35,556 research outputs found

    Video vehicle detection at signalised junctions: a simulation-based study

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    Many existing advanced methods of traffic signal control depend on information about approaching traffic provided by inductive loop detectors at particular points in the road. But analysis of images from CCTV cameras can in principle provide more comprehensive information about traffic approaching and passing through junctions, and cameras may be easier to install and maintain than loop detectors, and some systems based on video detection have already been in use for some time. Against this background, computer simulation has been used to explore the potential of existing and immediately foreseeable capability in automatic on-line image analysis to extract information relevant to signal control from images provided by cameras mounted in acceptable positions at signal-controlled junctions. Some consequences of extracting relevant information in different ways were investigated in the context of an existing detailed simulation model of vehicular traffic moving through junctions under traffic-responsive signal control, and the development of one basic and one advanced algorithm for traffic-responsive control. The work was confined as a first step to operation of one very simple signalcontrolled junction. Two techniques for extraction of information from images were modelled - a more ambitious technique based on distinguishing most of the individual vehicles visible to the camera, and a more modest technique requiring only that the presence of vehicles in any part of the image be distinguished from the background scene. In the latter case, statistical modelling was used to estimate the number of vehicles corresponding to any single area of the image that represents vehicles rather than background. At the simple modelled junction, each technique of extraction enabled each of the algorithms for traffic-responsive control of the signals to achieve average delays per vehicle appreciably lower than those given by System D control, and possibly competitive with those that MOVA would give, but comparison with MOVA was beyond the scope of the initial study. These results of simulation indicate that image analysis of CCTV pictures should be able to provide sufficient information in practice for traffic-responsive control that is competitive with existing techniques. Ways in which the work could be taken further were discussed with practitioners, but have not yet been progressed

    Cd3As2 is Centrosymmetric

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    This is a revised version of a manuscript that was originally posted here in February of 2014. It has been accepted at the journal Inorganic Chemistry after reviews that included those of two crystallographers who made sure all the t's were crossed and the i's were dotted. The old work (from 1968) that said that Cd3As2 was noncentrosymmetric was mistaken, with the authors of that study making a type of error that in the 1980s became infamous in crystallography. As a result of the increased scrutiny of the issue of centrosymmetricity of the 1980's, there are now much better analysis tools to resolve the issue fully, and its important to understand that not just our crystals are centrosymmetric, even the old guy's crystals were centrosymmetric (and by implication everyone's are). There is no shame in having made that error back in the day and those authors would not find the current centrosymmetric result controversial; their paper is excellent in all other aspects. This manuscript describes how the structure is determined, explains the structure schematically, calculates the electronic structure based on the correct centrosymmetric crystal structure, and gives the structural details that should be used for future analysis and modeling.Comment: Accepted by ACS Inorganic Chemistr

    Expansivity and Shadowing in Linear Dynamics

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    In the early 1970's Eisenberg and Hedlund investigated relationships between expansivity and spectrum of operators on Banach spaces. In this paper we establish relationships between notions of expansivity and hypercyclicity, supercyclicity, Li-Yorke chaos and shadowing. In the case that the Banach space is c0c_0 or ℓp\ell_p (1≤p<∞1 \leq p < \infty), we give complete characterizations of weighted shifts which satisfy various notions of expansivity. We also establish new relationships between notions of expansivity and spectrum. Moreover, we study various notions of shadowing for operators on Banach spaces. In particular, we solve a basic problem in linear dynamics by proving the existence of nonhyperbolic invertible operators with the shadowing property. This also contrasts with the expected results for nonlinear dynamics on compact manifolds, illuminating the richness of dynamics of infinite dimensional linear operators

    Adverse Effects of Cholinesterase Inhibitors in Dementia, According to the Pharmacovigilance Databases of the United-States and Canada.

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    This survey analyzes two national pharmacovigilance databases in order to determine the major adverse reactions observed with the use of cholinesterase inhibitors in dementia. We conducted a statistical analysis of the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) and the Canada Vigilance Adverse Reaction Database (CVARD) concerning the side effects of cholinesterase inhibitors. The statistics calculated for each adverse event were the frequency and the reporting odds ratios (ROR). A total of 9877 and 2247 reports were extracted from the FAERS and CVARD databases, respectively. A disproportionately higher frequency of reports of death as an adverse event for rivastigmine, compared to the other acetylcholinesterase inhibiting drugs, was observed in both the FAERS (ROR = 3.42; CI95% = 2.94-3.98; P&lt;0.0001) and CVARD (ROR = 3.67; CI95% = 1.92-7.00; P = 0.001) databases. While cholinesterase inhibitors remain to be an important therapeutic tool against Alzheimer's disease, the disproportionate prevalence of fatal outcomes with rivastigmine compared with alternatives should be taken into consideration

    Hubble's law and faster than light expansion speeds

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    Naively applying Hubble's law to a sufficiently distant object gives a receding velocity larger than the speed of light. By discussing a very similar situation in special relativity, we argue that Hubble's law is meaningful only for nearby objects with non-relativistic receding speeds. To support this claim, we note that in a curved spacetime manifold it is not possible to directly compare tangent vectors at different points, and thus there is no natural definition of relative velocity between two spatially separated objects in cosmology. We clarify the geometrical meaning of the Hubble's receding speed v by showing that in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime if the four-velocity vector of a comoving object is parallel-transported along the straight line in flat comoving coordinates to the position of a second comoving object, then v/c actually becomes the rapidity of the local Lorentz transformation, which maps the fixed four-velocity vector to the transported one.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Am. J. Phy

    Gazeau−-Klauder squeezed states associated with solvable quantum systems

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    A formalism for the construction of some classes of Gazeau−-Klauder squeezed states, corresponding to arbitrary solvable quantum systems with a known discrete spectrum, are introduced. As some physical applications, the proposed structure is applied to a few known quantum systems and then statistical properties as well as squeezing of the obtained squeezed states are studied. Finally, numerical results are presented.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Exchange anisotropy pinning of a standing spin wave mode

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    Standing spin waves in a thin film are used as sensitive probes of interface pinning induced by an antiferromagnet through exchange anisotropy. Using coplanar waveguide ferromagnetic resonance, pinning of the lowest energy spin wave thickness mode in Ni(80)Fe(20)/Ir(25)Mn(75) exchange biased bilayers was studied for a range of IrMn thicknesses. We show that pinning of the standing mode can be used to amplify, relative to the fundamental resonance, frequency shifts associated with exchange bias. The shifts provide a unique `fingerprint' of the exchange bias and can be interpreted in terms of an effective ferromagnetic film thickness and ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interface anisotropy. Thermal effects are studied for ultra-thin antiferromagnetic Ir(25)Mn(75) thicknesses, and the onset of bias is correlated with changes in the pinning fields. The pinning strength magnitude is found to grow with cooling of the sample, while the effective ferromagnetic film thickness simultaneously decreases. These results suggest that exchange bias involves some deformation of magnetic order in the interface region.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
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