1,673 research outputs found
Customer Involvement-Based Marketing Performance (An Empirical Study on Furniture Industries at Jepara Regency Central Java Province Indonesia)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the customer involvement-based marketing performance focusing on the marketing innovation on customer involvement of export furniture companies in Jepara. This study used quantitative methods. After the research design is made the next step is to determine the population to generalize objects or subjects that have a certain number and characteristics to be determined and used in the study, determine the sample used, and determine the size of the sample, as well as the sampling technique. The next process is to clarify the variables and define the operational variables of the research to understand the variables and types of variables, the indicators of the research variables and the questionnaire design. In the research instrument, the validity test will be carried out to determine the validity of the questionnaire and the reliability test to measure a questionnaire which is an indicator of a variable or construct. The population sample used was 307 furniture export companies. Model testing in the Structural Equation Model (SEM) is carried out with two tests, namely the model fit test and the causality significance test through the regression coefficient test. The results show that marketing innovation has a significant effect on customer involvement. This study shows that the first hypothesis (H1) is accepted. This means that marketing innovation has a significant effect on customer involvement. A good marketing innovation will make customer involvement even better. Marketing innovation contributes directly to customer involvement by 25.8%
Proposing a Scheme for Human Interactive Proof Test using Plasma Effect
Human Interactive Proofs (HIPs) are automatic inverse Turing tests, which are intended to differentiate between people and malicious computer programs. The mission of making good HIP system is a challenging issue, since the resultant HIP must be secure against attacks and in the same time it must be practical for humans. Text-based HIPs is one of the most popular HIPs types. It exploits the capability of humans to recite text images more than Optical Character Recognition (OCR), but the current text-based HIPs are not well-matched with rapid development of computer vision techniques, since they are either vey simply passed or very hard to resolve, thus this motivate that continuous efforts are required to improve the development of HIPs base text. In this paper, a new proposed scheme is designed for animated text-based HIP; this scheme exploits the gap between the usual perception of human and the ability of computer to mimic this perception and to achieve more secured and more human usable HIP. This scheme could prevent attacks since it's hard for the machine to distinguish characters with animation environment displayed by digital video, but it's certainly still easy and practical to be used by humans because humans are attuned to perceiving motion easily. The proposed scheme has been tested by many Optical Character Recognition applications, and it overtakes all these tests successfully and it achieves a high usability rate of 95%
Modeling Human Capital Impact on the Development of the Iraqi Oil Industry
يمتلك العراق ثاني أكبر احتياطي نفطي مثبت في العالم. ووفقًا لخبراء النفط ، من المتوقع أن يرتفع احتياطي العراق إلى أكثر من 200 مليار برميل من النفط الخام عالي الجودة.
يعد النفط سلعة استراتجية للدول المنتجة والمصدرة بشكل عام وللعراق بشكل خاص اذ برهنت التجارب الدولية بان النفط وسيلة مهمة لتحقيق النمو الاقتصادي واداة مهمة في التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية الشاملة كما انه مصدرا مهما للعملات الصعبة لاي اقتصاد وطني ووسيلة لربط الاقتصاد المحلي بالاقتصاد العالمي .
في هذا البحث سنركز اهتمامنا على اختيار أفضل نموذج انحدار من خلال توظيف قياس أثر راس المال البشري ممثلا بمستويات مختلفة من الكوادر البشرية على انتاجية العمل في تطوير صناعة النفط العراقية من خلال توظيف بيانات سلسلة زمنية مؤلفة من 21 سنة .
سنطبق طريقتين كلاسكيتين شائعتيين لاختيار النموذج خصوصا أسلوب كل الانحدارات الممكنة وكذلك أسلوب الانحدار المتدرج وقد استخدم البرنامج الاحصائي SPSS لاجراء الحسابات المطلوبة .Iraq has the second largest proven oil reserves in the world. According to oil experts, it is expected that the Iraq's reserves to rise to 200+ billion barrels of high-grade crude.
