywords: Brand Image, Brand Trust, Price, Product Quality, Consumer Loyalt

    QuateXelero : an accelerated exact network motif detection algorithm

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    Finding motifs in biological, social, technological, and other types of networks has become a widespread method to gain more knowledge about these networks’ structure and function. However, this task is very computationally demanding, because it is highly associated with the graph isomorphism which is an NP problem (not known to belong to P or NP-complete subsets yet). Accordingly, this research is endeavoring to decrease the need to call NAUTY isomorphism detection method, which is the most time-consuming step in many existing algorithms. The work provides an extremely fast motif detection algorithm called QuateXelero, which has a Quaternary Tree data structure in the heart. The proposed algorithm is based on the well-known ESU (FANMOD) motif detection algorithm. The results of experiments on some standard model networks approve the overal superiority of the proposed algorithm, namely QuateXelero, compared with two of the fastest existing algorithms, G-Tries and Kavosh. QuateXelero is especially fastest in constructing the central data structure of the algorithm from scratch based on the input network

    Impact of the indexed effective orifice area on mid-term cardiac-related mortality after aortic valve replacement

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    Background There has been ongoing controversy as to whether prosthesis-patient mismatch (PPM, defined as indexed effective orifice area (EOAI) <0.85 m(2)/cm(2)) influences mortality after aortic valve replacement (AVR). In most studies, PPM is anticipated by reference tables based on mean EOAs as opposed to individual assessment. These reference values may not reflect the actual in vivo EOAI and hence, the presence or absence of PPM may be based on false assumptions. Objective To assess the impact of small prosthesis EOA on survival after aortic valve replacement AVR. Methods 645 patients had undergone an AVR between 2000 and 2007 entered the study. All patients underwent transthoracic echocardiography for determination of the actual EOAI within 6 months postoperatively. In order to predict time from surgery to death a proportional hazards model for competing risks (cardiac death vs death from other causes) was used. EOAI was entered as a continuous variable. Results PPM occurred in 40% of the patients. After a median follow-up of 2.35 years, 92.1% of the patients were alive. The final Cox regression model showed a significantly increased risk for cardiac death among patients with a smaller EOAI (HR=0.32, p=0.022). The effect of EOAI on the 2-5 year mortality risk was demonstrated by risk plots. Conclusions In contrast to previous studies these EOAI values were obtained through postoperative echocardiography, substantially improving the accuracy of measurement, and the EOAI was modelled as a continuous variable. There was a significantly improved survival for larger EOAIs following AVR. Strategies to avoid PPM should become paramount during AVR


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    Abstract: The University of Indonesia (UI) is the benchmark for all universities in Indonesia. The University of Indonesia has several faculties and general (supporting) areas. One of them is the Library as an educational area, the University of Indonesia Library is expected to have more advantages compared to other educational areas. The incomplete supporting functions in the University of Indonesia Library Area and the untapped potential such as the Kenanga Lake in the same area can be a topic in developing the design. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the user's perception of the function of open space which is qualitative in nature and to map the user's behavioral tendencies. This is to find out the guidelines for library landscape design based on visitors' perceptions of the function of open spaces, where the knowledge, experience, and needs of visitors will be used as the basis for measuring the design of the library landscape. This study used a qualitative method with stratified random sampling using a closed Likert scale (1-5) questionnaire with primary and secondary data collection. Thus, this research and landscape design is expected to create an educational environment that becomes a better place to learn.Abstrak: Universitas Indonesia (UI) menjadi acuan bagi seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia memiliki beberapa fakultas dan umum (penunjang). Salah satunya Perpustakaan sebagai kawasan pendidikan, Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia diharapkan memiliki keunggulan lebih dibandingkan dengan kawasan pendidikan lainnya. Belum lengkapnya fungsi penunjang di Kawasan Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia dan potensi yang belum tergarap seperti Danau Kenanga di kawasan yang sama dapat menjadi topik dalam pengembangan desain. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji persepsi pengguna terhadap fungsi ruang terbuka yang bersifat kualitatif dan memetakan kecenderungan perilaku pengguna. Hal ini untuk mengetahui pedoman perancangan lansekap perpustakaan berdasarkan persepsi pengunjung terhadap fungsi ruang terbuka, dimana pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan kebutuhan pengunjung akan digunakan sebagai dasar pengukuran desain lansekap perpustakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan stratified random sampling menggunakan kuesioner skala Likert tertutup (1-5) dengan pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder. Dengan demikian, penelitian dan desain lansekap ini diharapkan dapat menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang menjadi tempat belajar yang lebih baik.

    The Inflammatory Response to Ventricular Assist Devices

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    The therapeutic use of ventricular assist devices (VADs) for end-stage heart failure (HF) patients who are ineligible for transplant has increased steadily in the last decade. In parallel, improvements in VAD design have reduced device size, cost, and device-related complications. These complications include infection and thrombosis which share underpinning contribution from the inflammatory response and remain common risks from VAD implantation. An added and underappreciated difficulty in designing a VAD that supports heart function and aids the repair of damaged myocardium is that different types of HF are accompanied by different inflammatory profiles that can affect the response to the implanted device. Circulating inflammatory markers and changes in leukocyte phenotypes receive much attention as biomarkers for mortality and disease progression. However, they are seldom used to monitor progress during and outcomes from VAD therapy or during the design phase for new devices. Even the partial reversal of heart damage associated with heart failure is a desirable outcome from VAD use. Therefore, improved understanding of the interplay between VADs and the recipient’s inflammatory response would potentially increase their uptake, improve patient lives, and fuel research related to other blood-contacting medical devices. Here we provide a review of what is currently known about inflammation in heart failure and how this inflammatory profile is altered in heart failure patients receiving VAD therapy