Oil is a strategic commodity for producing and exporting countries in general, and Iraq in particular, as demonstrated by the international experience that oil is an important means to achieve economic growth, an important tool in the overall economic, social and political development. It is also an important source of hard currency for any national economy and a means to connect the local economy and the global economy. In this paper we focus our attention on selecting the best regression model that explain the effect of human capital represented by different levels of human cadres on the development of the Iraqi oil industry by employing the data of a time series consisting of 21years period. Two popular classical procedures were applied to select such model, specifically, all possible regression procedure and the stepwise regression procedures. The statistical program SPSS was employed to perform the required calculations
Extraction, Purification and Characterization of Peroxidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Utility as Antioxidant and Anticancer
يصنف انزيم البيروكسيديز من انزيمات التي تحفز تفاعل الاكسدة والاختزال والذي يحمي الخلايا الحيه من التاثير الضار من الجذور الحرة. يوجد البيروكسيديز في مصادر مختلفه مثل النباتات,الحيونات والمايكروبات.يمتلك البيروكسيديز تطبيقات واسعه في مجال الصناعه والطب وصناعة الاغذيه. في دراستنا الحالية , تم استخدام بكتريا الزوائف الزنجاريه لانتاج انزيم البيروكسيديز.تم عزل البكتريا من مرضى الحروق وتشخيصها باستخدام طرق التصبيغ والفحوصات البايوكميائيه وفحص الحساسية وعن طريق شكل البكتريا حيث اظهرت النتائج بكتريا عصوية سالبة لصبغة كرام اما الفحوصات البايوكميائية فاكدت ان العزلات تعود لبكتريا الزائفة الزنجارية .تم دراسة الظروف المثلى لانتاج الانزيم ووجد ان افضل دالة حامضية هي بحدود 5,5 ودرجة حراره 37 درجه مئوية. تم تنقية الانزيم باستخدام الترسيب بالاملاح, الديلزة, المبادل الايوني, الترشيح الهلامي وكانت اعلى فعالية نوعيه قد اظهرت في خطوة المبادل الايوني بحدود (61وحدة/ملغم). تم استخدام الانزيم المحسن لكبت الجذور الحرة (مضاد للاكسدة) حيث حصلت اعلى نسبة كبت عد فعالية 60 بالمئة وكذلك استخدمه كمثبط للخلايا سرطان الثدي حيث سجلت اعلى نسبة كبح للخلايا السرطانية عند تركيز (15ملغم/مل). Peroxidase is a class of oxidation-reduction reaction enzyme that is useful for accelerating many oxidative reactions that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Peroxidase is found in many common sources like plants, animals and microbes and have extensive uses in numerous industries such as industrial, medical and food processing. In this study, P. aeruginosa was harvested to utilize and study its peroxidases. P. aeruginosa was isolated from a burn patient, and the isolate was verified as P. aeruginosa using staining techniques, biochemical assay, morphological, and a sensitivity test. The gram stain and biochemical test result show rod pink gram-negative bacteria, and ensure that the isolate was that of P. aeruginosa. Optimization for bacterial growth were done by used more than pH (5,7,9) and temperatures (32,35,37°C), and it was found that the best growth conditions were at pH 5.5, producing (4.5x108cells), and a temperature of 37°C, with (5.25x108cells) being produced. Intracellular enzymes were extracted by ultra-sonication that used frequencies of ultrasound 30 kHz for 20 min in 4 °C, and was centrifuged at 13000×g for 5min. The supernatant was then re-used as a crude enzymatic extract and the cell pellet was discarded. Purification of peroxidase was accomplished by using salt precipitation, dialysis, gel filtrations and ion exchange chromatographic techniques. The result shows that gel filtration has optimal specific activity and purification fold at (61 U/ml), purification fold 6 times and then the improvement enzyme was applied as H2O2 scavenging activity antioxidant by used three concentration of enzyme (10,40,60 µg/ml), and show higher scavenging activity at 60 µg/ml, which reached to 45% scavenging activity. The enzyme was also used as anticancer agent, which was verified by using three concentration of enzyme (10,15,20 µg/ml) which show a significant kill for Mcf-7cells at (15µg/ml), with cytotoxicity activity reaching (45%).  
Pitfalls of Microcredit towards Sustainable Economic Development of the Microcredit Borrowers Evidence from Rupsha, a Locality of Bangladesh
This paper endeavors to investigate the pitfalls of microcredit towards sustainable economic development in a specific area of Bangladesh. The study obtained the opinions of 50 families from Rupsha, a locality of Bangladesh through a survey on the pitfalls of Microcredit to ensure sustainable development of the borrowers. To conduct this study, qualitative (expert interview, focus group discussion) and quantitative methods was used. The study is based on primary data collection through semi-structured questionnaires and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The study finds that microcredit institutions charge high interest rate, do not monitor the usage of loan, fail to select right borrowers, do not provide any training to the borrower on effective utilization of loan, frequently loans are used in unproductive sector, short repayment period, gap between the installments is too short, these mentioned pitfalls prevent sustainable economic development of the borrowers. Although in short-term, microcredit plays a significant role to support the borrowers but in long-term it creates burden of loan repayment with high interest rate who fails to use loan properly. Study also finds that microcredit contributes a few borrowers to achieve sustainable development who could utilize the loan properly. Finally, this study comes up with some recommendations to get more benefit from microcredit to ensure sustainable development of the borrowers. Nevertheless, the results of the study are constrained by the size of the sample, area and robustness of the analysis
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) by Statistical Methods
نظام استرجاع الصور هو نظام كمبيوتر لتصفح الصور والبحث فيها واستعادتها من قاعده بيانات ضخمه من الصور المتقدمه. الهدف من أساليب استرجاع الصور المستندة إلى المحتوى (CBIR) هو أساسًا استخراج عدد محدد من الصور المتشابهة في المحتوى المرئي والدلالي ، من قاعدة بيانات كبيرة (للصور) إلى صورة الاستعلام المزعومة. كان الباحثون يطورون آلية جديدة لاسترجاع الأنظمة التي تعتمد بشكل أساسي على إجراءين. يعتمد الإجراء الأول على استخراج الميزة الإحصائية لكل من الصورة الأصلية والتقليدية باستخدام المدرج الإحصائي والخصائص الإحصائية (متوسط ,انحراف معياري). يعتمد الإجراء الثاني على قياس الاستقلال بين أكثر من صوره، (معامل الارتباط ، اختبار T ، مستوى الأهمية ، العثور على القرار) ، ومن خلال الاختبارات التجريبية وجد ان الطريقة المقترحة لتقنية الاسترجاع (T- اختبار) هو افضل من نظام استرجاع الكلاسيكية. An image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, looking and recovering pictures from a huge database of advanced pictures. The objective of Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) methods is essentially to extract, from large (image) databases, a specified number of images similar in visual and semantic content to a so-called query image. The researchers were developing a new mechanism to retrieval systems which is mainly based on two procedures. The first procedure relies on extract the statistical feature of both original, traditional image by using the histogram and statistical characteristics (mean, standard deviation). The second procedure relies on the T- test to measure the independence between more than images, (coefficient of correlate, T- test, Level of significance, find the decision), and, through experimental test, it was found that this proposed method of retrieval technique is powerful than the classical retrieval System
Learning Organization At Madrasa Aliyah Negeri (Public Islamic Senior High School) Of Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province
This study was conducted at MAN 1 and MAN 3, Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province in the field of research and robotics which aims to develop a better Islamic civilization and generate a more advanced Islamic education civilization. This study is field research carried out using a qualitative approach. Observation, interviews, and documentation were used to gather data in this study. The study was conducted at MAN 1 and MAN 3, Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province. The formulation of a vision for Islamic senior high schools (MAN) in Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province, is involving all stakeholders and is carried out by looking at the existing opportunities and challenges. Headmaster or school principal of madrasa (Islamic school) who is visionary to be a professional trainer in order is needed to be able to develop the professionalism of the people he leads through various education and training programs and creates a "tough" culture. The personal personality model at Islamic senior high schools in Tulungagung Regency implement human relations, fosters a sense of kinship and unity, builds the enthusiasm of the educational staff to carry out their duties, and develops their academic potential. The common