    Pengurusan tapak pelupusan sampah mapan di negeri sabah: kajian kes tapak pelupusan sanitari Kayu Madang Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

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    Masalah pengurusan tapak pelupusan semakin serius di kebanyakan negara terutamanya negara yang bergantung kepada kaedah timbus tanah. Faktor utama masalah tersebut adalah disebabkan oleh kesan sampingan kaedah tersebut seperti pencemaran cecair lesapan, pencemaran bau dan masalah penyakit, ditambah lagi dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang tidak terkawal di beberapa negara membangun. Umumnya, pertambahan jumlah sisa adalah berkadar langsung dengan pertambahan sisa. Oleh itu kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetengahkan elemen utama dalam pengurusan tapak pelupusan yang lebih mapan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, terdapat tiga kaedah pengumpulan data yang digunakan iaitu kaedah temubual pegawai DBKK yang mengendalikan tapak pelupusan dan pusat pengumpul bahan kitar semula dan kaedah soal selidik kepada isirumah di sekitar DBKK, MPKB,MDT,MDPT dan MDPG. Kaedah analisis LCA tu:-ut digunakan untuk mengetahui sumbangan penggunaan bahan kitar semula dalam penjimatan tenaga dan alam sekitar. Peranan masyarakat, pihak swasta dan scavengers dalam menyumbang kepada konsep pengurusan tapak pelupusan mapan juga ditentukan melalui kaedah yang dicadangkan. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat lapan (8) jenis komposisi sisa yang telah dikenalpasti di tapak pelupusan dengan jumlah purata sisa sebanyak 13020.29 tan/bulan. DBKK tidak menggunakan sebarang model pengurusan tapak pelupusan mapan dalam operasi tapak pelupusan. Sumbangan isirumah, pusat pengumpul dan scavengers dalam mengurangkan jumlah sisa ditapak pelupusan masing­masing sebanyak 14.5%/bulan, 11.32%/bulan dan 3.72%/bulan. Analisis LCA mendapati terdapat penjimatan tenaga dalam penghasilan produk baru dengan menggunakan bahan kitar semula berbanding menggunakan bahan asli

    Morphological hallmarks in early stage retinopathy in premature babies (retrolental fibroplasia)

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    Retinopathy in premature babies, also called retrolental fibroplasia, is one of the leading causes of visual impairment in the pediatric population. The condition occurs in developed countries and the pathophysiological mechanisms for its development are due to the overall immaturity of the body, in particular the respiratory system. The need for the baby to be kept in a highly oxygenated environment, against the background of pantissue hypoxia, results in the proliferation of retinal vessels subsequently sprouting into the posterior ocular chamber. As the respiratory system matures, the vessels degenerate and are replaced by connective tissue, which can lead to many complications. In order to detect early vascular changes in the retina, the ocular bulb of a pediatric autopsy case was examined, associated with early changes of premature retinopathy and a single control pediatric autopsy without clinical data on retinal pathology. Both patients were of comparable age - 3 months. In the patient with clinical manifestations of retrolental fibroplasia in the outer layers of the retina, there was profound proliferation of blood vessels, including thick-walled ones, with impaired histoarchitectonics of the retina. The second patient presented with no clinical data and conventional retinal morphology without vascular proliferation. The condition does not require morphological diagnosis. The observational findings of fundoscopy, together with the clinical information, are often specific enough and with good therapeutic interventions - lung rehabilitation, control of the oxygen environment, it is possible for the changes to regress without pathological progression. Morphological diagnosis is indicated only in cases with missing medical records, clinical evidence of visual impairment and the need for differential diagnosis with other disorders in the retina, some of which may have a genetic etiology and pose a potential risk to other relatives

    The Efficacy of Fucoidan on Gastric Ulcer

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    Hyperacidity causes gastric injury, and in severe situations, ulcer could develop. The growth factors known as the basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and the epidermal growth factor (EGF) have been recognized to promote ulcer healing. Fucoidan is extracted from a brown seaweed of Okinawa called Mozuku or Cladosiphon okamuranus. Fucoidan is effective for the healing of gastric ulcers by inducing epithelial cells to produce growth factors. The aim of this study is to explore the efficacy of fucoidan in patient who suffered by gastric ulcer. A randomized control trial double blind was conducted to 33 eligible samples. By using four-blocks random samples were divided into fucoidan and placebo groups. 100 mg of fucoidan was given to the fucoidan group and 100 mg of glucose was given to the placebo group. Due to ethical reasons, for both groups were given a proton pump inhibitor. There was no difference in the age category between the fucoidan group (mean: 46.23 ± 14.8 years) and the placebo group (mean: 46.18 ± 18.4 years) (p: 0.28). There was also no difference in sex between the fucoidan group (female: 10/33; male 7/33) and the placebo group (female: 7/33; male: 9/33); p: 0.38. According to the SAKITA and MIWA criterias 32 patients fulfilled A1 which indicate active severe ulcer, and 1 patient fulfilled A2 which indicate active moderate ulcer. Most of the ulcers were gastric ulcer. There was a significant improvement of the grade of ulcer in fucoidan group (94%) (16/17) compared to placebo group (37.5%) (6/16,p: 0.005). There was a significant reduction of abdominal pain after 5 days in the fucoidan group, compared to the placebo group (p: 0.04). Vomiting tends to decrease in day 6 of the fucoidan group however its proportion is similar with that of the placebo group (p: 0.9). Fucoidan is effective for ulcer healing and reducing ulcer symptoms. Key words : fucoidan, gastric ulcer, anti-peptic activit
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