vision of Islamic senior high schools (MAN) in Tulungagung Regency is to build a madrasa atmosphere to foster consistency in the practice of realizing the vision and being informed to teamwork through the madrasa organizational structure. Implementation of tam learning at Islamic senior high schools (MAN) in Tulungagung Regency by collaborating with various institutions and realizing the vision into several prioritized or superior programs. The recommendation for the spirit of the Learning Organization at Madrasa Aliyah makes sincere deeds a spirit that can transcend the boundaries of time and space. "Sincere deeds" are required to be instilled in the mindset and the inner heart as well as to be manifested in the attitude, behavior, and culture of the madrasa
Zakat as an Alternative of Microcredit for Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh
Multidimensional poverty is a current global issue and nationally still exists in Bangladesh. Microfinance is considered one of the most important programs for poverty reduction. The formal and informal financial sectors are ineffective to serve the poorer section of the communities. Zakat is one of the main philosophies of the Islamic finance, centered on societal well-being and equal delivery of assets. Zakat is mandatory for every Muslim who possesses over a prescribed limit of wealth for at least one continuous year 2.5% of one's wealth is given away to the poor. This research was carried out in the district of Bogra, Bangladesh, to examine the difference of household income between the beneficiaries of only microfinance and beneficiaries of both microfinance and zakat recipients. A total of 400 out of 279,000 women beneficiaries of microfinance were recruited as respondents in which cluster sampling method was deployed. The finding indicates that the average daily, monthly, and yearly income of only microfinance beneficiaries was Tk30.56 (US12.48) and Tk9692 (US0.97), Tk2086.36 (US290) respectively. Using the T values (4.12, 4.14 and 3.70), the study result highlights that there is a statistically significance differences of household income with P. value of 0.00 (P0.05) in between the two groups who benefited from solely microfinance and those who benefited from both microfinance and zakat. The study findings indicate that appropriate utility of zakat was effectual in increasing the household income of microfinance beneficiaries in Bangladesh
Temperature Impacts on the Cardiac Activity of the Snail Pomacea canaliculata from Shatt Al-Arab Region, Basrah, Iraq
لوحظت تأثيرات درجة الحرارة على الحلزون المائي Pomacea canaliculata من منطقة المد والجزر في شط العرب. وأجريت سلسلة من التجارب المختبرية خلال فترة الصيف (2017)، حيث تعرض أفراد من الحلزونات الفاقسة حديثًا (التي جرى تفريخها في المختبر من بيض القواقع البالغة التي تم جمعها من منطقة المد والجز لشط العرب)، عرضت إلى خمس درجات حرارية ثابتة هي: 15، 25، 35، 40 و 45 ºم، بعد تأقلم قصير المدى الحراري، حيث تم عد نبضات القلب (HB) عند كل درجة حرارة. أظهرت النتائج زيادة معنوية (P <0.05) بنبضات القلب مباشرةً من 15 ºم (19.8 نبضة/ دقيقة) حتى درجة حرارة 25 ºم (76 نبضة/ دقيقة)، وكذلك عند المدى الحراري من 25-35 ºم (93 نبضة/ دقيقة). أما عند درجة الحرارة 40 ºم، فقد أظهر الحلزون زيادة طفيفة في نبضات القلب (79 نبضة/ دقيقة). وفي 45 درجة مئوية أصبح نبض القلب غير منتظماً، واظهر نشاط القلب حرارية سلبية (انخفض النبض إلى 50.4 في الدقيقة). تم تسجيل الحد الأدنى من معدل11 نبضة في الدقيقة عند درجة الحرارة 15 ºم، وسجلت القيمة القصوى 119 نبضة/ دقيقة عند درجة الحرارة 40ºم. وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن القوقع P. canaliculata يمكن أن يكون شديد التوتر بسبب تعرضه لدرجة الحرارة العالية خلال أشهر الصيف الطويلة وسوف لن يعد لديه التحمل للعيش في منطقة المد والجزر لشط العرب.The effects of temperature on an exotic aquatic snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1819) collected from the Shatt Al-Arab intertidal zone were investigated. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted during the summer period of 2017. Individuals of new born snails hatched in the laboratory from adult snails were collected from Shatt Al-Arab intertidal zone, and subjected to five fixed temperatures: 15, 25, 35, 40 and 45 Cº, after short term thermal acclimation. The heartbeats (HB) were counted at each temperature level. The results showed significant direct increase of HB from 15 Cº (19.8 HB/min) up to 25 Cº (76 HB/min) (P<0.05) as well as from 25 Cº to 35 Cº (93 HB/min). At 40 Cº the snail HB shows only slight insignificant increase (79 HB/ min). At 45 ºC the HB became irregular and showed negative thermo cardiac activity (HB dropped to 50.4/min). The minimum HB rate of 11/min was recorded at 15 Cº and the maximum value of 119 HB/min was recorded at 40 Cº. The study concluded that P. canaliculata can be highly stressed when exposed to extreme temperature experienced during the prolonged summer months and will no longer tolerate living in the intertidal zone of Shatt Al-Arab
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